Format Penilaian Vendor 247

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Form Selection Vendor Event Orgenizer

E. Event Orgenizer Date

1 Nama Penilai / Appraiser Name : Sovanne H

2 Departement / Departement : Culture / GA Department

3 Nama Perusahaan / Vendor Company : 247

4 Alamat Perusahaan / Address :

5 Nilai Kontrak / Contract Value :

6 Nomor Kontrak : Tanggal:

7 Jangka Waktu Pelaksanaan : 1 hari. Tanggal:

8 Metode Pemilihan Penyedia : Tender / Tender Cepat / Pengadaan Langsung / e-Purchasing / Penunjukan Langsung


No. Aspek Kinerja Assasement Point Remarks

Maks Point

Price Apakah harga mendekati Budget

compare to other vendor the budget is

1. 9 10

Experienced Apakah pernah menghandle Acara Skala National atau International

Winning tender for the Malaysian
2. 35 40 company, national wide winner from
11 EO selected in Indonesia, have an
experience on dealing with
Government event.
Quality of Apakah proposal sesuai dengan User Requirement
3. 8 10
able to deliver the request even in tight
Presentations Apakah Vendor memiliki kemampuan Presentasi yang baik

4 4 5
able to show the project, and the
design innitial with the rendering
Language Apakah Vendor memiliki kemampuan untuk berbahasa Inggris

5 3 5
cannot speaking english, and only 2
person in the team can speak English
Ability Apakah Vendor memiliki kemampuan yang mumpuni di bidang nya

6 5 5 they can handle 1000 participants in

the previous event, and most the
government client repeat order with
Time Apakah Vendor dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan tepat
Management waktu/Detail/Profesonal
7 4 5 so far they can deliver the request in
tight time, such as they can show
innitial rendering although they just
fisit 3 days before
Work Methode Apakah Vendor dapat memiliki metode kerja yang cepat dan efisien

8 7 10
from what deliver they can deliver it as
soon as we request
Preparations Apakah Vendor memiliki persiapan acara yang cukup matang

9 9 10
They can show the detail design in their
Comment :

They have own 84 100

workshop they
should be can
deliver in a
Keterangan: Cara penilaian setiap indikator adalah dengan memberikan nilai (angka) pada kolom yang sesuai
Procurement Appraiser Name


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