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English: Theme Detection Questions

A) Direction (1-10): In each questions below, a Theme has been given

followed by three passage. You have to determine which passage is
based on the given theme and mark it as your option. More than
one passage can be based on the given theme that is highlighted in

1. Theme:- Chinese goods vs Indian goods.

(A) China is upgrading/ manufacturing higher quality products than before
but they are asking low prices like before. Today, china is very close to us
products in terms quality. But prices still remains low. So, china will beat
united states soon selling products. Just ask yourself, what is the Indian
alternatives of chinese LED bulbs in diwali? While back in India, politicians
are trying hard to win the seats and then how to keep the chair. They dont
have any point to worry that India is the next china. Each and every
politicians ignore mass job creation agenda form their to do list and all they
focus after election is how to stay more time in “kursi” . Thats why India
cannot be china. India cannot be neither America.

(B) The human beings want high quality at very low price. Chinese goods
do those. I bought earphones from a Chinese website and received it in a
perfect condition and it’s working perfectly fine and the price is just ₹40/-
and shipping is free and when you buy from an Indian website they don’t
even provide you a free shipping for small goods if the product worth is 50/-
the shipping charges would be 150/- seems like heavy so he will make
profit from shipping. The border tensions between India and China are not
hidden from the world and are now on a rise. China has always been
breaking the protocols by invading into the Indian territory and claiming the
parts of Arunachal Pradesh to be theirs.
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(C) Moreover, China has also occupied the parts of East Kashmir and some
of the Northern Kashmir. Lately, the bus of the Kailash Mansarovar
pilgrims has been stopped by Chinese border personnel. China blocked the
entry of Indian pilgrims in the Tibet from the Nathu-La .pass. This act by
China has enraged the Indian citizens and people have come out with
banners displaying “Buycott Made in China”, “Buy Made in India” etc.
saying that if Chinese army and govt. is creating trouble for India then they
should stop buying Chinese goods.
A) All of the above
B) Both A & B
C) Only A
D) Both A & C
E) Both B & C

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Option B
In passage 1 and 2 quality and prices of the Chinese products are being
compared with Indian products. but in passage 3 border disputed between
China and India is highlighted. So option B is correct.
2. Theme:- EQ vs IQ
(A) EQ refers to Emotional Quotient which looks at the parts of emotional
intelligence that can be quantified and measured and as such is hard to
specify. Researchers have defined emotional intelligence as an ability or a
trait or a mixture of the two. IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a measure of
cognitive intelligence. IQ becomes fixed and peaks around the age of 17
years of age whilst emotional intelligence is not fixed and rises steadily with

(B) Empathy and Intelligence are not necessarily correlated unless dealing
with specific neurological conditions. For example people with Asperger
syndrome have great difficulty reading social queues but can display high
levels of cognitive performance in abstract reasoning. People with high EQs
tend to be regarded as very charismatic because they are able respond to
non-verbal communication and queues with great efficacy.
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(C) Emotional Intelligence, or emotional quotient (EQ), is defined as an

individual’s ability to identify, evaluate, control, and express emotions.
People with high EQ usually make great leaders and team players because
of their ability to Understand, empathize, and connect with the people
around them. IQ, or intelligence quotient, is score derived from one of
several standardized tests designed to assess an individual’s intelligence. IQ
is used to determine academic abilities and identify individuals with off-the-
chart intelligence or mental challenges.
A) Both A & B
B) Both B & C
C) Only B
D) All A, B, C
E) Both A & C

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Option E
Passage 2 elucidates the relationship between EQ and IQ whereas other two
passages draws out the difference between the two.
3. Demonetization
(A) The government tried to bite something impossibly gargantuan – taking
87% of the currency off in a mere 50 days in a heavily cash centric
economy. And it was directly impacting its core voting constituency – small
traders. Surely the BJP leaders must have been very, very nervous 7 weeks
ago. It no longer looks that scary. In fact, it got off a whole Parliament
session fairly easy given the chaos within the opposition with statements
like army coup, earthquake and massive loot, distracting a more logical

