Questions For Quiz 1 g8

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Questions for quiz 1

1. What is the crust? A thin skin of cool rock

2. What are the cause of plates` movement? Earthquakes, the formation of Fold

Mountains and volcanoes.

3. How are sedimentary rocks made? Write 2 examples. Over millions of years the

sediments were compressed into sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone.

4. Explain the physical problems of relief result in low densities of population in most

high fold mountains. P 9

5. What is the mantle? A large mass of molten rock

6. Where is a plate margin? Where two tectonic plates meet.

7. What are anticlines and synclines? When sedimentary rocks are forced upwards by

the movement of the tectonic plates, they form anticlines. However, when they are

forced downwards they form Synclines.

8. Why there is low densities of population in most high fold mountains? Because of

Physical problems such as Relief. Climate. Soils and accessibility.

9. What countries form the borders of the Alps? Italy, Switzerland, France, Austria,


10. Write the advantage of winter tourism in the Alpine valleys? p 11

11. Why Alpine area is well populated? P11

12. Explain primary effects of volcanoes on people and environment. P 14

13. Explain secondary effects of volcanoes on people and environment. P14

14. Write 3 items that can predict volcanic eruption. P 15



15. What happened between Germany and France in 1871? The Germany state, Prussia,

had defeated France in war.

16. What is a cold war? There is no direct fighting between the two superpowers. Instead

it took the form of provocation, propaganda and a nuclear arms race and space race.

17. Which nationality did Austria-Hungary include in 1900? Germans, Hungarians,

Czechs, poles and Serbs.

18. Name the countries of Triple Alliance in 1900. Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.

19. Name the countries of Triple Entente in 1907. France, Britain and Russia.

20. What did Britain do against Germany in 1911? They supported France over Morocco.

21. What was the cause of the naval race in 1906-1914? It did much to make the British

resent the Germans and lead Britain into better relations with France.

22. Where did the Great Powers make series of crises in 1905 and 1914? Morocco (in

North Africa) and Balkans (Eastern Europe).

23. What was the result of the Agadir crisis? A clear victory for France and the Entente.

24. Which country had more men in arms in 1913? Russia

25. Why did the assassination at Sarajevo lead to the break out of war in 1914? Some

politicians in Austria-Hungary saw the assassination as an excuse for attacking Serbia

and solving the problem of Serbs within the Austrian empire.

26. What did Sir Edward grey say about the war in 1914? He said Britain would remain

neutral unless Germany attacked the north coast of France. If Germany did, then

Britain would offer assistance to the French.


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