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5 Gelombang

5.1 Asas Gelombang

Fundamentals of Waves

1. ayunan; zarah
oscillation; particle
2. vakum; mekanik
vacuum; mechanical
Gelombang membujur Gelombang melintang Gelombang mekanikal
Longitudinal wave Transverse wave Mechanical wave elektromagnet
Electromagnetic wave
Gelombang air
Water wave Cahaya
Cahaya Gelombang air Light
Bunyi Light Water wave Sinar ultraungu
Sound Sinar ultraungu Bunyi Ultraviolet ray
Ultraviolet ray Sound Gelombang mikro
Gelombang mikro Microwave

4. serenjang
perpendicular 5 .2 Pelembapan dan Resonans
Damping and Resonance
5. songsang
1. (a) pelembapan; tenaga
6. (b) Panjang gelombang
damping; energy
Wavelength (b) geseran
(a) (i) (a)(ii)
(c) amplitud; frekuensi asli
amplitude; natural frequency
Regangan Mampatan
Rarefaction Compression
2. (a) Frekuensi suatu sistem yang bergetar tanpa
dipengaruhi oleh daya luar seperti geseran
7. (a) 2 cm atau rintangan
(b) 4 cm Frequency of a system that oscillates without affected by
external force such as friction or resistance

(c) Tempoh / Period
v 20 (b) Sesaran
8. (a) f = = = 5 Hz
λ 4
(b) Berkurang menjadi separuh kerana panjang
gelombang berkadar langsung dengan laju Time

Decreases by half because wavelength is directly
proportional to speed of wave

(c) dua 3. (a) kuat; sama dengan; resonans
two loud; equal to; resonance
(b) kelangsingan; bertambah; asli
pitch; increases; natural

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5.3 Pantulan Gelombang

Reflection of Waves

Sinar pantulan Sinar tuju Normal Sinar pantulan
Reflected ray Incident ray Reflected ray

Sinar tuju
Incident ray r
i Muka Muka
gelombang tuju i gelombang pantulan
Incident wavefront Reflected wavefront

Cermin Petunjuk / Key:

i : Sudut tuju / Incident angle
r : Sudut pantulan / Reflected angle

Sudut tuju / Incident angle, i = Sudut pantulan / Reflected angle, r

2. (a) laju / speed (b)

(b) ulangan bunyi / repeated sound
(c) 20 kHz

3. (a)

4. (a) pantulan; Ultrasonik; mudah

reflection; Ultrasonic; easier
(b) cekung; menumpukan
concave; converges
5. (a) Mengurangkan hakisan pantai
Reduce the erosion of beach
(b) (i) 2.5 m
(ii) v = fλ = 8 (2.5) = 20 m s-1

(c) Berkurang / Decreases

5. 4 Pembiasan Gelombang
Refraction of Waves

1. perubahan laju gelombang apabila suatu gelombang merambat merentasi dua medium yang berlainan
the change of speed of wave when a wave propagates across two different mediums
Kuantiti Gelombang tuju Gelombang biasan
Quantity Incident wave Refracted wave

Frekuensi f f

Laju Rendah / Low Tinggi / High


Panjang gelombang Pendek / Short Panjang / Long


Arah rambatan iaitu sudut dari normal Kecil / Small Besar / Large
Direction of wave travel which is angle from normal

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(a)      (b)

Air dalam Air cetek

Deep water Shallow water
Air cetek Air dalam
Shallow water Deep water

4. (a) • lebih panas; mendekati; Laju; panjang 2.

warmer; towards; Speed; wavelength
Ciri-ciri gelombang Perubahan selepas
Characteristics of wave pembelauan
(b) • dalam; cetek; berkurang; tanjung; The change after
mencapah; cembung; cekung diffraction
deep; shallow; decreases; cape; diverges; convex;
concave Frekuensi Tidak berubah
Frequency Remains unchanged
5. v1 = v2
λ λ Laju Tidak berubah
3 × 10 = v
8 Speed Remains unchanged
600 400
Panjang gelombang Tidak berubah
v = 2 × 108 m s-1 Wavelength Remains unchanged
6. (a) Amplitud Berkurang
Amplitude Decreases

