Activity3 sts21

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Name: _________________________________________________________ Score: _________

Program, Yr., and Section: ________________________________

ACTIVITY 3: Answer the following. Detach the worksheet once finished.

1. How did the development in science and technology shape human history?
It has accelerated societal development, raised living standards, and altered economies.
How people lived and worked was altered by inventions like the wheel, agriculture, the printing
press, and the Industrial Revolution. The modern period has seen an acceleration of global
change brought about by the improvements in communication, medicine, transportation, and
commuting. This transformation has affected industries, cultures, and even geopolitics.

2. Select two (2) inventions from ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, or Mayan and discuss how these
inventions impacted the people and the society during the time period they were invented.
Write not more than 100 words.

 THE WHEEL. The impact of this invention made the people’s transportation of
hauling large amounts of things such as crops, which made it easier for them and
allowed them to trade their goods. Also, chariots impacted the way wars were
fought. In this period of time, the wheel well contributed to the mechanization of
agriculture and craft industries.
 SAILBOAT. With the Sumerian’s invention of sailboat, they were able to catch fish in
the rivers, in the middle of deep lakes, nor the ocean. Same through with the wheel,
it helped the people transport goods and used it for wars.
 POSITIONAL NUMBER SYSTEM. The development of the positional number system
had a profound effect on both their civilization and mathematics. The technique
made calculating and record-keeping significantly simpler by adopting a base-60
system to more effectively represent numbers. The Babylonians were able to do
sophisticated calculations in astronomy, trade, and other areas thanks to its
facilitation of complex mathematics. Later civilizations were also influenced by the
positional number system, which helped to shape current mathematics and
numerical systems.
These advances in mathematics improved the accuracy of measurements, land
surveys, and business transactions. They made a substantial contribution to the
design and construction of buildings, canals, and other architectural projects. The
ability to solve quadratic equations certainly improved one's problem-solving skills
and contributed to the general growth of science and mathematics. These
advancements may also have contributed to social stratification and the
specialization of employment as people with mathematical ability gained
prominence in many fields.
 RUBBER. The impacts on the Mayan society includes creating the first rubber ball
used in ceremonial ball games, using it to waterproof fabrics and clothing, making
footwears, creating containers and utensils, ceremonial items such as figurines,
production and utilization of rubber-based items likely had economic implications
for Mayans, lastly, this had cultural significance beyond its practical applications.
 BALL COURTS. Invention of ball courts impacted to the Mayan society the courts
were not just physical spaces for playing games but were embedded in the
cultural, social, religious, and political fabric of the civilization. They shaped
social interactions, power dynamics, and the way the Mayans perceived
themselves and their place in the world.
Act 4
1. Identify and write three (3) major scientific and technological developments in the world
that created a large impact on your daily life
1. Smartphones. This development really a large impact in me because it allowed me to
communicate with my family who live at the province and to those were working
abroad. Which lessens my worries thinking about them because we can communicate
every day.
2. Internet. Internet rely has a big help for todays living. It provides connection to know
everything such as information.
3. Calendar. All of the people rely in a calendar. I use this calendar as a basis to settle
things or scheduling events I want to do. As of today, it also serves as my reminder to
attend classes or any appointments I have to do because I sometimes forget dates.

2. What historical antecedent gave rise to the invention you mentioned in the first
1. Smartphones.Mobile phones were invented as early
as the 1940s when engineers working at AT&T
developed cells for mobile phone base stations.
The very first mobile phones were not really
mobile phones at all. They were two-way radios
that allowed people like taxi drivers and the
emergency services to communicate. And the
television is in the 1880s a German inventor
created simplistic moving images using a filtered
light viewed through a spinning disk, laying the
foundations for the modern television. During the
1920s a number of scientists began experimenting
with sending still images using radio waves. And
the camera is the forerunner of the camera was
the camera obscura, a dark chamber or room with
a hole (later a lens) in one wall, through which
images of objects outside the room were projected
on the opposite wall.
2. Internet. The Internet has its origins in the Cold War. In 1957, the Soviet Union
launched the first satellite, Sputnik. In response, the United States created the
Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA. The plan emerged to create a
communication network that would not be vulnerable to a nuclear attack.
3. Calendar. The ancient Sumerian calendar was based on the cycles of the moon,
known as lunar cycles, occurring in periods of 12 months, consisting of 355 days.
The first full moon was observed by the Sumerians to signal the beginning of a new
month. The Sumerians were one of the first civilizations to use astronomical
observations for time keeping, and also used them for astrology and divination
purposes. After a few hundred years, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and other
prehistoric peoples developed their own calendars, calculating the passage of time
based on the motion of the sun, moon, and stars.

Act 5

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