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04/11/2023, 09:34 Burchard of Würzburg - Wikipedia

Burchard of Würzburg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Burchard of Würzburg , in German Burkard , or Saint Burcard of Würzburg

Burkhard or in Old English Burgheard ( England , 683
– Homburg am Main , 754 or 755 [1] ), was a German
missionary bishop of English origins; he is venerated as
a saint by the Catholic Church .

Other projects
External links
Copper engraving by Johann Salver (*

Biography 1670 in Forchheim ; † 1738) from the

Würzburg bishops series
Like Saint Boniface, he was Burchard of noble birth. He
was presumably originally from the south of England Bishop
and, again like Saint Boniface, belonged to the Order of
Saint Benedict .
Birth England , 683
The Anglo-Saxon Burchard was probably ordained a
priest at the age of thirty by Saint Boniface himself and Death Triefenstein , 754 or
moved in 713 , or shortly thereafter, with him to the 755
continent to work as a missionary .
Catholic church
He was, before 740/741 , probably the 1st abbot of the by
monastery of Rorlach (today Neustadt am Main ). From
Anniversary February 2
741 until 753 (or 754 ) he was bishop of Würzburg , the
first of that diocese . In the early days of his episcopate, Patron of Würzburg , invoked
he must have still resided, according to the Chronicle of against joint pain,
Lorenz Fries , in Neustadt am Main.
rheumatism in general
He participated in the synods of 743 and 747 . On behalf and kidney stones
of Pepin the Short he went in 750/751 , together with
the abbot Fulrad , from Saint-Denis , near Paris , to
Rome , where he obtained from Pope Zacharias authorization for the dismissal of the last
Merovingian king Childeric III .ürzburg 1/3
04/11/2023, 09:34 Burchard of Würzburg - Wikipedia

In his diocese Burcardo was addressed above all for his institution, since the Franks , despite the
missions entrusted to Saint Chilian and his companions Saint Coloman and Saint Totnano in the
previous century, tended to become pagan again . In 750 Burcard founded the Convent of St.
Andrew in Würzburg , which was later dedicated to St. Burchard.

According to tradition, in 753 or 754 he renounced his episcopal office and became a hermit near
Homburg am Main , where he died the following year. His remains were transferred on 11 October
988 to the convent in Würzburg which he himself had founded over two centuries earlier.

In the Middle Ages, the feast of St. Burcard was celebrated as
the most important feast in the diocese of Würzburg.
Burkardusweck (Burcard loaf, a ring-shaped bread) was a
popular custom at the time .

The saint is invoked against joint pain and rheumatism in

general, as well as against low back pain and kidney stones.

His liturgical memory is reported in the Roman Martyrology on

February 2 ; locally it is also celebrated on October 14th .

1. ^ 753 is also given as the year of his death, see: Friedrich
Wilhelm Bautz, BURCHARD, erster Bischof von Würzburg.
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL),
Band 1, Hamm 1975, Sp. 816–817 (
Statue of St. Burchard on the Old
Bibliography Bridge in Würzburg

in German :

Konrad Schäfer / Heinrich Schießer, Leben und Wirken des hl. Burkhard. In: Bad Neustädter
Beiträge zur Geschichte und Heimatkunde Frankens. Band 4. Bad Neustadt ad Saale 1986,
ISBN 978-3-9800482-4-8 .
Heinrich Wagner, Würzburger Diözesan Geschichtsblätter (WDGB). Band 65, 2003 (Die
Würzburger Bischöfe 741-842), S. 17-43.
Vita Burkardi 1 and 2
A. Wendehorst, Burchard (Nr. 14). In: Lexikon des Mittelalters vol. 2, page. 951.ürzburg 2/3
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Heinrich Hahn, Burghard , Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) Burghard Band 3, Duncker
& Humblot, Leipzig 1876, S. 564–566.

Other projects
Wikimedia Commons ( has images or other
files about Burchard of Würzburg (

External links

Burcard of Würzburg , on , De Agostini .

( EN ) Burchard of Würzburg , in Catholic Encyclopedia , Robert Appleton Company.
( EN ) David M. Cheney , Burchard of Würzburg , in Catholic Hierarchy .
Burcard of Würzburg , on Saints, blessed and witnesses ,
( DE ) Norstadt am Main Gestern und Heute (
ault.aspx?tabid=180) ( Checked 24 June 2011 )
( DE ) Lorenz Fries, Chronik der Bischöfe von Würzburg , Franconica, Universität Würzburg (htt
ps:// (
Checked 24 June 2011 )
( DE ) Burkard ( Biographisch-Bibliographisches
Kirchenlexikon (BBKL)
VIAF ( EN ) 53949932 ( · ISNI ( EN ) 0000 0000 4686
0066 ( · CERL cnp01466832 (https://thesauru · LCCN ( EN ) no2008024738 (
Authority control
ities/names/no2008024738) · GND ( DE ) 118817140 (
0) · WorldCat Identities ( EN ) lccn-no2008024738 (

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This page was last edited on 19 September 2023, at 02:11.

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