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Galaxy – any of the systems of stars and interstellar

matter that make up the universe.

Stephan’s Quintet – compact group of galaxies, located in
the constellation Pegasus. 1. Spiral Galaxy – rotating disc with spiral 'arms'
2. Elliptical Galaxy – shapes that range from
completely round to oval.
3. Irregular Galaxy – don’t have a single common
universe (n.) – from Latin unus; versus, vertere;
universum, universus – from Old French univers

“The whole world, cosmos, the totality of existing things”

True or False

cosmos (n.) – Greek kosmos ✓ EARTH IS THE ONLY PLANET NOT NAMED AFTER
➢ “The universe, the world” PLANETS. (EARTH IS THE DENSEST)
➢ “An orderly harmonious systematic universe” ✓ SATURN HAS THE MOST MOONS AMONG ALL

The Big Bang

Facts About the Earth
➢ Edwin Hubble, 1929 – observed that all galaxies
were moving away from one another. ➢ The planet is recycled.
➢ By plotting these motions, he surmised a common ➢ There’s uneven gravity.
starting point and time. ➢ Coral reefs are the largest living structures.
➢ Expanded – creating the universe, space, time, ➢ There was once a supercontinent.
matter, and energy. ➢ Trees are breathing giant.
➢ Calculating back from the galaxies, we get a
starting point in time of 13.7 bya.
➢ Radiation Era – it is the era during Bigbang wherein Terrestrial Planets (4 inner planets)
the inflationary epoch happened.
➢ Hadron epoch – It is an epoch where it is cool 1. Mercury – closest to the Sun, is a small, heavily
enough for force to bind and form protons and cratered planet with almost no atmosphere.
neutrons. 2. Venus – has a thick atmosphere of carbon
➢ Redshift – Edwin Hubble proposed this wherein the dioxide that captures much of the solar radiation
farther a galaxy is away from us, the redder the that reaches the planet.
light will appear. 3. Earth – has plate tectonics and also a strong
magnetic field caused by its rotating, molten iron
outer core. Oceans cover 71% of the planet's
Main Objects in the Universe surface.
4. Mars – has two 2 moons named Phobos and
1. Stars - any massive self-luminous celestial body of Deimos. Mars lost most of its atmosphere some-
gas that shines by radiation derived from its time in the past, and now it is so cold that liquid
internal energy sources. cannot exist in large quantities in its surface.
2. Solar Systems – a star and other objects such as
planets and/or other stars and other materials that Asteroids – a rocky fragments concentrated in an
orbit it. orbit between Mars and Jupiter.
Gas Giants Orderly motions of the solar system

1. Jupiter – the largest planet in the solar system, ➢ direct result of the solar system’s beginnings in a
consists of hydrogen and helium with a rocky spinning, flattened cloud of gas and dust.
2. Saturn – similar to Jupiter, but it has a beautiful
system of delicate, icy rings around the planet. FORMATION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM
3. Uranus – has arguably the oddest moon in the
solar system. 1. A gravitational collapse occurs at the center of the
4. Neptune – very similar in size and composition cloud.
to Uranus. Both planets are gaseous and have 2. From this collapse, pockets of dust and gas began
blue color. to collect into denser regions.
3. As the denser regions pulled in more and more
Pluto – is a tiny body with an icy surface and an unusual matter, conservation of momentum caused it to
orbit. Once considered to be the ninth planet. begin rotating, while increasing pressure caused it
to heat up.
Dwarf Planet – these are massive, round, and orbit
4. Most of the material ended up in a ball at the
around the sun but haven’t cleared their orbital path.
center while the rest of the matter flattened out
into disk that circled around it.

How old is our Solar System? ➢ While the ball at the center formed the Sun, the rest
➢ approximately 9 billion years after the formation of the material would form into the protoplanetary
of the universe, or 4.6 billion years before the disc or accretion disk.
present. ➢ The planets formed by accretion from this disc, in
which dust and gas gravitated together and
coalesced to form ever larger bodies.
Solar Nebula Theory (Modern Laplacian Theory) 6 Thing that Make Life on Earth Possible
➢ A combination of the work of different scientists 1. Our location is far from many hazards.
in order to explain solar formation, planetary 2. Our sun is a stable and long-lasting star.
formation, and planetary orbits. 3. We’re at just the right distance from the sun.
➢ Answered the original Laplacian Model’s angular 4. We have the right stuff to host a dynamic core.
momentum problem by introducing drag created 5. We have a big moon to stabilize our axal wobble.
by dust particles in the protoplanetary disk. 6. We have an ozone layer to block harmful rays.
➢ Supported by the discovery of apparently young
stars that were surrounded by disks of cool dust.
➢ Further supported by the observation of excess
infrared radiation in many stars that indicate the
presence of disks of cooler material orbiting
around those stars.

Nebular Collapse
1. Temperatures continued to increase.
2. The solar nebula spun faster and faster.
3. The solar nebula disk flattened.

- aira cute

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