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5 sentences

SMB spend time Ving ….. Ving => що роблячи?

2 days
the entire life
the whole evening

Yesterday I spent the whole evening doing nothing.

One of my acquaintances tries to spend her weekends walking around the neighbourhood.
I’ve already spent lots of money buying different decorations for my home, but still I want
some more.
She’s been spending all her time watching all the possible webinars.
He spent the entire life looking for happiness.
I spent the whole evening walking with our friends.
I like to spend time doing nothing.
She spent 3 days reading this book.

Fact : When/ If (0)/ As => 3 sentences

As you read something in English, try to write down some new words.
As you meditate, don’t get distracted.
As he drives to work, he always listens to podcasts in English.
As she has some important call, she always doodles.
As I watch a movie, I try not to eat.
As I watch a movie, I don’t eat.
As she walks in the park, she calls her friend.
As he runs in the morning, he listens to music.
As I do my homework, I try not to get distracted.

● Instead of Ving, SMB V……. - замість того, щоб робити Дію 1, роблю Дію 2
● SMB V……………. instead. => 5 sentences

I’d rather stay in instead.

He decided to work with our team instead.
His parents insisted on learning French, but he chose Spanish instead.
She learns English instead.
He invited her for a date, but she met with her friend instead.
They should make dinner, but they are watching a movie instead.
Insist on smth/ Ving - наполягати на чомусь
Go on a date
2 sentences with each:

● invite SMB for 🍹 🏠 to

She invited her friend for a cocktail to the restaurant.
He invited her for dinner.
He invited her to the restaurant.
I hope he’s going to invite you for a date.
Did they invite you for their wedding?
Her neighbour invited her to the cinema, but she rejected.

● strange - дивний
You’re being weird today.
Her husband is so weird, I can’t understand how she’s been living with him for so many
It's a weird feeling to go back to a place that you lived in a long time ago.
They’re an odd couple.
There was something odd about him.
It seemed odd that he wanted a picture of me.

● stage - етап
In order to solve this issue, we would implement a three-stage strategy/ approach.
On which stage is our project? / What is the status of the project?
It’s a good move at this stage in his career.
We’re getting to the stage where we hardly ever go out together
the early/initial stages => Sometimes there are problems in the early stages of a project.
the later/final/closing stages => She was well prepared for the final stages of the
presentation of the new product line.
reach a stage/get to a stage => We have reached the stage/ got to the stage when we’re
ready to take any risk to win the case.

● involve smth/ Ving - include

Running your own business involves working long hours.
What will the job involve?
I didn’t realise running that project involved so much work.
Expanding into new market places involves advertising our services as best as we can.
As a result of our negotiations my job involves problem solving and development of
● give up on smth - відмовитися від чогось/ скласти руки і нічого з цим не
give up Ving - перестати щось робити / відмовитися / кинути щось робити
That teacher was so boring , so that’s why we gave up on the lessons.
They had lots of rows/arguments/fights/quarrels and never agreed with each other, so they
decided to give up on their marriage.
He had to give up on the idea of completing the project within the deadline due to
unforeseen complications.
Many people tend to give up on their New Year's resolutions within the first few weeks of
the year.
The company had no choice but to give up on its plans.
Sometimes it's necessary to give up on certain ideas or projects in order to prioritize and
focus on more achievable goals.

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