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(Habits, timetables, programmes, Repetition) (Actions which were finished in the past)

Usually, Generally, Regularly, Occasionally Last...

Often, Frequently, every so often, now and again ...Ago
Always, Never, Seldom, Rarely, Hardly ever Yesterday
Every day/ week/ month/ year/decade/ century When
Sometimes, at times, once in a while, nowadays By the time
From time to time, once in a blue moon In 1988
once a day/week/…Every now and then One day…

+ I hardly ever complain about my tasks + I applied for the job 5 months ago
- I don't generally ask for a refund - I didn't come across your pen-friend last night
? Do you normally feel it is well worth the effort? ? Did you overhear the conversation yesterday?


(Something happening now or in programmed future) (Actions in the middle of sth in the past)

Now, Still, look! Listen! When

At the moment While /whilst
Tomorrow, next... Still
Tonight At this time last...

+ He is still coming over a difficult situation + While you were chasing the kid, I was sleeping
- I am not travelling by tram at the moment - I was not sightseeing at this time yesterday
? Are you phoning your relatives tonight? ? Were you still wearing that waistcoat when…?


(Connection to the present) (Sth happens before the past simple)

For Since During For Since During

Yet, just, ever Yet, just, ever
Recently, lately Recently, lately
So far, up to now So far, up to then
Already, still Already, still
How long…Over the last few years How long...

+ I have already improved all my skills + I had just rung the bell when...
- I haven't mowed the lawn for 2 weeks - I hadn’t got in touch with him yet when…
? Have you thought about it recently? ? Had you just sent the parcel when they called?


(Action continues in the present) (how long something had been happening
before something else happened
All day, the whole day
Since, for, during (subordinate sentences)
How long...?

+ I have been decorating my flat during the holidays + I had already been filling the gaps by the time..
- I haven't been shopping for clothes for a long time - I hadn't been chatting for half an hour before…
? How long have you been studying English? ? How long had he been collecting stamps...?


WILL/WON'T- No plans , sth spontaneous and I will be working there in the future
predictions in the future with: (probably, I think, I am sure..) By the end of the month I will have worked for
BE GOING TO- Plans and predictions
They are going to pair up their devices. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS PRESENT
CONTINUOUS- Programmed plans By the end of may he will have been studying for years
They are having dinner together tonight



1) We..........................................................(watch) TV when it started to rain.

2) I..................(want) to visit you yesterday, but you...............(be) not at home.
3) Look! It...........................(rain), so we can't......................(go) to the beach.
4) There are a lot of clouds! It........................................................(rain)soon.
5) The sun...........................................................................(rise)in the east.
6) Since 2011 they...............................................(VISIT) their son every year.
7) While the doctor............................(EXAMINE) Mr Jones, his son..................(WAIT) outside this morning.
8) I................................................(WAIT)for my girlfriend for two hours.
9) After Peter.............................(see) the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.
10) Wait a minute, I....................................(carry) this box for you!


1.She..........................................(never wash) the dishes in the morning.

2.They........................................(not usually play) football at school. They........................(not allow).
3.Last night I..............................(not drink) any alcohol, because I..............................(have) to drive.
4.He..............................................(not come) tonight, he.......................(be) very busy at the moment.
5.At this time yesterday he ….........................(not study), because he ….....................(be) very tired.
6.I …........................(not eat) fish for a month. Could she ….....................(get) some from the shop?
7.They …........................(not forget) anything by the time I …..........................................(ask) them.
8.You ….........................(not tell) me to do it last night., so I …........................................(not do) it now.
9.I ….............................(not think) it …................................(rain) today, it …...........(be) very sunny.
10.She …..................(not finish) her homework yet. She …........................(play) when I …..............(come in) 5
minutes ago. I …........................(be) very angry with her now.


1.Where ….................................(your parents live)? Where...........................................(they work)?

2.You...............................................(usually watch) TV? How many hours a day?
3.Excuse me, you ….......................(speak) English? I can't …...............................(understand) you.
4.She …....................................(be) 23 last year?-Yes. Ok, so she …...............................(be) 22 now.
5.When you ….........................(be) in London, where you ….................................................(stay)?
6.He..........................................(phone) his parents yesterday? -yes, he …...........................(do) it.
7.Yesterday when you …...............(wake up), the birds outside …...........................................(sing)?
8.You...............................................(just have) a shower by the time he.........................(arrive)?
9.How long you …............................(study) English and German?
10.You.........................................(do) a course on cookery at this time last year?


Hello Nicole,
We´ve been in week, and we've …........... visited the Tower Bridge! We haven't been to the
Big Ben ….........., we're going there this afternoon. My friend Esteban has …..... taken more than 1500 photos, but
I haven't taken any …........ and I don't think I will take any because I lost my camera and I haven't bought a new
one ….........., even though we have been here ….... last Monday. Right now we are in a Thai restaurant in Soho.
We've …..... had lunch, it was great! Have you …......eaten Thai food?.We …........... intend to stay here …........ a
few more days because London is the most beautiful city we have …........ visited. I love London!!

See you soon,

Igor Gavilán.
Choose the correct tense for each sentence !

Choose the correct tense for each sentence !

1 After Jonathan _________________ his degree, she intends to work in an office.

2 Lola looked down to discover a snake at her feet. When she saw it she _________________.
3 I borrowed four books on gardening the last time I _________________ to the library.
4 By the time I go to bed tonight I _________________ my work for the day
5 Mark Twain _________________ up in a small town in Mississippi.
6 When my parents _________________ tomorrow, they will see our new baby for the first time.
7 Until you learn how to take a break, you _________________ your ability to speak English.
8 My grandfather _________________ in an airplane before, so this is his first time.
9 I _________________ in this city since I was a small child.
10 While I _________________ TV last night a small mouse ran across the room.
11 Jane isn’t here yet. I _________________ since noon but there is no sign of her.
12 By the time my brother finally graduated from high school, he _________________ seven dif-
ferent schools.
13 On June 20th I returned home. I _________________ for almost two years.
14When I got to the party, many people _________________.
15 Before I started the car, all of the passengers _________________ their seat belts.
16 Right now we _________________ a heat wave. It’s been so hot for almost a week.
17 When I go and see the doctor this afternoon I _________________ him to take a look at my throat.
18 I sent you the money almost a week ago but I still _________________ any confirmation.
19 After they _________________ the race the celebrations began.
20 Our football team _________________ a football match until last season, when the new coach came.
21 I _________________ all the questions correctly since I began the course.
22 It’s against the law to kill whales. They _________________ extinct.
23 Jim, why don’t you take some time off. You _________________ too hard lately.
24 Next month I have a week’s vacation. I _________________ on going on a trip to the Rockies.
25 I’ll be right with you as soon as I _________________ my keys.

1will finish – will have finished – finished – is finishing - finishes

2screamed – was screaming – had screamed - screams
3go–went–had gone–have gone
4will finish – have finished – will have finished - finish
5was growing up – had grown up – grew up – has grown up
6will arrive – arrive – will have arrived – arrived
7haven’t improved – aren’t improving – don’t improve – won’t improve
8never flies – had never flown – has never flown – never flew
9have been living – am living – had been living – lived
10watched – have watched – watch – was watching
11have waited – am waiting – wait – have been waiting
12attended – was attending – had attended – had been attending
13was away -have been away – am away – had been away
14were already dancing – already danced – had already danced – have already danced.
15will buckle – will have buckled – had buckled – buckle
16have – have had – have been having – are having
17will ask – asked – will have asked – ask
18hadn’t received – didn’t receive – haven’t received – am not receiving
19won – have won -win – had won
20never wins – has never won – had never won – never won
21had answered – have been answering – have answered – answered
22have become – become – became – are becoming
23are working – were working – had been working – have been working
24am planning – have planned – will plan -will be planning
25will find – found – find – will have found

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