Arah perambatan Tersebar ke

Direction of wave sebahagian kawasan
yang terhalang
Air dalam Spread to partial of blocked
Deep water
Air cetek
8 cm Shallow water
9 cm

(b) Lebih pendek dalam air cetek

Shorter in shallow water
(i) v = fλ
20 = f
f = 5 Hz
(ii) v = fλ
3 () 4. (a) Semakin kecil saiz celah, semakin ketara
kesan pembelauan jika panjang gelombang
v = 15 cm s-1
The smaller the size of slit, the more obvious the effect of
Pembelauan Gelombang diffraction if wavelength is fixed
Diffraction of Waves (b) Semakin besar panjang gelombang,
semakin ketara kesan pembelauan jika saiz
1. merambat melalui suatu celah yang sempit atau celah dimalarkan
terhalang oleh suatu penghalang yang kecil The longer the wavelength, the more obvious the effect
wave propagates through a narrow slit or blocked by a small of diffraction if size of slit is fixed

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5. (a) 3. (a) amplitud; membina

amplitude; constructive
(b) lebih besar
(c) bertambah
(d) lebih rapat; berkurang
closer; decreases

(b) 4.

Garis nod
6. (a) selang-seli; cerah P Nodal line
alternate; bright
(b) panjang gelombang a Garis antinod
wavelength x
Antinodal line
(c) kecil; tersebar
smaller; spread Garis nod
Nodal line

5.6 Interferens Gelombang

Interference of Waves


(a) antinod
(c) nod
(e) D = 4.5 cm
a= 2.0 cm
x= 2.0 cm
(f ) λ = ax = 2.0 (2.0) = 0.89 cm
D 4.5
5. Inferens / Inference:
Jarak dua pembesar suara mempengaruhi
pemisahan dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan
Distance of two loudspeakers affects the separation of two
consecutive loud sounds
Hipotesis / Hypothesis:
Semakin besar jarak dua pembesar suara,
semakin kecil pemisahan dua bunyi kuat yang
The bigger the distance of two loudspeakers, the smaller the
separation of two consecutive loud sound
2. pinggir-pingir cerah dan gelap secara selang-seli Tujuan / Aim:
yang seragam Mengkaji hubung kait antara jarak dua pembesar
alternate bright and dark fringes which are uniform suara dengan pemisahan dua bunyi kuat yang
To investigate the relationship between distance of two
loudspeakers and separation of two consecutive loud sound

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Pemboleh ubah / Variables: PRAKTIS SPM 5

