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7 | feck pe ier mpl ew ans t Al Name of the Lesson | Maslow’s _huerayeh a needs > He lagu hoo i dheory & cxpbin Us furciory hon ! | veil aie or 4 De ne Merit Rading 1 Reding ok os ib Medhod, | Ey es concep | =| 3] Olecis Wage pct ee Page No. 7 lanfor' totale i afer — = a | Deli 1 | | ed Peete Unter Dnbodselon be Mbinogemen! —sConcepl, Nadove & Top: + ee a = Genenie forchens Managemen: —Galokon | Maragernenl! Jhoughd =a Sienlific ement (E49 Taglor) >i pineies of “Managment — theories { Aina! > Maslowss Mebvahonal theory => Hergberg 2 feck Hreory oO Thee x ie theory y © Decsion erbvag process > Designing orqansiobional vhuchre ied Pairciples o| orgpoisahir > Mereguial lee ard «kills. Defeibion and furchion cy srareajernent : Tabodvchion # “ld Mamgement is the alleinmen! of orgarisaboral goals in an effechre are efficien] mannev thro Luarha exe sl ! . i and tt 4 ee ea lta ! — Mancgeerval it on ard of, gelling things, whith chore He fe 3 Mecelevel Bo “Ae il Uh fee! w ae dpmng on conkul in which id ib wsed Aelnihors ; i > Recodiag bo Alle, ement is, rohad dh manager decd lan > Recording. Jo-Henry Coyol | mtnayernend 1 "To manige is ar oH phe fo oupoies : bo command ‘to fed. and bo aarbel Depchies q remgenend te O¥ganieabional ahjechves # pls jechres _ woxial obj et hins erwepl qf rarwgpenend_ ' nagemen: s Maragenen Sm Nebove erner | asa cbsapline as 8 quup | pepe. as a precese SC merger) Managemen Manageme fae cig ROD Aa > 1 imporlance ruleset linay is yor d achvihes manodemen| is on ard - aad ol is ged ovieoded maniganed Is Prfeirrel _managemen| ernen| may be haced in felesrng ah) i) effectne obligation | sovrces & alevelopenen |e sources do inecuporode tmorahons _ Ure. Gy il focibdedee: the achieyernen| als wilh a msources (> il ensvies’ genecth cai lg in tase CT Aiffilly fy A ensures teeley, cohen @ tb the ey bo He cxonerne qeoh chy ensues, economi af feng Brecher | valitah 1 Weidasgeal “atlabe bake wthehegl fi meneame dikes Svathass frie sshids rane al all of Be oigarisabin prem io order bo achuere exqanalicnal abjechies. BEL a] wanagmend fickore vance Grr cul J auth 2. a aa ie { forcion. vening from alos; p pinay Lie pour merge! fralens iggy vats ls ilies ab ae bee > Heavy Ayel ploari ongerising seromcalg es walkin | i penta ; i lg Duis - pening ry jentelling . Bee Alek heh, pcaiy thal ticlolee Ke cowhilhs [ [relay =» Keorly © Domel is penn “4. soupicig safe ety cone Sather Gulliech -> + pOsD coRB - plain vorpnising 5 alferg Aechog ceo inabng ve eI th gp due dad beg orn his 4 can be a Yao: urchors eereri egabter sortie! ong one fa qe4 ' ch de ag “t 7 Sabon ie Hohl: the deepal of merge the 4 BC ae Ihe sainfanl enbihon dhol comm of rng the asl 2 cibiee wld be quapel vodey flowy pole o) Pa cuca ker pel : fo)" Sc160 fs mranesgpren| aa Seen coragurenl ‘ human relahons apprech 4 calen roragenal patiod “ht fo be shaced. fe over a0so _dttablic mane rent ; Tf cenbibuhons can be bac ibed in opab © elemends @ principhs a ceceabfie wancgeenea! if et elmer @ hols pencipls | if pp Sepasadion of planner + repbcing Hub wle 1 ote ae q gene pong wi saence a3, job