(B) Getting the cashless payment charges to be at 0%. It is ridiculous that

the banks charge for cashless transactions [that require far less handling cost
than cash transactions] more than cash transactions. Cashless transactions
keep more liquidity in the banks and they must thus waive all charges.
Government must bring great regulations to keep it that way.Have a fiscal
stimulus in rural India targeted at the poor. This is to compensate for the
lower expenditures that the black money holders are doing.
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(C) Across India things have been quite orderly in the banks and elsewhere.
This is the fundamental test for chaos. Of course, there are huge crowds as
15 lakh crore rupees had to be exchanged in a mere 40 long days.There have
been no major riots, strikes or bandhs. This the fundamental test to gauge
people’s anger.
A) Only A
B) Only C
C) Only B
D) Both A & C
E) None of these

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Option E
Nowhere in the passage, demonetization is talked about. Hence theme
cannot be detected from the given passages.
4. Youth in Politics
(A) The educated youth don’t like to try their carrier in politics because for
them its not a job opportunity for them. There is such amount of negativity
spread about politics that no one likes it. As a student of political science I
don’t relate myself with politics as I don’t find interest in it and it doesn’t
mean that if you are a student of political science you should be interested
in politics and always talk about it.
(B) The challenge of encouraging people to participate in a democratic
political process is like any other large challenge – it must be broken into its
parts. For people, the parts are individuals. Many individuals will only
participate the serious discussion of their political views if they are placed
in an atmosphere where they can do so without trepidation. As shown by
the work of noted political theorists, that is best done in small groups.

(C) Students are the best category of people to cleanse the bad political
system because, the age is very good. But the peers are not mature enough
to guide them properly. You appreciate a food upon eating only. Indian
people are yet to receive good governance for a full term. Say 5 years.
Written 500 years back by Makkiyavelli that people get their leader as they
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deserve. See the hue and cry for demonetizing. Had it happened in Japan?
There wouldn’t have been a murmur.
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) Both A & B
E) Both C & D

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Option A
Passage B and C talk about Students and people in general. hence option A
is the right answer.
5. Theme:- Do we really need smart cities?
(A) To equalize urban problems is the rise of the “Smart City” concept.
Around the world old cities have been retrofitted and some brand new cities
are being built from greenfield, 100% planned and oriented to be smart
since their first drafts plans. Developing vibrant economies such as China
and India are heavily investing in cities that are forged to be models of
sustainable urban life, combining the latest high-end information and
communication technologies with state-of-the-art architectural design fully
integrated in ubiquitous urban environments. These thrilling and dynamic
projects are getting global attention and attracting talented professionals,
outstanding corporations and massive investments. So, we need Smart
Cities and India can deeply benefit from it.

(B) What India currently needs is cities which are clean ,have at least better
network of drainage system(the case of major cities like Mumbai in Rainy
seasons), safe and efficient transport system. Make better residential areas
and if not possible improve them. Therefore first cities should be made
better before making them smart.
(C) India is a developing country and the Modi government is trying its
best to develop India into a powerful nation. Introducing the concept of
smart cities in India is a great idea but due to increasing poverty rate, lack of
infrastructure and basic amenities, the cities might have to face a lot of
challenges. Before initiating the project, the government should try to attend
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to the basic issues of the nation such as implementing a proper drainage

system, providing good water, sanitation and health care facilities etc.
A) only A
B) Only B
C) Both B&C
D) Both A&C
E) Only C

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Option A
Passage B says about improvement in the prevailing conditions whereas
passage 3 did not provide us with any specific conclusion. hence Option A
is Correct.

6. Theme:- Relation between Innovation and Entrepreneurship

(A) Companies and enterprises keep innovation as part of their
organization. Innovations contribute to the success of the company.
Entrepreneur, as innovators, see not just one solution to a need. They keep
coming up with ideas and do not settle until they come up with multiple
solutions. Innovation is extremely important that companies often see their
employees’ creativity as a solution. They come up with seminars and
trainings to keep their employees stimulated to create something useful for
others and in turn, financial gain for the company

(B) Entrepreneurship covers down a lot more meaning than innovation, and
innovating something requires typical knowledge and depth about a
particular field. When it comes to Entrepreneurship we need to indulge our
depth about the subject, shaping in a way so that common people would be
helpful or would understand, hence implementing an innovation to a
practical zone and giving this an impact to the society around us is partially
called entrepreneurship. It does not necessarily mean what we display in our
product has to be innovated rather it has to be new, unique and efficient.