Dimanipulasikan / Manipulated :
Jarak dua pembesar suara / Distance of two KERTAS 1
loudspeakers, a
Bergerak balas / Responding : 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A
Pemisahan dua bunyi berturutan / Seperation of two 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. B
consecutive loud sounds, x
11. B 12. A 13. B 14. D
Dimalarkan / Constant :
Panjang gelombang / Wavelength
Bahan dan Radas / Material and apparatus : KERTAS 2
Bekalan kuasa, penjana audio, dua pembesar Bahagian A
suara seiras, pembaris, kapur.
Power supply, audio generator, two identical loudspeaker, 1. (a) Arah getaran selari dengan arah rambatan
ruler, chalk. Direction of oscillation is parallel with the direction of
wave travels
6. v = fλ → λ = v = 17 = 1.417 cm (b) (i) Sama / Same
f 12
(ii) Permukaan dinding konkrit adalah lebih
λ = ax → D = ax = 2(2 × 3.4) = 9.6 cm keras daripada langsir
D λ 1.417 Concrete wall surface is harder than curtain
7. (a) 3x = 3.3 → x = 1.1 (iii) Amplitud gelombang pantulan bunyi
λ = ax = (1.5)(1.1) = 0.55 m oleh dinding konkrit lebih tinggi
D 3 Amplitude of sound wave reflected by concrete wall
is higher
(b) v = fλ = 600(0.55) = 330 m s–1 (c) (i) Semakin keras permukaan pemantul,
8. (a) Ya / Yes semakin tinggi amplitud bunyi pantulan
(b) Tidak / No The harder the reflector surface, the higher the
amplitude of reflected sound
(c) Tidak / No
(d) Ya / Yes (ii) Semakin tinggi amplitud bunyi
(e) Tidak / No pantulan, semakin tinggi kenyaringan
bunyi pantulan.
The higher the amplitude of reflected sound, the
higher the loudness of reflected sound
5.7 Gelombang Elektromagnet
Electromagnetic Waves (d) Semakin keras permukaan pemantul,
semakin tinggi kenyaringan bunyi pantulan
1. Gelombang yang mempunyai ayunan medan jika kenyaringan bunyi asal dimalarkan.
elektrik dan medan magnet secara serenjang The harder the reflector suface, the louder the reflected
dengan arah rambatannya sound if the loudness of original sound is fixed.
Wave which has oscillation of electric field and magnetic field 2. (a) Berayun pada amplitud yang berbeza / Swing
that are perpendicular to its direction of propagation at different amplitude
2. (a) boleh / can (b) D mengalami pelembapan dan tenaganya
(b) laju / speed berpindah kepada bandul-bandul P, Q, R, S
(c) berserenjang / perpendicular dan T
3. Gelombang radio, gelombang mikro, sinar D undergoes damping and its energy transmits to
pendulums P, Q, R, S, and T
inframerah, cahaya tampak, sinar ultraungu,
(c) • Frekuensi ayunan T sama dengan
sinar-X, sinar gama
Radio wave, microwave, infrared ray, visible light, ultraviolet frekuensi asli S kerana kedua-duanya
ray, X-ray, gamma ray mempunyai panjang yang sama.
4. Frequency of oscillation of T is same with the
natural frequency of S because both have the same
• Bandul S menyerap paling banyak
tenaga dari T berbanding bandul-bandul
Pendulum S absorbs the most energy from T
compared to other pendulums.
3. (a) Perubahan sesaran apabila dua gelombang
Change of displacement when two waves meet
(b) Penapis warna / Colour filter

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Menghasilkan cahaya monokromatik • Gelombang bunyi terbias menjauhi

To produce monochromatic light normal apabila merambat ke lapisan
(c) (i) Kedua-dua warna mempunyai udara atas.
jarak antara dua pinggir cerah yang Sound wave refracted away from normal when
berturutan, x yang seragam it propagates to higher air layer.
Both colours have uniform distance between two • Gelombang bunyi mengalami
consecutive bright fringes, x pantulan dalam penuh di lapisan
(ii) Cahaya merah mempunyai jarak antara udara yang cukup tinggi.
dua pinggir cerah yang berturutan, x Sound wave undergoes total internal reflection
yang lebih besar daripada cahaya hijau in air layer that is high enough.
Red light has greater distance between two • Bunyi dari keretapi terpesong ke
consecutive bright fringes, x compared to green bawah menyebabkannya dapat
light didengari dengan lebih jelas.
(iii) Panjang gelombang cahaya merah lebih Sound from the train bent down causes the
besar daripada cahaya hijau sound can be heard more clearly.
Wavelength of red light is greater than green light (b) (i) 3 × 108 = 6 × 1015 λ
(iv) Semakin besar λ, semakin besar x λ = 5 × 10-8 m
The bigger the λ , the bigger the x 2D
(d) Bertambah/ Increases (ii) 3 × 108 =
0.8 × 10-6
(e) D = 120 m
Kesesuaian Sebab
Suitability Reason

4. (a) (i) Pembelauan / Diffraction Guna gelombang radio Kos penjanaan yang lebih
(ii) Use radio wave murah
Low cost of generation
dari alat
kawalan jauh Panjang gelombang yang Mudah dibelaukan untuk
Waves from
remote control besar menyebarkan siaran
λ Long wavelength Diffracted easily to spread the

