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Q1:- Constitutional History of Turkey ? => Constitution of 1921 ?

Now we will explain the constitutional => After World War I and a war of
history of China. independence, Turkey was born as a new
country. The 1921 constitution was like a fresh
=> Constitution of 1876 ?
start. It set the foundation for the new Turkish
=> This was the first written constitution for government, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
the Ottoman Empire, which is what Turkey Imagine it as a brand new instruction manual
was called back then. It aimed to modernize for a brand new game. It emphasized the idea
the government. Think of it like creating a of a republic, where people have a say in how
new set of rules for a very old game. It gave the country is run.
people more rights and made the
Sailent Features:-
government more organized. However, it
didn't last very long because the empire was i) Republic:- It established Turkey as a
going through a lot of changes. republic, which means the people have more
say in how the country is run. It's like giving
Sailent Features:-
the people the power to make decisions.
i) More Rights:- It gave people more rights,
ii) Leadership:- It set up a system where
like freedom of speech and assembly.
leaders are chosen by the people. Imagine it
Imagine it as allowing people to speak their
like a vote to decide who leads the country.
minds more freely.
iii) Modernization:- It aimed to make Turkey
ii) Parliament:- It created a parliament
more modern and up-to-date, like upgrading a
where representatives could make decisions
computer to a new version.
for the country. Think of it like a group of
people making important choices together.

iii) Empire:- It was for the Ottoman Empire,

which was the old name for Turkey. So, it
was like a rulebook for a big empire.
=> Constitution of 1924 ? This constitution => The constitution of 1982 ?
came just a few years after the 1921 one.
It was like an update to the game's rules. => This is like a big book of important rules
It officially made Turkey a republic and for Turkey. It tells how the country should be
removed the Ottoman Sultanate, which run and what people's rights are. .It was
was the old way of ruling. It was a big written during a time of political turmoil
change, like switching from one game to a when the military wanted to bring stability. It
completely different one. It also made was approved in a referendum in 1982, where
Turkish law more secular, meaning it people voted to accept it. This marked a
separated religion from government. significant change in Turkey's government
rules.There are 177 articles in this
Sailent Features:- constitution. It was created after a military
i) Official Republic:- It officially declared takeover in 1980 when the military took
Turkey as a republic, with no more kings control of the government.
or sultans. Think of it as making it clear Sailent features:-
that the country is run by elected leaders,
not by royal families. i) Strong President:- This constitution gives a
lot of power to the President, who is like the
ii) Secular:- It separated religion from top leader of the country. It's like making the
government, so the government doesn't team captain the coach too.
favor any one religion. It's like keeping
religion and politics in separate boxes. ii) Secularism:- It emphasizes that Turkey is a
secular country, meaning religion and
government are separate. It's like keeping
religion and politics in separate boxes.

iii) Human Rights:- It includes rules to protect

people's basic rights, like freedom of speech
and a fair trial. Think of it as a set of
guarantees for individuals.

iv) Military Influence:- It used to have rules

allowing the military to have a say in politics,
but many of these have changed.
Constitutional Amendment process:- Q2:- Turkish President election process?
Now we will explain the amendment => The election process for the President of
process of the constitution's of Turkey. Turkey involves these steps.
i) Changing the Rules:- If people want to Now we will explain it step by step.
change something in this big rulebook
(the constitution), they need to follow 1) Qualification:- The President of Turkey must
some steps. be a Turkish citizen, at least 40 years old, and
have completed their higher education.
ii) Proposal:- First, someone, like a
member of parliament, suggests a 2) Nomination:-People who want to become
change. It's like saying, "Hey, let's update President can be nominated by political
the rulebook." parties or run as independent candidates.

iii) Parliament Vote:- Then, the 2) Voting Age:- Citizens who are 18 or older
Parliament, where elected can vote in the election.
representatives work, votes on the
3) First Round:- In the first round of voting, if
change. If most of them agree, it's like
one candidate gets more than 50% of the
approving the update.
votes, they become President. If not, the top
iv) Referendum:- If it's a big change, like two candidates move to a second round.
changing some fundamental rules, the
4) Second Round (if needed):- In the second
people might need to vote in a
round, the two leading candidates from the
referendum. It's like asking everyone in
first round compete, and the one with the
the country if they want the rulebook to
most votes becomes President.
be updated.
5) Term:- The President serves a five-year
v) Special Lock:- But some parts of the
term.Election Body: The High Election Council
constitution, like the secularism principle,
oversees the election to make sure it's fair and
are very hard to change. It's like having a
follows the rules.
special lock on certain rules to protect
them. 6) Citizen's Choice:- Ultimately, it's the citizens
of Turkey who choose their President by
casting their votes.
=> Power & Functions of president:- Q3:- Turkey Parliament ?

