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Before proceeding with the activity, the project proponent must first provide an orientation for the

Cuta, Central Barangay Officials and Chairman on the activities that will be carried out during the
project. The project proponent is to first discuss the project's 5 phases as well as the materials that will
be required for its implementation. In line to the project title, “Duck,Cover and hold me Forever”, these
strategies will be followed by the project proponents for a better program flow to meet the end goal:

A. Phase 1.A: Consultation with Barangay Officials and the SK in Cuta,Central Barangay Officials

The project proponent will inform the Barangay Officials and the SK regarding the current issue
experienced by the barangay community. Inform them by discussing the project’s proponent.

B. Phase 1.B: Discuss the project that will help the community

This part of the project focuses on the construction of the materials to be used. The SK and barangay
officials will utilize how many teens could be the listener. The project proponent and the chairman
will be helping the community to assure that everyone who are free and a teenager is participating
in the project

C. Phase 2.A: Gather the materials needed, encode, and print

Before starting with the posting of signage for each sitio, officials and the project proponent will
need to acquire certain materials for the project. Papers, printers, and, of course, the altered
posters are required for the posters.

D. Phase 2.B: Posting of signages in every sitio of Cuta,Central Batangas

Every sitio needs Inforrmation signs to alert people that we will be have a seminar and training for
disaster risk management. The SK and the project proponent will be accompanied by barangay
authorities to ensure that the signage is posted in a place that is accessible and visible to everybody
for proper information dissemination.



E. Phase 1.A
F. Phase 2. B
Yang dalwa gawan mo ng during
I: Phase 5: Farewell meeting with the barangay and feedback discussion

We’ll be holding a farewell meeting with the barangay to say goodbye and thank them for making
the initiative happen. We will also review the feedback provided by the inhabitants of Barangay
Cuta,Central in order to provide a fresh cause for us to do better in future programs and activities.

Then lagyan mo to ng conclusion

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