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Тема* Вид* Нови понятия

1 Hi! What are you doing here? УПР
2 Unit 1 1a I’ve got some photos. ПК
3 Unit 1 1a I’ve got some photos. НЗ Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
with some, any, a/an and no Vocabulary: House
and furniture
4 Unit 1 1b It was raining when we landed НЗ Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
with some, any, a/an and no Vocabulary: House
and furniture
5 Unit 1 1b It was raining when we landed НЗ Grammar: Past simple and past continuous with
when and while Vocabulary: Jobs

6 Unit 1 1c How much are they? НЗ Grammar: Past simple and past continuous with
when and while Vocabulary: Jobs
7 Unit 1 1c How much are they? НЗ Grammar: Wh-questions; Question words
Pronunciation: Intonation in Wh-questions
Vocabulary: Clothes
8 Diagnostic test НЗ Grammar: Wh-questions; Question words
Pronunciation: Intonation in Wh-questions
Vocabulary: Clothes
9 Unit 1 1d Teenage fashion in Britain - p. 14 УПР
(Where do you buy your clothes?
10 Unit 1 1d Teenage fashion in Britain - p. 14 УПР
(Where do you buy your clothes?
11 Unit 1 1e A friend whose fashion style I УПР
12 Unit 1 1e A friend whose fashion style I УПР
13 Unit 1 Language Revision УПР
14 Unit 1 Unit test 1 УПР
15 Unit 2 2а It’ll be cool. НЗ Grammar: Future with going to and will
Vocabulary: Types of music and musical
16 Unit 2 2а It’ll be cool. НЗ Grammar: Future with going to and will
Vocabulary: Types of music and musical
17 Unit 2 2b A dog which bends. НЗ Grammar: Defining relative clauses with who,
which and where. Present simple with fixed
times (for future) Vocabulary: Types of films
18 Unit 2 2b A dog which bends. НЗ Grammar: Defining relative clauses with who,
which and where. Present simple with fixed
times (for future) Vocabulary: Types of films

19 Unit 2 2c They’re the best films ever! НЗ Grammar: Comparison of adjectives: much +
comparative adjective; (not) as…as;
Superlatives Noun determiners all / most /
some / none / both (of) Vocabulary: Adjectives
of opinion
20 Unit 2 2c They’re the best films ever! НЗ Grammar: Comparison of adjectives: much +
comparative adjective; (not) as…as;
Superlatives Noun determiners all / most /
some / none / both (of) Vocabulary: Adjectives
of opinion
21 Unit 2 2d Dream job for a day УПР
22 Unit 2 2d Dream job for a day УПР
23 Unit 2 Language Revision УПР
24 Unit 2 Skills Revision Units 1& 2 p.27 Unit УПР
test 2
25 Test 1 (Unit 1 – 2) ПК
26 Unit 3 3а Have you ever been to Canada? НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with ever,
never The definite article with places.
Vocabulary: Holiday activities
27 Unit 3 3а Have you ever been to Canada? НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with ever,
never The definite article with places.
Vocabulary: Holiday activities
28 Unit 3 3b It hasn’t arrived yet. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with just,
already and yet Pronunciation: /ʊ/ book, /u:/ you
29 Unit 3 3b It hasn’t arrived yet. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with just,
already and yet Pronunciation: /ʊ/ book, /u:/ you
30 Unit 3 3c He sang a rock song. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with just,
already and yet Vocabulary: Music
31 Unit 3 3c He sang a rock song. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with just,
already and yet Vocabulary: Music
32 Unit 3 3d Holiday places УПР
33 Unit 3 3d Holiday places УПР
34 Unit 3 3e Would you like to come and stay? УПР
35 Unit 3 3e Would you like to come and stay? УПР
36 Unit 3 Language Revision Unit 3 УПР
37 Unit 3 Unit test 3 УПР
38 Unit 4 4a Such an embarrassing story НЗ Grammar: so + adjective/adverb (that)… such
a/an + adjective + noun (that) so many/much +
noun (that)… verb + so much (that)…
Vocabulary: Adjectives of emotion -ed and –ing
39 Unit 4 4a Such an embarrassing story НЗ Grammar: so + adjective/adverb (that)… such
a/an + adjective + noun (that) so many/much +
noun (that)… verb + so much (that)…
Vocabulary: Adjectives of emotion -ed and –ing
40 Unit 4 4b I wasn’t really listening… НЗ Grammar: Past continuous + past simple with
when, while, as Past simple + Past simple with
when Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with up