Now we will explain the powers and => Turkey's parliament, in simple words, is
functions of Turkey's president. called the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
It's like a big group of representatives elected
1) Head of State:- The President is like the
by Turkish citizens to make laws, discuss
top leader of the country. They represent
important issues, and oversee the
Turkey to the world and do ceremonial
things like meeting other leaders.
1) Qualification:- To be a member of the
2) Veto Power:- If the President doesn't
Turkish Parliament, you generally need to be
like a law passed by the Parliament, they
a Turkish citizen, be at least 25 years old, and
can say "no" to it, but the Parliament can
have completed your compulsory military
still pass it if they really want to.
service if applicable.
3) Emergency Rule:- In times of crisis, the
2) Structure:- The Turkish Parliament is
President can declare a state of
divided into two parts.the Grand National
emergency, which gives them more power
Assembly of Turkey (the main legislative
to make decisions without asking the
body) and the President. The Grand National
Assembly makes laws, while the President's
4) Foreign Affairs:- The President helps role is more symbolic.
decide Turkey's foreign policies, like
3) Composition:- The Grand National
making treaties and agreements with
Assembly has 600 members who are called
other countries.
"Members of Parliament" or MPs. They
5) Armed Forces:- The President is the represent different regions of Turkey, and
commander-in-chief of the military, which people vote for them in elections.
means they have control over the armed
4) Election Method:- MPs in Turkey are
elected through a system called proportional
6) Pardons:- The President can forgive or representation. In simple terms, political
reduce the punishment of people parties put forward candidates, and people
convicted of crimes. vote for their preferred party. The number of
MPs a party gets in Parliament is roughly
proportional to the percentage of votes they
receive nationwide.
=> Powers and functions of Turkey Q4:- 2017 Amendment in Turkish political
parliament :- system ?
Now we will explain the powers and => Now we will explain the amendment
functions of Turkey parliament. process in Turkish political system.
i) Make Laws:- It can create new laws or Before 2017, Turkey had a parliamentary
change existing ones. This affects how the system where the Parliament (called the
country is run. Grand National Assembly) had a lot of
ii) Check the Government:- It can question power. But in 2017, Turkey had a
and oversee the government's actions to referendum, which is like a big vote.
make sure they're fair and legal. People voted "yes" to change the system.
iii) Approve Budgets:- It decides how the So, after the 2017 Amendment.
country's money is spent, like on schools, 1) More Power for the President:- The
healthcare, and infrastructure. President got more power. They became
iv) Declare War:- Parliament can give both the head of state (like a ceremonial
permission for the country to go to war if leader) and the head of government (in
needed. charge of running the country).

v) Represent the People:- It speaks for the 2) Fewer Checks and Balances:- The system
people who voted for its members, had fewer checks and balances. The
making sure their voices are heard. President could make decisions more easily
without needing approval from Parliament.
3) No Prime Minister:- Turkey didn't
have a Prime Minister anymore. The
President did the job of both the
President and the Prime Minister.

4) Longer Presidential Term:- The

President's term increased from 5 to 7

5) More Control Over Judges:- The

President had more control over
appointing judges and could make
decisions about the judiciary.