avalule Ac oe dite Be el pt sober SS sstienbhic election & bainin vworkes ee = J 9 elelaprnend of vorkers frvsal wncenhves ! Se eae Ov BRepl's edianislohre management (or) 14 pincisles Se eae a neice depen , oulberty and seponsibaly he decisine vay + cmicand vniby of clvecior rr ‘ aera 4 indvidual vnlerest fo eppenits ef emunerahon 8 2 ~ cerhabiiphon : 1. order » 6 WO 8 S » eopivesh we eiy atu of ls ta Sihobive ; ve gopiitesmtps: eam soo) esprt de comps Horan Rakion Approseh 1. illorsination exprinrenl aasemble tes TIED p Royo ag Mees ralepionsng, POST.” a Bonk Iiving Cxperner! er thecies 4 Mehvadion (J edests heady Haman ned Lider oq a fob Heong | a hey X & theoiy ¥ | 1 Madas's théehy, Hoven needs | > Bosc needs | Pyeagic needs = Sey needs | wos a = at | ashe ree och ashen needs, = “tpl = at Celeemineids P Seepily needs Basie need . 2: Hemberg 2 focer theor There ace 0 factors sggeled by Berber: © Hpiee feclors © Meliadionel (ces “oh — reccschey Hgeae (es ee dhesohefaclrs 200 oxounten| epeacien 3 a H Cre 3 sils [aches fectors | | S Theoyx and teary ¥ rm ee ae shtick Assomphens | thoy (4D Assuerph 4| yy = pessimis he = ophenis Ya — lay a awit zi te ae ee = they will ot Ry thy on ready La. acl whyk inesporsble > rel snleresled frery Ls deny ove wnfucsled any hell eg desk atlas bok “Dy: bi ion mal i Process : ste Step + specific ol sectives pa idinbfeadion q pooblems sleps > ecarch r allernakives eps mat le 4: eee ‘ all sell =e jennectl yes. Slyss + cheice A alleinadie eelape + 1inplaranladon Jechion ey resull, — ‘sponsible Daigng | 20 oenchonal shochne chatinan | ceo ‘Rel Ficpal Vice pines pk ) etn plecrnerd Alahel deel opin dno edmimshadan | 0m ma 400 of M0 Hood Hoo hove noo 4f ai ete ee tree cul ecg ovbpasti' ‘pleawielont Uboslo yor pr tocheg ol ll . Baste Fose_avcepls J, rdloled bo oyna ’ Or A qanianhonel Hierarchy : Auk poly bra cor ity : Dillon q rly ; ceo am ras eo) (pm) ee ti ee AGM ase oh 5 ‘ | y 51 or = sth | " br che pare Gucebies Et ‘9 hees.| Sib ro Ey 5 L Cnplegs cpg | ae ete cape Type | engeriahonl shiedwe * | t ( L Besed on oulhoshy a vdahons rerqpenises ahonal sehvctures cn clos, oid 2 wy Line ee setion of bine vada slalf cxpaeton @ Foechinal orqanisohon Comnitlee oppnsabon SMahix oxentsahon np he [. OMN€ organs onal shelve : arias oid fo be the oldesl and hadional dupe | eganialon : which & widely vied een doy t © Line vend aly erganigehenal huchore : ST Ahi | oe have -belh line-and sl “3 ‘ ert, > lal) manegers | pped dhe fret fine mo [Epes Aaa? ! talk y ieee Pe ~~ lpetae ICON tan chowshd man Gi (epsipicdsrs) ——hine ial ony (poston erpanschn ka eer at ace Shop dee as Wshuchon ’ clerk cle f re Les (eal 7 Poker me a coMeln x organteanien __—— tet pa Cfirance ( oduchin’) (rearkebng } [ek A ee [orker pert p -—ficorkerj-——| nov Ker torker © Commllee Orgarveahon An example { committee oxgenxtane shucle in af univessiby rks [Gockel ine seats Z| [ea ay {Bead of Shales] RQ Syne tea ecfeon, f [ei | [ come” [aes | ce [ei | [ ome” e eS Vice - ites iden} | “prodend END fo Oxia © Operator. rane Tennent _ Ponl lecahon , feces te “4 on ill : Ee ene > heh shed — Shdisheal! yeh enol - conrad charle