41 Unit 4 4b I wasn’t really listening… НЗ Grammar: Past continuous + past simple with
when, while, as Past simple + Past simple with
when Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with up
42 Unit 4 4c Will I be able to touch a spider? НЗ Grammar: be able to
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with in
43 Unit 4 4c Will I be able to touch a spider? НЗ Grammar: be able to
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs with in
44 Unit 4 4d Addicted to computer games УПР
45 Unit 4 4d Addicted to computer games УПР
46 Unit 4 Language Revision УПР
47 Unit 4 Skills Revision Units 3& 4 - УПР
48 Skills Test 2 (Unit 3 – 4) ПК
49 Unit 5 5a Too big to see it all on foot НЗ Grammar: too +adjective/adverb + to (not) +
adjective/adverb + enough to Vocabulary:
Adjectives and nouns of measurement Transport
50 Unit 5 5a Too big to see it all on foot НЗ Grammar: too +adjective/adverb + to (not) +
adjective/adverb + enough to Vocabulary:
Adjectives and nouns of measurement Transport

51 Unit 5 5b You can’t miss it. НЗ Grammar: Prepositions of place and movement
Pronunciation: sentence stress and rhythm
Vocabulary: Places in town
52 Unit 5 5b You can’t miss it. НЗ Grammar: Prepositions of place and movement
Pronunciation: sentence stress and rhythm
Vocabulary: Places in town
53 Unit 5 5c We throw away too many things. НЗ Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
with too many, too much, not enough Indefinite
pronouns Vocabulary: Landscape and
54 Unit 5 5c We throw away too many things. НЗ Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
with too many, too much, not enough Indefinite
pronouns Vocabulary: Landscape and
55 Unit 5 5d Sightseeing – by land, sea or air! УПР
56 Unit 5 5d Sightseeing – by land, sea or air! УПР
57 Unit 5 5е A great city УПР
58 Unit 5 5е A great city УПР
59 Unit 5 Language Revision УПР
60 Unit 5 Unit test 5 УПР
61 Unit 6 6a I’ve just told you. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple – place of time
adverbials ever, never, just, already and yet
Vocabulary: Household jobs
62 Unit 6 6a I’ve just told you. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple – place of time
adverbials ever, never, just, already and yet
Vocabulary: Household jobs
63 Unit 6 6b He asked me out. НЗ Grammar: Time adverbials with Past Simple and
Present Perfect Simple Prepositions during and
for with Past Simple should/shouldn’t
Vocabulary: Relationship words and phrases (1)

64 Unit 6 6b He asked me out. НЗ Grammar: Time adverbials with Past Simple and
Present Perfect Simple Prepositions during and
for with Past Simple should/shouldn’t
Vocabulary: Relationship words and phrases (1)

