Vocabulary and Grammar

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inspire - надихати

His words inspired me.

What/ Who inspires you?

inspiration - натхнення (одн)

I have no inspiration to learn German.
Her inspiration was super powerful.

inspiring - надихаючий (щось є надихаючим, ми описуємо щось)

Such songs are quite inspiring for me.

inspired - натхненний (ми розповідаємо про свій стан, ти є така)

I was inspired by his story.

pleasant - приємний
unpleasant - неприємний

competition - змагання (спорт)

vocal contest
beauty contest

talk to/with smb - розмовляти з кимось talked

speak to/with - розмовляти з кимось // speak English spoke -

tell smb (smth) - розповідати (історію/досвід…) told- told

say (smth) TO smb - сказати said - said

History of Ukraine
story - історія з життя/книги …

win - won - won - перемагати

meet - met - met
meet smb - зустріти когось
I met some of my old friends last week.
I’m going to meet my friends this weekend.

see smb - побачитися/зустрітися

I’m seeing my friends tonight.

meet with smb - познайомитися

I met with him at the party.

a lot of // many cute words => sweet words // kind words

30 degrees
all the time
with each other
go on stage / go on cruise

on the 1st of October

on the 2nd of October
on the 3rd of October
on the 4th of October

We went there for a week.

We were sleeping for 5 hours… // We slept for 5 hours.

it’s really motivates me

It inspires me.
It motivates me.
It gives me more energy.


I’m home/ I’m at home.

I’m going home.
I’m leaving home.

We were driving home …

рух в напрямку дому => SMB V X home

go - йти/ їхати будь-чим TO

drive - авто TO

get - добиратися How can I get to ______?

get back home

arrive in Kyiv/Ukraine прибувати

arrive at the train station / at the airport/ at the bus station/ at the bus stop

depart - відправлятися
We departed from the hotel at 4 AM.

ARRIVALS - прибуття
DEPARTURES - відбуття

go on foot - йти пішки

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