Die Jobs ere capil eb 40 closensss fo vase rralevide @ neornted bo reorkel ® haneporle labion lke el and poour © ely 1 Lbour @ goverment! roles and es & rabvtal .elinahee rb @ oles feel: 4 os hype leon We df 4. prdelin (jp bleh maid 0» podiel bl © process | ® fod oo © pesdcl | SGO88E) @® prrcss lage a : (frre lajoub : “joe Vis: ued in roneachsin 4 avicrofls rare mn ‘les ek ti | pelle @ bale, (2) rags Tob educhon i i efor , WHere very jee is Affecend fom other in ems { e cos| by cansumphen of wolevials sor ib spefeahery : Balch predlion : Here alll the predicts mraneleclor me a bone de, ave similar ii dete 4 hype. cool .e orb , vcensumnphons of ederials or ik 2ptifienhane- Moss Mass precbclic On, this & abso called flo predocdion ler pred eee ondelohen . on lar and spetiohised mechines and processes « em Rink Topredilion | [id precton Mom peel FN af oib [evesphive one : hey ewes: per res. woe nln tan b Pd | | provide ed i \ thee? “luncur p reclec hit frorn Laleh to] Hrerey | Ye 15 no ql \ Tego pellich Uh cin in' Meet ms ey uel, chs | cliffers,! if mecedeas \ Pee |e ‘Bea ey aes . amy te oh haviahier A et eal Saletan vr ce 1 ont | Cost per vi cost per unil is. |) coshper unid is fe fon a cud loo wl Woe lel | ishen coin ote bd all decal in yield Keep on peotad & ! feb 4. lhralerial even ‘ob, equine | rredecadely brcer | | eiqnificors Hp. laser oad fem pty rant oe Lott i Ve Io spree al > lake te valle | Kt | sly enlace taba al see wap levy dnc doe pb | yl lesb nce abies belt ab | [ete machines. q rrechines ‘1, theo. ebooge Here ie pl “i rae i Aires | = ly fo be h a aa Maly b below ny - 6s Mel be smaller Wek as ond tncashemen| achich wll Work i prt toh roel ch main sll est [Td seeks bo rmensvee. Ha, bone (dete yh an ' worl yee | sony “a me ” repel papin lash —> badd ids ladhsdisaltor! eb pone > echonees pl { rh red Ineo —+ hls bo ealuéle, the prperesie oo coplege — enables Ure aaker fo coun ireentives => delecmines the cosl 4 work piper (© Melhed Shed lemnadie ‘ly a cubial eramirebicn. of ely ead Le prod a aa otk 05 A MANS | deve "tana sgh ake “he ace il rh heres fee Melhod shal is v, rv odeale effec! olvion fo ad sdihen able ouch os. vorblae eh tpl d pede |pedoc esr swvor key me ond Bon melhed a : [Amn ib dele Tbe ole wall pclae ) ee otkel the ett co vend: Al releded d foc abos | coven! |& pes Jo Baksh Slanelaud jerks shely. refs lo mbady evarning hormar. rearval sorb, enamine the och cnbialy ensicin dloclep Ihe beal peesble. meld “Ufc be bel meBed so cendopd insta, he new rmelhod | stuns Be irl dnd vel Work medsvremen | [Time ¢ shay] ] establishes the. dine ve by ble ilied parson , worker Work meaevremen! rete ii ol ae level |. 4 Whe porpose AM level Aeccribe dhe given work for measvrerren boveaks the f inle chy | reat the prpmawce of fab | _elernine We bie. bine | ovide. time alto Ta ce Mr i | | OLKehcal ~ he process ae hckeal pinetples to salve tne prddern fl ong Am iNet 4 le 6 red 1 lt. yl 2 ad apo cn Wy . ebbfneals as © apalil J r v rl e mt ofr Sterenh of Slahihea ably cont : “Ike kd We cadlsaae ‘ain bilelinted shade © process conhal © accep -anyf samp \, vig la a r “1 onbel « Prowse conbel