(C) Innovation is one of the main quality for entrepreneurship. Person

engaged in same business over the years means that this person have no
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entrepreneurship qualities. Bringing innovation add values to his/her

business. Innovation means doing something new or doing same thing in
different way. Yes, innovation is the ultimate instrument for entrepreneurs.
A) Only A
B) Both B & C
C) Only B
D) All A, B & C
E) Both A & C

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Option E
Passage A talks about the importance of innovation in Entrepreneurship.
Hence E is correct.
7. Theme:- Love or Money
(A) On one hand, money gives more opportunities in life as well as stability
(and a heightened chance in meeting your love given the option to travel is
easier, assuming you mean the romantic kind of love). Plus it allows you to
give a comfortable life for family (and other loved ones) especially when
they end up in a condition that leaves them too frail to fend for themselves.
But if you mean choosing between having a lonely sad life with loads
money or a life full of love without much money, I’d definitely choose love.
By love I mean encompassing familial love, friendship and romantic. While
I do know that if the money situation is so bad, it’ll be extremely difficult to
live… I still cannot imagine wanting to live life in the 1st place without love

(B) Love is what we all need.Humans are social animals – we cannot stay
without being loved and cared for. Love can solve and resolve all the hate in
the world and all the discrimination which happens between people.

(C) Love can not survive on empty stomachs. Have you ever seen a girl
saying, “mere sapno ka majdoor aayega”. It is always “Mere sapno ka
RAJKUMAR aayega”.Besides, I think love is a 20th century phenomenon
for masses built on the heavy dose of literature, movies and TV.
A) Both A &B
B) Only C
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C) Only A
D) Both B&C
E) None of these

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Option B
Passage B clearly concludes love is everything – but doesn’t talk about
money. In passage A we are unable to draw out any conclusion. In passage
C, the tone of the passage can be concluded from the opening lines.
8. Theme:- Congress vs BJP
(A) Congress is Family Based, BJP is Organisation and party based.
Congress has Rahul Gandhi, BJP had Modi.

(B) In congress qualified people can take decisions for example they wasted
the quality of Manmohan Singh in 10 years that every file has to go to
Congress head quarter Sonia which has no constitutional right to even look
into those files, In case of BJP qualified people are set free to perform
Suresh Prabhu, Manohar parikar, Sushma Swaraj, Piush goyel and others
many examples exists.

(C) Both parties do good work for the progress of the nation and lose track
along the way and this is only human. So we need to keep them in check
without any bias towards any party.
A) Only C
B) Both A &B
C) Both A&C
D) All of these
E) None of these

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Option B
9. Theme:- Romans vs Greeks
(A) Roman mythology has its roots and origins in the Greek pantheon of
gods. Zeus became Jupiter, Hades became Pluto, and Poseidon became
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Neptune. Along with giving these Pagan Gods Latin names, the inherent
characteristics of the gods remained the same. The myths were adapted to a
more Roman setting etc. When a particular empire is conquered, the culture
is conquered as well. This is what most scholars call cultural appropriation.
However, the Pagan system went out of vogue, when Constantine I decided
to convert the Roman Empire to the Holy Roman Empire, essentially
signalling the adoption of Christianity as the Official religion

(B) Greeks worshiped the 12 Gods. When Christianity spread to Greece and
the Eastern Roman Empire, around 350AD, it became punishable by death
to practice the ancient religion. Hence to avoided persecution Greeks
stopped calling themselves “Hellenes” as it had pagan connotations and
began using the term Romanoi (citizens of the (Byzantine/Roman Empire).
The Greek Orthodox Church continued to reject the word Hellene and fear
the legacy of ancient Greece until the 1700

(C) Legions were more flexible because rather than fighting as a single
homogenous unit -like we suppose the hoplites did- they were divided in
subgroups (maniples, cohorts, centuries) which enjoyed a certain degree of
tactical/strategic autonomy. So one group of legionaries would engage the
hoplites from the front while another would attack on of their flanks, to give
an example.
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) both A & B
E) both B & C

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Option A
10.Theme:- Are engineers better than doctors?
(A) Engineers are smarter. Not only do they have to know the computer
science and engineering aspect, they have to know the aspect in which they
work in.

