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4th VS 5th year

To begin with, in the 4th year you still have used books, on the contrary
that in the 5th year you need to write everything down. This is truly
hard to do in the first few weeks as the teachers go quicker and don’t
stop all the time. I think the explanation why teachers go faster is due
to the degree they have to obtain.
Secondly, in order to get good grades you can’t start to study the day
before. In some studies such as Englisch or mathematiques you have to
survey 3 or 4 times to pass the test? The argument is because the
content of the tests are larger, whereas the tests in the 4th year were
genuinely simple.
Last but not least, even though the tests in the 4th year have a lot of
pressure since you have to choose your new school direction, the 5th
year has way more stress thanks to there being no exam in Eastern.
Many people will think that when you don’t have an exam period you
will get less stress, nevertheless you can only get an A- or C-attestation
at the end of the year. So that means that unless you don’t study
weekly, you will get a C-attestation.
I don’t care how much I have to study, as long as I pass the year.

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