expec mpl caved Iowa conhel evs camel Though sanglng ples - fr verables "faba | 9 ee re x dul cdl Eden mea edt Copley Ea ae 17 mule le. ae iL apa sep ae olla) cal A wwincble 1 one! chose 1 rhescuremenl fern unil abl veil, dhe ese (uiablis maauied| i Bineriefadncse. Urickness , Teer and 204 , ~The ore ahypen db contol dar wll © K dad @e ded: + —> Cobol bob fo K chad » o upperconbel Ninil (vee) © x4 AR © lever coabol limid (Lev) xia Yee K < trean of means Be neo ot ateles. A,= ersdant rokenf frre table canalanh — Gal bins for se cal © Upper conhel { iml (uct) = 0,8 (2) lesxv candol linn (cr) = OF Peer eee AC Bae ojsandanb, hlenfow Ihe blo crank Poselre conshuchg % chad! ! ‘lel compile average of axeragp (x) a Je aver rong (i dep? compu e ®) dies molly the “overage rong (@) ond, conv facher Ay hich gies AL sk To ae phe oct and tee apply Ihe, ploarg UCL = X+ AAR i XA q rangi © (2) ond axnesion foche 2s ard 2g cenbol lial Yon, hid que QF De 08 Te cblain be end Le. oer Ine following conbel binids och: = & Dyk Lc - OF wed anstah : = ot oO aA PF WN toon He filling infovrebor ord late whelha dhe pieess ib im tonbel for each of dhe following y uked orn 0 canple 6 unib haut al On trkeval has been co q hall a orn any ongery eon chorig process: ¥ Gonchcl X and @ choub { Samy 7 pls ! a S 4 tune 4 3 9) 10 7 D0) 84 ge Sal og, ag ap 4 | ST BS 40 ue a3 ae ade Seafrao at I i BO4 B44 4S4S 14 264 244134 SH 43H 4 2B x Sinmadin xy ea Ee = SO _g0 10 23439414 45 420 HIT TAFT 4OFIO B= Siromabond @ . n 10 = 20, i “Te K cheils : OCL= K+ A® osn 30 + 6408 (a0) = B6/Yo AN 54 LCL « %-A,e 0.-5tt * 30 - &/608(00) = LAG 18-45 : gclowls UL = Dye 2-14 = Kaya (20) = bly 4228 UL = Oak ' © -Z>ala0) Afyg © “Sebel cher iff He idaas ae og uct 41-54 3° eee = Ss 1 E " X* 30 ae i LCL = 18-46 ist fies] WMesstrcaeal o PAE Ne desde « UCL = 42.28 P\ 8 . 2 cL a ‘Sarl eae aad Sonple 4 ove oul + cenbol | . Aeacleg qiogh horvale bal cargle 3 ol sel = ta al | ats ble case ond hence the pews! i ahha pa be ply of aaa me be Abra on Belin op p82 Ts der de, Sy ese oa rimor lass. evenif Hee oe well, hse rol canal bo be a pally mivor the apaiy is decided based on whether dhe mi » each serach considered as fel, caleles ov nol wp ere Man one deb ale > Dr some eases, the ne. aepeb pew nile oie etl soar sold aso secord quatly lem a The cohol chal fo altho = cohal ©) pe chal cabal Aa | — this !conhil deal conbale the Mlch per snl. > eankd limils foc edal| ue eohd limil (ved) ~ Eee lower conhel lind Get) = Caf& where [e- Ielel ro Aefch im alll compled 4 Tole ro of samples inepected £- che =) p chal’ te tscd!’ chee! hie se, tole cboul Ihe nembes | elichies Pe San hes , — tis cerhd chal conbole ctf ive a sample cena le Jor peer opp contd linal (ver) « P49 (P(E ay lower corel limil (uct): P - 2-8) n Avoage delechives(6) = Walno of ek Ledbtes: found e Ti =i pieces inspec tbese me oiler ef feces ech ps dy ae hing! * b \ * epee jo ecbrips, if tetkag, ohalher be oceph i heer ‘| based on the %: o| ake for andor dior sample te hole lol ov rol 4 flis Gel; aaed fio boring f=! prodec, euch de; lniee, s ochead vl eller lope pak stb id 4 ee Lance sormpi 4 Mh Twuet wahes aie Ihe