(B) Engineers are more creative. Things that they’re working on are
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changing all the time whereas doctors only work on a human body which
have not been changing for hundreds if not thousands years. He said that we
hadn’t had more bones and our body parts hadn’t changed their functions,
so that the body was like a fix object for doctors to study and work on. But
in the technical world, everything was changing from time to time which
was stuffer for engineers. So you should be proud to be/will be an engineer!

(C) Initially a doctor’s earning will be lesser than an engineer.Once the

doctor gets fame, he is unbeatable.Engineers cannot work after a certain
age.But a doctor has no such constraints. As many answers rightly point
out, doctors get a hefty amount for consultation and they own the medical
shops too.Hence doctor will definitely earn more than an engineer in the
long run
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) Both A&B
E) Both B&C

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Option B
Passage A doesn’t mention about doctor and Passage 3 talks about earning
of Doctor and engineer.

B) Direction (1-10): In each questions below, a Theme has been given

followed by three passage. You have to determine which passage is
NOT based on the given theme and mark it as your option. More
than one passage can be based or not based on the given theme that is
highlighted in bold.

1. Activist vs politicians: a comparison.

A. An activist is someone who organizes and acts for the purpose of
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changing a public policy or law. A politician is someone who seeks election

to a public office on behalf of a general ideology and/or a specific agenda
on which they promise to act.
B. Activists can and often do act in ways they know will provoke law
enforcement and might even lead to an arrest. Martin Luther King Jr.’s
letter from a Birmingham jail would have had little impact if the letter had
been mailed from a Holiday Inn. Sadly, today’s cell phone videos are a pale
imitation of the eloquence of King’s written words.
C. A politician must compromise to get results. A good activist must be
uncompromising and does not have to worry about offending large numbers
of people by using language that is strident. Such stridency can increase the
odds that the activist will gain the public’s attention
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Both A and B
D) Both A and C
E) None.

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Option B
Nothing is being told about politicians in B

2. Bhagvad Gita or Bible

A. Discount Bhagvadgita from any comparison as it is not teaching just
Humanity. In fact it is meant for all animate-all living things. It does not
have only Human-Homo sapiens as the subject Matter. Its true meaning is
known only to Yogis like Jesus, Shamacharan Lahiri, Swami Yogananda,
Swami Shivananda etc for example who have attained salvation and have
come out of the Chakravhyvha (Birth & Death Trap).
B. Was the Hindu God personal or impersonal? If Hare Krishna worshipers
are asked to detach from the physical world and from ‘happiness or distress,
loss or gain, victory or defeat’ then does this also include human
relationships? Or even relationship with God? The Temple Leader
confirmed that relationship with God was very important to the followers of
Krishna, but this was not true of a great many Hindus. On the other hand, on
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the grounds of bible, Jesus is very personal. He came to earth once as one
man, a personality that can be known and relied upon.
C. If you are human, and I think you are, then you already know a lot about
being human. You are aware of what it feels like. You know what feels
good and what creeps you out. You have imagination and reason. You have
grown up surrounded by human beings and you have a pretty good idea
what that involves. You can tell stories, build machines, navigate your
surroundings using your understanding of natural laws. You learnt all this
without the Bible, the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita.
A) Only B
B) Only A and C
C) Only C
D) All of these.
E) None.

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Option B
In A and C,the importance is given to the Bhagvad only.