The 2017 Amendment made the

President of Turkey more powerful and
changed the way the government
worked by giving the President more
Q5:- China constitutional history ? => 1982 Constitution of china :-
=> China 1954 constitution :- The Constitution of China in 1982 is like the
country's rulebook. It sets out the basic
The 1954 Constitution of China was a
principles for how China should be run. It
fundamental document that outlined how
talks about things like the rights of the
the country would be governed. It
people, the structure of the government, and
established the People's Republic of China
the goals of the country. Just like rules for a
and declared the Communist Party as the
game, it guides how China is governed. In this
leading authority. This constitution
constitution, it emphasizes the leadership of
emphasized socialist principles and the
the Communist Party and the importance of
importance of collective ownership of
socialism in China. It also outlines the rights
resources. It granted some individual rights,
and duties of Chinese citizens and the system
but these were often limited by the state's
of government.
interests. Essentially, it solidified China's
shift to a communist system under the => Sailent features:-
leadership of the Communist Party.
1) Socialism:- It emphasizes that China is a
Sailent features:- socialist country, meaning the government
plays a significant role in the economy and
1) Communist Party Dominance:- This
social welfare.
means the Communist Party was the most
important and powerful group in China. 2) Citizens' Rights:- The constitution lists the
rights and duties of Chinese citizens, like
2) Socialist Ideals:- China wanted to share
freedom of speech and the obligation to obey
resources and wealth equally among its
the law.
people. It believed in everyone working
together for the common good. 3) Government Structure:- It outlines the
setup of the government, including the
3) Individual Rights:- People were supposed
President and the National People's Congress,
to have certain freedoms, like speaking
which is like China's parliament.
their minds or practicing their religion.
4) Unity and Territorial Integrity:- It stresses
4) One-Party Rule:- Only one political party,
the importance of maintaining China's unity
the Communist Party, was allowed to run
and territorial integrity, meaning keeping the
the country. There was no competition from
country together.
other parties.
=>Constitutional Amendment Process :- Q6:- China Parliament ?
Now we will explain the amendment => China's parliament is a group of people
process of china's constitution. chosen by the government to make and
change laws in China. It's called the National
1) Proposal:- First, someone in power, like
People's Congress (NPC), and it plays a crucial
a member of the National People's
role in shaping how the country is governed.
Congress or the State Council, suggests a
change to the Constitution. They might do i) Qualification:- To be in China's parliament,
this if they think a rule needs to be you need to be Chinese, at least 18 years old,
updated. and meet certain requirements decided by the
2) Discussion:- The proposal is then
discussed and debated among China's 2) Structure:- China's parliament has two
lawmakers. They talk about whether the parts, the main one called the National
change is a good idea and if it follows the People's Congress and another group called
Constitution's principles. the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference. The National People's Congress is
3) Vote:- After talking it over, they vote on
more important.
the proposed change. If most of them
agree, it can move forward. 3) Composition:- Many people from different
parts of China are in the National People's
4) Approval:- The change needs to be
Congress. They represent areas like provinces
approved by at least two-thirds of the
and regions.
National People's Congress members to
become an official amendment. 4) Election Method:- In China, elections are
not like in some countries. The government
5) Incorporation:- If approved, the new rule
and Communist Party have a big say in who
becomes part of the Constitution, just like
can run, so it's not a competitive election like
adding a new rule to a game.
you might be used to.

This process is designed to make sure any

changes to the Constitution are carefully
considered and agreed upon by a
significant majority of China's leaders.
=> Power& Functions of China's Q7:- China Executive ?
Parliament :-
=> The Executive branch of China is like the
Now we will explain the power and team in charge of running the country day-to-
functions of China's parliament. day. It includes the President, Premier
1) Lawmaking:- Members of the NPC (similar to a Prime Minister), and various
propose, discuss, and vote on new laws government ministries. Their main job is to
or changes to existing ones. carry out the laws and policies made by the
government. The President represents China
2) Electing Leaders:- It elects the to other countries, while the Premier handles
President, who is the head of the domestic affairs. Think of them as the
country, and other high-ranking officials. managers of the nation, ensuring things run
3) Oversight:- The NPC checks that the smoothly. However, their power is guided by
government is doing its job correctly and the Communist Party, which plays a
responsibly. significant role in decision-making.

4) Policy Discussion:- Members debate Additionally, the Executive branch oversees

important national issues and make important matters like the economy,
recommendations. infrastructure, and social programs. While
they have responsibilities, it's crucial to
5) Constitutional Changes:- It can make remember that the Communist Party's
changes to China's Constitution, but this influence and guidance heavily shape their
happens less often. actions and decisions.
Q8:- China president Election ? => Power and functions of China president :-

=> In China, the President is not directly 1) Commander-in-Chief:- The President is

elected by citizens in a competitive the top military leader in China, overseeing
election like in some countries. Instead, the armed forces.
it goes like this.
2) State Ceremonies:- They take part in
1) Nomination:- The Communist Party of important state ceremonies and events,
China nominates a candidate for the representing the country.
position of President. This candidate is
2) Policy Influence:- While the President's
usually a high-ranking member of the
role is not as powerful as in some other
countries, they can still influence policy and
2) Approval:- The nomination is decisions, especially within the Party's
presented to the National People's framework.
Congress (China's parliament) for
3) Diplomacy:- They play a role in shaping
approval. The NPC typically votes in
China's foreign relations and policies.
favor of the Party's chosen candidate.
4) Symbolic Role:- The President is a symbol
3) President Elected:- Once approved by
of unity and leadership in the country.
the NPC, the nominated candidate
becomes the President of China. The
citizens do not vote directly for the

The President of China is selected by the

Communist Party and then approved by
the National People's Congress, rather
than through a competitive election by
the general population.

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