lly “Thal be con uy thal enbie a be e lal lel ol { Ihe no q apes inh compl len : sample; sororib of Isle; uy ph cary i q de chves is © » bape wall sce | il i there afehion 8 + hell acepl pil 2, he will oceee ‘ | eo fein i, the bps ll y 4 oe ' 4 wel ce el . i : LS cibal genern| © reed fer inventory, ednbel f ft boy enka « oat prs ® techni wes save @ BRC onalypis, & wero: anh (eos) (2) -HML VED, PSN ,S0E acelipe Th Need . rierloy conbol + (verry conbo)): P We Utne ap he aeenhfie elled 4 roa “ti ir molenal al dhe vil hime in Ue nghd ‘qpen ides u A wb pnce > pom dhe vip supple bo belies qin fr ychon sschedle | \ Ned fool ol | 1) Te Miers : : Be vaghl ‘a, ipo! prdelon leebnnd sil mbit of 1 “at Lt wl ate hgh a a al the right bine and sight pre few the 0 ae fe @ To weinize inresbnenb io Ihe rulewls by pong” econo. 4 shege and ovng woh . ‘ @ To méimlain adeqate toventones « @ Te awid : waslage > a © Te conbibrle ively bo the overall a iniel | Ihe enlespnse Tedbngues of unveatory eonhel ! tn i ABC analysis economic order LEE Se gn [> CSN ML a | veD Lose _ ABC onal: S15 3 ‘ \ Wis o tevigue clellng vnvenlories tnsed on their valve and quantiles . —> Pl is more wmembeed an on aval & “alco baller» conbel ” of sven tory, ; — Here all lems 4 dhe srventory aye Iisled wn Be order { descr valves, shes perky Nneld and Heir suoporetrg valic. Theo Ihe! sven 12 cinded indo s temp ae 1 categories aoy Oa ceegon ioe Lo Pep ne = mA @ 8 “ri Slot bold G iC , Ss ! D0 ohpy 2 ry a io} = roby 3 Vicndie i ' Ce ee x vole ol iver Conk) chee ogg Gay Valve | Delomel f) | clcimal ce Lae nll A 10. 10 shiel mtg j AB. 20 80 edo : Y + é 10 70 hs ‘A-cod go. : 1 3h comprices’ & wsentony « wd s,ery otollarand vabucble reimally 70[- the finde ate bed up in ach easly sels, wcheh sevld be sound 10}. qf the Til volume of checks > Because the clocks in Uhis cakegory are “very costly, these vequite dhl eigen = d bei tas tt t" Beeaepys ci, > Dl comprises of rovenlow Udy ie Tidal sof: 4 He eee ead 1 in ald checks ond these accovrid f over cof, the ll vdlome { sheks . = ems Yequirt monifory on a wee Ly ov t jhe _ these th 4 fey My Jbl CGlegory : ‘ 3 T wonih qf ach slocle ich ate kool ws Mee wae ag fom |: the lolall locks, bul the valve ase cee’ coal” more! dan’ io] te invest! tn dhe nabehs.- The clepy of Be stocks can be monilored ort a rool or by realy tl. ( UML analysis i A high abe ileons M- medion L- low, 206 oral (Chased on the ovailalay)} re ™ 'S- Scatce. tberng D- diff Ie lems 2 Sosy b gpther) @- easy thems ,-- veo corlugs ( (besed on e —~ v= vilal terns — ©. caential thane — D~ deswable ilens BSN "andy Bon eli bls ie roving.) "p= lanl bearing ome 2 oo lois movi ee PN = Ken moving ilems ronnie avd erdey quand ly (eos) SMe rine be guanh rralerial , whieh can be ordered al ane hime: mi rnige the ccot + order an ony " The shehs. i Troenlen — the ik dose ean be derfel irl ae ies GY tepenbons POtlescll oe! @) ‘wvenlor cong we delete ai | #4, cog is one here he bul ni eal fs spa b le doled ca HK wal tel us define Cog variables as below one ao demand 8 ad cach order Op “i wes] thet: Toll o sa wel | py z nie = Nh ody wk pl ee PUES Pole es “i In o } ake? i ; \ ela cosyi7g ws te Yor : ownage snerloy level x cong os pe ve sae a 8 . ; €0§ -€09 18 ont MRE Ihe holal opelng wut 1s opel Conyrg test mb AxO* ZX Gime e pno = St Se DpOo ral 3 = (QAO Cc folal cosl (Te) comp cs () ordeng wl E09 order cpl Gephic peenlehen of 608 - ONIT-3 ST Paer-A an Nance prasion sviaion , goals, ther of coped. rh hk iz A tirimedlale hart ope 9 toh > gine shal Wo Vision : reals hon & img eceslahtes jrmahres = Caporale vision is shor! ard siepiing lalement df sobed ‘ jing aalalemes LH Lo Yhe organisation wilerds f become rm b t peal in fee. + Dihs h oe «| wilnlions al are bread» abl | at, oa lee > DI desaibes aspirahons fr fbr. siaite ol BENL vision is be become. largesh telecom acecton io. techie / Ae achieve at some > Mission + > A mision statement debi the orpnisaden esish Di dscnbes* Ihe esshrna ‘heeds “bolh” presend and fee > 4 speci role, dhe hos ¢e th Hh re Se pee by, Bean bei born inle soriblen forr . 4 . 7 feb masion ie "bo ed a roe opsrs and enmeced ceil c's mission is “to ortanise orld 's ripemalion ond bo wake il vrmisally accsible and vl Hl Goal « > oaks / ave overall OS ta demrbndhl or an orpnsalin ~ fr vide the me ay among! Ihe well i hl | manson is be gel u phe fo apo o be amy bo erage nctoiious — shor luge conbiluke Mislh, Ptr, the goat fv eobve: boon « Gey plop puke hs sltrowe aati et the cephin ct tee ee con dhe fforks ef all hese realy eal pha "4 \ i. teaditidcel b eyexcorne. cexnpelihion be inexase sales © iNekase potchin, by wobiede She em loge to provide thar bel a x on 4 Lin ef shaleqy is 2. ewcial fads ‘ + Tnptmenlehin of shaliag : Caporale porerg process Bese concep cor porete poring : ' Masion a 3 oe ie _) shally ne Bes © peovammes finer { cevporale peering prectss : — it car be cbfeed a, Thi prowss { ermal dhe coporle mission, scanning be business environmen! , evlysr shakey, Wohng necessary infrasbuchye , an (gn eSources bo. conan foal nl etry ache Pre WEN MssION, ane caprade planan Whe clrcenls of the corporale pling Frease ane V ideahfin corporate mission a fore! vy hale jeclnes 7 4 =e cad eulenal con en! | an oolschey aldernadie Halegis n Bianeseleclinab-Hestltal Melrlet it |» shalede business wile (sv ») 6 frmy key leveb j allel Yesources b cach $Bv 8. Phelps «fered plens 4 renting dhe pporwre Ie. pele, plons wherevey eee . Ghinionmentad ani i A major porpose q eontonmental scarnir sb icknds | an urckieland the new oy orhvnies ‘in hich Ee can perbrn Pohl rr ore, rere Delnibion : TI i e vill pol of the roveorade bein +) [re { Pr Pannin focess , ies bin by b aohicirale thal is the & happen of Mi bo flere . Ye eavuonmen| in {rowabl dirchers . Nek : ==5 ye iwierral. cami nmen| 5 dp blaming Ke co shonhes and : Touch 7 —> ie inka, enviionmend 3 be delumice the adenalhs “and seeckinesses a heir frre, : | ; § Grpaate planni L envitonmental Seong [sovivcrmendal analyse talrnal ennionment talernal envirenrvenl ] | dir Shares in ae fornslaken and iomplenenladion % The precess { aie: Fre chateay aod ik iniplinenlahorr Le flow ol vt P © idinkficobion of rnission and cbeehies ® envionmenlal scanny @ eeouiie skreteqy ~alleanahies t © shoeaic mali © abalegic