3. Who is better: Kohli or Dhoni?

A. When it comes to handling tough and harsh situation virat has not
delivered his best as a captain , champions trophy final was a perfect
example. He did not tried anything different to break the partnership and to
stop Fakhar. As we all are aware from dhoni’s unorthodox style as he
always compells his opposition to think ,by his unexpected decisions and it
lacks in virat. Dhoni reads situations much faster.
B. Kohli is not as calm as Dhoni. Not even half as composed as Dhoni.
Many people find Kohli abusive, unwantedly aggressive. But what Kohli
succeeded in doing is, he successfully built the habit of ‘Winning the game’
in every Indian player. He is leading the team from the front, and being an
example of, How to tackle pressure situation, How to strongly come back to
the game even though chances are lean. He is successful in motivating every
player, bringing the best version of every player
C. Dhoni took over the captaincy when Indian cricket was facing a rough
patch. The Indian Team got eliminated in the group stage of the World
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Cup,and the newly made T20 version of it was about to come. The Seniors
opted out of it,So the selectors gave an inexperienced Dhoni the captaincy
burden. He had to captain an very young Indian Team with Virendar
Sehwag being the only other who had played significant amount of cricket.
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) All of these
E) None.

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Option C

4. True or false: happy wife, happy life

A. You wife is definitely an integral part of your life, and your future;
however, life is too big to expect everything for one person. Rather, you
make your life, your life which includes your family, stability of your
household, stability of your parents and in-laws, stabilise your profession
and make sure it is enough to keep your monetary balance without taking
chunks away from personal life, and your wife will be “rock and roll”,
because she is also being the part of the same happiness!
B. A happy wife is very relaxed and comfortable in her married life. She
does not have any misgivings about her husband. She is demonstrated love
which she adores. She is listened to which makes her feel great. She is
respected which makes her feel wanted and worthwhile. So she takes care of
her husband more. She never nags him- the number one aspect a man hates
about his wife.
C. I think a that having your wife be happy (assuming you have a wife!) is a
necessary, but not sufficient condition for you own happiness. On the flip
side, if you are unhappy and your wife isn’t then that is indicative of a
different kind of problem.
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) All of the above
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E) None of these.

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Option E
Para A says, wife is important but not so much that husband would depend
only on her. so conclusion: false. likewise, other paragraphs do conclude the
statement. so E is the right option.

5. Dream vs passion
A. Dream is your vision about the goal that is deep seated in your brain.
Passion is doing something which you love to do again and again with ease
and without tiresome. Dream may at times be fantasy, but passion is always
B. Dream is something you want to be. Or if your relating to the
phenomenon, it’s the image or vision that is created in your mind,
conciously or sub consiously. Passion is something you love doing,
irrespective of whether you get paid for it or not. It doesn’t have a goal it is
pure satisfaction. Having passion for something simply me you would do it
and continue to do it irrespective of return, because it eventually satisfies
C. Passion is doing something which you love doing again and again with
ease and without getting bored. They are real, passion gives you inner
peace. In simple words Passion is something which you enjoy doing. You
don’t overthink about your passion. For example – Singing, Drawing,
Dancing Playing Chess, Photography, etc.
A) Both A and B
B) Only A
C) All except C
D) Only C
E) None.

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Option D
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6. Which is harder: physics or chemistry?

A. In physics, there are a half dozen basic equations that everything else
follows from, and most of your time is spent learning the mathematics and
standard tricks of how to unpack those equations and apply them to specific
problems. While chemistry in principle follows from the same basic
principles, in practice it’s too hard to predict most chemical behavior from
the fundamental equations, so you have to learn lots of rules of thumb,
heuristics, higher-level concepts that help make the behavior more
B. In the pyramidal learning paradigm, you start out by teaching your
students very simple tasks, and there are a lot of them, so the repetition
helps the learning process through memorization. As the problems become
more & more complex, they shrink in number so that by the time you reach
the top plateau of the problem difficulty, the number is very small, but the
amount of operations contained within each problem is quite large. Some
common examples of this paradigm of learning are languages, mathematics,
& notably chemistry.
C. Chemistry at school level is mostly about learning facts; you’ll learn
things about various chemicals and reactions, and apply some of that
knowledge to some slightly new things. Physics on the other hand, doesn’t
actually require you to memorise much. If you understand what’s going on,
you’ll almost certainly be able to solve and problem thrown at you.
A) Both A and B
B) Only B
C) Both A and C
D) Only C
E) None