65 Unit 6 6c Tips which can help. - p. 62 НЗ Grammar: Defining relative clauses (2) with
who, which, that, whose, where Vocabulary:
Family Pronunciation: /æ/ family, /a:/ father
66 Unit 6 6c Tips which can help. НЗ Grammar: Defining relative clauses (2) with
who, which, that, whose, where Vocabulary:
Family Pronunciation: /æ/ family, /a:/ father
67 Unit 6 6d Online bullying - p. 64 (Jobs for УПР
cash - p. 103)
68 Unit 6 6d Online bullying - p. 64 (Jobs for УПР
cash - p. 103)
69 Unit 6 Language Revision УПР
70 Unit 6 Skills Revision Units 5&6 УПР
71 Test 3 (Unit 5 – 6) ПК
72 Unit 7 7a I haven’t seen the sun for weeks. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with for and
since. How long? Vocabulary: Collocations with
make and do
73 Unit 7 7a I haven’t seen the sun for weeks. НЗ Grammar: Present perfect simple with for and
since. How long? Vocabulary: Collocations with
make and do
74 Unit 7 7b It might snow. НЗ Grammar: will/won’t/may/might for predictions;
adverbs of probability: certainly/definitely,
probably, perhaps/maybe Sentence linking with
because Vocabulary: Holidays Pronunciation: /ʒ/
leisure, /ʃ/ shoes
75 Unit 7 7b It might snow. НЗ Grammar: will/won’t/may/might for predictions;
adverbs of probability: certainly/definitely,
probably, perhaps/maybe Sentence linking with
because Vocabulary: Holidays Pronunciation: /ʒ/
leisure, /ʃ/ shoes
76 Unit 7 7c If you take too long, I’ll… НЗ Grammar: First conditional with if Vocabulary:
Computer language
77 Unit 7 7c If you take too long, I’ll… - p. 72 НЗ
78 Unit 7 7d International social customs - p. 74 УПР
(Social customs, p. 104)
79 Unit 7 7d International social customs УПР
80 Unit 7 7е I’ll meet you at the station. - p. 76 УПР
81 Unit 7 7е I’ll meet you at the station. - p. 76 УПР
82 Unit 7 Language Revision - p. 77 УПР
83 Unit 7 Unit test 7 УПР
84 Unit 8 8a You’ll sleep in tents. НЗ Grammar: Future tenses: will, going to, present
continuous little/a little, few/a few Vocabulary:
Food and kitchen equipment Pronunciation:
Intonation in lists
85 Unit 8 8a You’ll sleep in tents. НЗ Grammar: Future tenses: will, going to, present
continuous little/a little, few/a few Vocabulary:
Food and kitchen equipment Pronunciation:
Intonation in lists
86 Unit 8 8b You’re not allowed to watch TV. НЗ Grammar: Prohibition: mustn’t, can’t, not be
allowed to make / let
87 Unit 8 8b You’re not allowed to watch TV. НЗ Grammar: Prohibition: mustn’t, can’t, not be
allowed to make / let
88 Unit 8 8c They had to make a new rule. НЗ Grammar: Present and past rules and obligation:
must/have to Vocabulary: Sport (equipment,
people and actions)
89 Unit 8 8c They had to make a new rule. НЗ Grammar: Present and past rules and obligation:
must/have to Vocabulary: Sport (equipment,
people and actions)
90 Unit 8 8d You and your food. - p. 84 (A УПР Grammar: Present and past rules and obligation:
school trip ) must/have to Vocabulary: Sport (equipment,
people and actions)
91 Unit 8 8d You and your food. - p. 84 (A УПР Grammar: Present and past rules and obligation:
school trip must/have to Vocabulary: Sport (equipment,
people and actions)
92 Unit 8 Language Revision - УПР
93 Unit 8 Skills Revision Units 7& 8 УПР
94 Test 4 (Unit 7 – 8) ПК
95 Unit 9 9а If she’s here, we’ll invite her. НЗ Grammar: First conditional with if/unless will
future with when/ as soon as Vocabulary:
Adjectives with prefixes: un-, in-, and im-

96 Unit 9 9а If she’s here, we’ll invite her. НЗ Grammar: First conditional with if/unless will
future with when/ as soon as Vocabulary:
Adjectives with prefixes: un-, in-, and im-
97 Unit 9 9b In spite of your faults, НЗ Grammar: Clauses and linkers of contrast
Vocabulary: Relationship words and phrases (2)
98 Unit 9 9b In spite of your faults, НЗ Grammar: Clauses and linkers of contrast
Vocabulary: Relationship words and phrases (2)
99 Unit 9 9c It’s so different from London. НЗ Grammar: Adverbs of degree: a bit, quite, very,
etc. Vocabulary: Adjectives with prepositions
100 Unit 9 9c It’s so different from London. НЗ Grammar: Adverbs of degree: a bit, quite, very,
etc. Vocabulary: Adjectives with prepositions
101 Unit 9 9d The end-of-year party УПР
102 Unit 9 9d The end-of-year party УПР
103 Unit 9 9e Looking back УПР
104 Unit 9 9e Looking back - УПР
105 Unit 9 Language Revision УПР
106 Unit 9 Unit test 9 УПР
107 End of year Revision УПР
108 End of year test ПК

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