choige © alllecobion YeSovicrs develop exqoniéabonal ohvchore (ry ferred the pons » policies aprymnyes » lade prcabekisn © edoben y conhol - > combirahon hate Gerete Shale lle allernabives — GF owlh shale ny rreelodel Ugles ~— slay chaleay : ‘Y SKOT anal sis with crample + + "eancpSIRe es Be hl pal calalion q- Laat Bs wsaakness Leppebn thes and dhteck hich ave Wels do effeel the shalegic ohaite stifles My : “Take! incase of cormpler nb , =| Sheng: 1. gale et repetere “iret a pel i hained i 3 wide cheice _ 4 nabonal rnehoor fe + well -epeped boining oh Wealness 1 nol esse in edllin 2 cvgse Alforertale rel harp 3 counsellor enthusiasm ine adequate 4 cudlomes service nol focosed troush Opporhen Opporhnihe, . booing jm eal ecdiahn © ample library be corre ecealy + qo o| rich haining needs 4. need (« colepoiied baning modu, “ihucale i we Rae in MO.q compe Jah vale i leclrebgeal -obsoleacence sahan of hoining onder cullirg tees. a conmeditigahe q | j 4 {| Part B at page no. 45 UNIT4 Ponic TIONAL Manageme NT ec nc wagaaeigg sae peel CD Concepl ef humansecovrcemmaragemen! (412M) » HEP (han were ckiclepmenl , pane (prseral eevagenel k induatial veladons) © forchens Inenan recor rors] moregerend © Wage Pyrreal plons « @ Tc evaluabion S) Meri] he © Salinl ia + foctories acl , 1446 O) Makching maragemenl- debnikan & fonctions @ Marked, a op ne Sl ieiatt — plice shake =o Promekon strode a he dum He canbe Shough! keowled chills erahie abides jenlerh ard aphidide of an orqanitadsn 9s wll os valves fern adlehde. gels the individal Diferend Jame are usech bo HRM they axe labour end, labow odminislaken, labour ond erareqirnent rdobion, ndshial relahon , perserel wn horn call wemerer| , horan ace! veogprenl Hem and like. mis ckbired 09: ort of pronsi selvel . Hs ‘orp worbbace bs ie i ee rind dfekie and find mon a ee prenree mmpreel % poss of seep hares te fe ape insbne. h, te sae. 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Time Bs 2 Zupete : 7 one indeale:! on i ae “Pere wiked “t fj otk done . ¢ nlicb) “ale : i re es La b= = ni eo ay er Un G yt fe: Te ie dene s eal in hors ; Re vale Pe hoo Pece rede phen : ' _ Lf Onder this aipleen, the aie paid bose Lika ror base olp peel “1? cc allel eonsi dene a7 F trae” labors " ren ig na NR re 7 va hunks po eecd Rx wahelsg I while’ : - ; Z : The eavnin c ihey 4 mals as Wes ed ee worl: lat and kis oon indlivideal “salle aa efi = + cating nebo Pah ooliakion ion din om ng ovt vwrth)rolue job a valued doe sa the pb ae he yr = ee | Ihe calosice| voagin {- porbcay jb at elem pad) py Aim i ool ror woe. fe candidat rere oc hal puprege ¥ Yank Whe employees . peampon’ ieee i Se 7 2 ve i increment! 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Ly cosbomer 4 ont yfachon is mol innporan aspre! { T34 Nob hore of a8 18M ‘ia makin rchlem volvin pal pean quold f 1 apertaeon y | commilled § savolved employees - } locercesl fh { highet vevenve_/ ’ th pap fhe saanéabon. i Clemenls ef TOM yoann: oo = high raenve = gpl ocichon wold Here: cpolty baining Sin Bgene 7 SiesSime i 0 hanes salakishtal dade dniven spat medhodo f sign defch oredsel -\ ov Service | a 3 Tl ses inhodveed, