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Sample Paper Term 1

Subject: English

Grade 7

Max. Marks: 40 Duration: 2 Hours

General Instructions:

● Read the questions carefully and present your answers neatly.

● Marks for each question are allocated in brackets along with the questions.
● It is mandatory to answer all questions.
● This question paper contains 4 pages and 8 questions.
● Do not write anything on the question paper.
● Kindly adhere to the word limit mentioned for each question.

Question 1 Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow: (10 marks)

A Bird Came Down the Walk

-by Emily Dickinson

A bird came down the walk:

He did not know I saw;

He bit an angle-worm in halves

And ate the fellow, raw.

And then he drank a dew

From a convenient grass,

And then hopped sidewise to the wall

To let a beetle pass.

He glanced with rapid eyes

That hurried all around,

— They looked like frightened beads, I thought;

He stirred his velvet head

Like one in danger; cautious,

I offered him a crumb,

And he unrolled his feathers

And rowed him softer home

Than oars divide the ocean,

Too silver for a seam,

Or butterflies, off banks of noon,

Leap, flashless, as they swim.

Answer the following questions based on your reading:

(i) What does the bird do immediately after eating the worm? (1)

a) It flies away to another tree.

b) It drinks dew from grass.
c) It sings a cheerful song.
d) It searches for more food.

(ii) How does the bird react when the speaker offers it a crumb? (1)

a) It accepts the crumb eagerly.

b) It flies away quickly.
c) It ignores the crumb.
d) It chirps loudly.

(iii) In the poem, why does the bird hop sidewise to the wall? (1)

a) To escape the speaker's gaze.

b) To catch a beetle.
c) To rest for a moment.
d) To hide from other birds.

(iv) In the poem, what does the phrase "And he unrolled his feathers" suggest about the bird's
reaction to the speaker's cautious gesture? (1)

a) The bird was alarmed by the gesture.

b) The bird felt threatened and defensive.
c) The bird displayed a more relaxed and comfortable demeanor.
d) The bird was preparing to fly away.

(v) How does the speaker describe the bird's eyes? (1)

(vi) Why does the speaker say the bird stirred his velvet head "Like one in danger"? (1)

(vii) How does the bird's behavior change after it eats the worm in the poem "A Bird Came Down
the Walk"? (1)
(viii) Identify one poetic device used in the poem "A Bird Came Down the Walk" by Emily
Dickinson and explain how it enhances the imagery or meaning of the poem. (1)

(ix) What does the speaker offer to the bird in "A Bird Came Down the Walk," and why is this
action significant? (2)

Question 2 (0.25 *12 = 3 marks)

Fill in the blanks using appropriate verbs that agree with the subject.

The group of friends, each with their own unique interests, (i)________ (plan) an exciting road
trip across the country. They (ii)________ (pack) their bags with enthusiasm, making sure to
include all the essentials for the journey. The itinerary (iii)________ (include) visits to famous
landmarks, national parks, and quirky roadside attractions.

As they (iv)________ (drive) through diverse landscapes, they (v)________ (encounter)

unexpected challenges, such as sudden weather changes and detours. Despite these obstacles, their
spirits (vi)________ (remain) high, and they (vii)________ (find) joy in the simple pleasures of
the open road.

During their adventure, the friends (viii)________ (meet) people from various backgrounds,
each with their own stories to share. These interactions (ix)________ (broaden) their
perspectives and (x)________ (teach) them valuable life lessons.

Question 3 (0.25 * 12 = 3 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb forms.

Last summer, my family and I (i) _________ (take) a trip to the mountains. The weather (ii)
_________ (be) perfect, and we (iii) _________ (plan) to go hiking. As we (iv) _________
(climb) higher, the views (v)_______(become) more breathtaking.

At the summit, we (vi) _________ (stop) to catch our breath. The scenery (vii) _________
(stretch) as far as the eye (viii) _________ (see), and we (ix) _________ (feel) a sense of
accomplishment. We (x) _________ (sit) down and (xi) _________ (enjoy) a picnic lunch
while taking in the magnificent surroundings.

Afterward, we (xii)_______(descend) the mountain, tired but filled with incredible memories of
the adventure.
Question 4 (6 marks)

Write a diary entry in 100-120 words about your favourite festival. Be sure to include details like
how you felt, your favourite part and why it is your favourite festival.


Imagine you came about a superpower for day. Write a diary entry in 100-120 words describing
what you did with your superpower, how you realized you had it and what you intend to do with it
in the future.

Question 5 (4 marks)

Write a dialogue between two friends, Sam and Maya, who are planning their upcoming school
field trip? They should discuss their excitement, what they expect to see, and any preparations they
need to make. The dialogue should consist of about 8 exchanges.


Imagine your friend Shivansh is leaving the school and moving to Canada. Write an exchange
between you and Shivansh about how you will bid him goodbye. Ensure to give your character a
name. The dialogue should consist of about 8 exchanges.

Question 6 (4 marks)

Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow:

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

1. Name the poem and the poet of the above lines

2. Which wealth is referred to by the poet?
3. Whom did the daffodils out do and how?
4. Which jocund company is the poet referring to?

Question 7 (3*2 = 6 marks)

Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words:

1. In the poem, Daffodils, what do you think the poet means by the ‘inward eye’ which is ‘bliss
of solitude’?
2. In the story, The Carew Murder Case, who is murdered and how is the murder described?
3. What details are given in the text that show us the witness’ character? Pick out three pieces
of evidence and explain them.

Question 8 (4 marks)

Answer the following question in 60-80 words:

In chapters 1–3 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, what do we find about the character of
Boo Radley? What details are revealed and how do the kids in the story react towards those

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