Food and Drug Interactions

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Food & Drug Interactions

Take with food

Ceftin - Cardene - Biaxin - Keflex - Demadex - Augmentin - Ceclor - Ticlid

Take 15 minutes before food

Prilosec - Propulsid

Take on an empty stomach

(1 hour before or 2 hours after food) Prevacid - Zithromax - Carafate - Ampicillin

May take with or without food

Effexor - Prozac(avoid alcohol) - Pamelor(limit caffeine)

Take with food - Avoid alcohol

Xanax - Zoloft - Paxil - Restoril - Desyrel - Buspar - Klonopin - Flagyl

Take with food - Avoid alcohol - Limit caffeine

Ativan - Valium - Elavil

Take on empty stomach - Avoid alcohol

Isordil - Monoket - Procanbid - Sorbitrate - Nitroglycerin - Pronestyl - Imdur - Quinidine Sulfate - Ismo

Gastrointestinal Medications
Axid - take with food. Avoid alcohol, limit caffeine, may need a bland diet. Tagamet - take with food. Avoid alcohol, limit caffeine, may need a bland diet. Take iron
supplement separately by 2 hours.

Zantac/Pepcid - may take with or without food. Avoid alcohol. limit caffeine, may need a
bland diet.

Take the following on an empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours after food.

Floxin/Noroxin- take with 8 ounces of water. Drink plenty of fluids.

Tetracycline - do not take milk, dairy products, iron or calcium supplements, antacids or
mineral supplements within 1 hour before or 2 hours after taking this medication. Take with 8 ounces of water.

Penicillin- avoid taking with citrus juices or carbonated beverages. For best results take
with 8 ounces of water.

Take the following with food especially if stomach is easily upset.

Erythromycin - limit caffeine. Cipro- limit caffeine and drink plenty of fluids. Take antacids, magnesium, iron, calcium or
zinc supplements separate by 2 hours.

Septra/Bactrim- drink plenty of fluids. Avoid high doses of vitamin C.

(high blood pressure medication) Take the following on an empty stomach.

Capoten - decrease sodium, decrease calorie diet may be recomended. Avoid salt
substitutes that contain potassium, caution with potassium supplements. Take calcium or magnesium supplements separate by 2 hours. Maintain adequate fluid intake.

Procardia - take with decreased fat meal to prevent flushing. Do not take with orange,
grapefruit or other citrus fruit juices. A low salt diet may be recommended. Do not take calcium supplement within 3 hours of taking this medication. Avoid alcohol.

Cardizem - a low sodium, low calorie diet may be recommended. Hydrocholorothiazide - diuretic potassium depleting. May need to decrease sodium,
decrease calorie, increase potassium, increase magnesium. Avoid natural licorice. Limit alcohol. Caution with calcium supplements.

Triamterene - diuretic, potassium sparing. Avoid high potassium foods, potassium

supplements, salts substitutes that contain potassium. A decreased sodium, decreased calorie diet may be recommended. Avoid natural licorice.

Calan (Verapamil/Isoptin)- decrease sodium, decrease calorie diet may be recommended.

Limit caffeine. Caution with calcium and/or vitamin D supplements - hypercalcemia decreases effectiveness.

Take the following with food or on empty stomach:

Vasotec/Zestril/Accupril - avoid salt and salty foods. Avoid salt substitutes that contain
potassium. Caution with potassium supplements. Avoid alcohol.

Atenolol/Metoprolol (Tenormin, Lopressor, Toprol XL) - a decreased sodium, decreased

calorie diet may be recommended. Avoid natural licorice.

Hytrin/Cardura - a decreased sodium, decreased calorie diet may be recommended. Avoid

natural licorice. Caution with alcohol.

These medications are prescribed to lower blood lipid (cholesterol) levels. A low cholesterol, low fat diet may be recommended. Avoid alcohol.

Pravachol - take on an empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours after foods. Mevacor/Lopid - take with food. Zocor/Lescol - may take with or without food.

Lanoxin - take this medication 1 hour before breakfast. Avoid high fiber foods such as bran,
bran cereals or bran muffins for breakfast, but it is acceptable to eat high-fiber foods later in the day. Avoid natural licorice.

Miscellaneous Cardiac Medications

Quinidine (Quinaglute, Duraguin, Quinidex) - take this medication 1 hour before or 2 hours
after food. Take with 8 ounces of water. Do not drink more than 1 or 2 glasses of citrus juice while on this medication. Caution with potassium supplements.

Take the following with food:

Lozol - a low sodium, low calorie, high potassium, high magnesium diet may be
recommended. Avoid natural licorice. Limit alcohol.

Edecrin - a high potassium, high magnesium diet may be recommended. Liberal sodium
diet for most patients. Limit alcohol.

Trental- a low cholesteral, low calorie diet may be recommended. Limit caffeine.

Bumex/Lasix/Hydrodiuril- a low salt, high potassium diet may be recommended. Avoid

natural licorice and alcohol.

Miscellaneous Medications
Theophylline - this medication will not work well if you eat more protein than usual. Try to
eat the same protein foods each day. Avoid charcoal-broiled foods. Avoid caffeine. For Theo24 only take with a high fat meal or snack.

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (Parnate, Nardil, Marplan) - avoid foods high in tyramine. If
you eat foods high in tyramine while on this medication it can cause nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure and headaches. Avoid alcohol and limit caffeine.

Oral Hypoglycemics (Diabinese, Glucotrol, Diabeta, Micronase) - take with food and avoid
alcohol. Compliance with a diabetic diet is important.

Coumadin (anticoagulant) - avoid excessive amounts of foods that are high in vitamin K. Do
not drink herbal teas or green teas while taking this medication. Because of the varied effects that food can have on this medication, maintain a well balanced diet with a consistent intake of vitamin K. Avoid alcohol.

Foods High In Tyramine

Aged cheese - Caffeine - Pickled Herring - Aged Meat - Chicken Liver - Raisins - Anchovies Chocolate - Red Wine - Bananas - Cola Drinks - Salami - Beef Liver - Eggplant - Sausage Beer - Figs - Sour Cream - Bologna - Mushrooms - Yeast Extract - Broad Beans - Pepperoni - Soy Sauce - Yogurt

Foods High In Potassium

Apricots - Cantelope - Honeydew - Prune Juice - Asparagus - Carrots - Milk - Pumpkin Artichokes - Celery - Mushrooms - Raisins - Avocado - Chocolate - Oranges - Spinach Bananas - Dates - Orange Juice - Squash - Bran Flakes - Dried Beans - Parsnips - Tomatoes - Broccoli - Dried Fruit - Potatoes - Tomato Juice - Brussel Sprouts - Figs - Prunes - V-8 Juice - Yams

Foods High In Vitamin K

Beef Liver - Green Tea - Brussel Sprouts - Cauliflower - Tomatoes - Soybeans/Soybean Oil Green Leafy Vegetables especially Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Lettuce & Turnips

Foods that Contain Caffeine

Coffe - Tea - Chocolate - Dark Sodas - Mountain Dew

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