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Option B

7. BSE vs NSE
A. BSE’s index is known by the name SENSEX (Sensitive Index) which
shows 30 top trading companies. Nifty (National Fifty) is the index of NSE,
displays 50 most traded companies.
B. Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange both played a
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vital role in the reformation of Capital Market of India. Millions of

investors and brokers transact on a daily basis through these trade
exchanges. Both the stock exchanges are located in Mumbai, Maharashtra
as well as recognised by the Securities and Exchange Board of India
C. Globally, BSE stood in the 10th position in the list of top stock
exchanges which is followed by NSE.NSE was the first to introduce the
modernised trading system in the country in 1992 while BOLT was
introduced by BSE in 1995.
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) All o f the Above
E) None.

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Option B

8. Antivirus & firewall: a comparison

A. A properly configured firewall can minimize damage caused by spyware
by blocking unauthorized access, while antivirus is a software application
used for the prevention, detection, and removal of malicious software,
including computer viruses, trojan horses, spyware, and adware.
B. An antivirus is an afterward security approach. An antivirus will detect
malware with signatures which are edited by anti-virus R & D team. This
approach is most notably between 24 and one week late relative to the
malware date of appearance. In some cases anti-virus signatures took
months to be worldwide broadcasted.
C. An antivirus will usually recognize a file’s binary signature (roughly
speaking, “it contains a byte sequence that’s typical of XYZ virus”). For
greater protection, many antiviruses are able to check system operation and
block suspicious activity patterns (e.g., “this process is trying to write to a
system file!”). A firewall could be considered a different implementation of
the same “recognition” concept: instead of file systems, it can monitor
network traffic and recognize both binary signatures and activity patterns,
and block or allow, say, Web connections that start with GET or POST, but
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not CONNECT, or connections to services (such as Web) but not mail,

unless your IP address matches the CEO office, and so on and so forth.
A) Only A
B) Both B and C
C) Only B
D) Both A and C
E) None.

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Option C

9. Do sisters need protection?

A. Rakhi is a festival based on a predominantly patriarchal social order, like
some other Indian festivals. I think this was the dilemma in the minds of my
parents, when they pretended that this festival was not as important as some
others. Being a part of an extended traditional Punjabi family, my parents
have followed this custom with my father’s sisters but always kind of
underplayed it for us.
B. Festivals are celebrated in India both because of the underlying beliefs
— which I am, in at least some cases, assuming the modern generation is
fast forgetting — and they are also celebrated for the sheer fun of it
C. Every festival is a special day of meeting the larger family, eating good
food, wearing new clothes, bonding with each other and participating in the
community. It is difficult to ignore these festivals. But it is not worth
brooding over the irrelevant and irrational reasons why some of them are
A) Only A
B) Only B
C) Only C
D) All of the Above
E) None

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10.Which is better: lakme or Maybelline?

A. Lakme is a brand I really love since it has some of the best cosmetic
products at such a cheap price that is the best reason for purchase it, when
we use is I think no need to worry about side effect. Like I simply love
Lakme Liquid Foundation, Color Crush and many more.
B. Most of us are confused between the Maybelline Colossal Kajal and
Lakme Eyeconic kajal. Lakme played it smart by recently launching the
Eyeconic kajal which is quite identical to the Colossal Kajal . Yes , the
packaging is extremely attractive and the price is pocket-friendly .
C. Both the brands are equally good on the quality and are my favourite.
Now Lakme has also started to launch new products every now and then
and gives a huge range and variety to choose from just like maybelline. But
one thing i think is better in Lakme is that most of its shades whether it is a
lipstick or a blush or even a foundation. All are suitable for Indian skin tone.
Most of the products of Lakme will be warm tones and will suit every
indian girl..they have very few cool tone products
A) Both B and C
B) Only A
C) Both A and B
D) Only B
E) None

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Option B

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