(b) (i) λ = v = 3.0 × 104 = 7.5 × 10–3 m

Jarak pengesan isyarat Gelombang pantulan
f 4.0 × 10 dari cakera penerima untuk gelombang tuju
(ii) λ = v = 3.0 × 108 = 0.75 m
8 perlu sama dengan jarak yang selari tertumpu di
f 4.0 × 10 fokus cakera titik fokus cakera
v 3.0 × 108 = 7.5 × 10–7 m Distance of signal tracker from Reflected wave for parallel
(iii) λ = = receiver disc should be equals to incident waves converged at
f 4.0 × 1014
the focal length of the disc focal point of the disc
(c) (i) Y
(ii) Mudah terbelau kerana panjang Penerima isyarat terletak Kurang penghalang yang
gelombang yang besar di tempat tinggi menghalang rambatan
Diffracted easily due to long wavelength Signal receiver located at high gelombang
(d) (i) Ultrasonik / Ultrasonic place Less obstacles which may block
(ii) SONAR untuk menentu kedalaman laut the wave propagation
SONAR to determine the depth of sea
J terpilih kerana gelombang radio
(e) elektromagnet / elektromagnetic J is chosen digunakan, panjang
gelombangnya besar,
Bahagian B jarak pengesan dari
5. (a) (i) Suhu / Temperture cakera penerima sama
(ii) • Laju gelombang bertambah dengan dengan jarak fokus cakera
suhu lapisan udara atas yang lebih dan penerima isyarat
tinggi. terletak di tempat tinggi.
Speed of wave increase with the higher because radio wave is used, the
temperature of higher air layer. wavelength is short, the distance
• Semakin laju, semakin besar panjang of signal tracker from the
gelombang. receiver disc equals to the focal
The higher the speed, the longer the wavelength. length of disc, and the signal
receiver is located at high place

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Bahagian C Merendahkan amplitud

Sono // Alat
6. (a) Amplitud ialah sesaran maksimum dari titik bunyi melalui interferens
pembatalan bunyi
keseimbangan Sono // Sound cancelation memusnah
Amplitude is the maximum displacement from device Reduce the amplitude of sound
equilibrium point through destructive interference
(b) (i) • Jarak bola pingpong dari pembesar
suara adalah sama
Distance of ping pong ball from loudspeaker is
the same for both cases Fokus KBAT
• Amplitud ayunan bola pingpong
dalam kes kedua adalah lebih tinggi x / mm
daripada kes pertama
Amplitude of oscillation of ping pong ball in
the second case is higher than the first case 1.8

• Kenyaringan bunyi dalam kes kedua

adalah lebih tinggi daripada kes
pertama 1.4
Loudness of sound in the second case is higher
than the first case
(ii) Semakin tinggi kenyaringan bunyi,
semakin besar amplitud 1.0
Louder sound, greater amplitude
(iii) Jisim bola pingpong / Mass of the ping pong 0.8
(c) (i) Frekuensi ultrasonik tinggi // Panjang 0.6
gelombang pendek // Ultrasonik mudah
terpantul 0.4
Frequency of ultrasonic is high // Wavelength is
short // Ultrasonic can be reflected easily 0.2
(ii) Ikan lumba-lumba memancarkan
ultrasonik ke arah mangsanya 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Dolphin emits ultrasonic towards its prey

(d) (1.0 – 0) × 10–3
(a) Kecerunan, k =
Cadangan Sebab Gradient, (2.0 – 0)
Suggestion Reason = 5 × 10–4

Guna gelombang Frekuensinya tinggi, dapat Dari, λ = ax

menembus atmosfera From,
Use microwave
High frequency, able to penetrate x= λ D
atmosphere a
Luas permukaan yang lebih Banding dengan x = kD + 0
Cakera penerima besar untuk mengumpul Compare with
dengan diameter besar gelombang yang lebih k= λ
Receiver disc with large
banyak λ
diameter Larger surface area to collect more 5 × 10 =

0.1 × 10 –2
λ = 5 × 10–7 m
Cakera berbentuk Menumpukan gelombang
cekung pantulan (b) Bertambah / Increases
Concave shape disc To converge the reflected waves x berkadar terus dengan λ dan panjang
gelombang bagi cahaya hijau lebih panjang
Pemancar isyarat Kurang penghalang yang
daripada cahaya biru
terletak di tempat menghalang rambatan
x is directly proportional to λ and wavelength for green light is
tinggi gelombang longer than blue light
Signal transmitter located at Less obstables which may block the
high place wave propagation

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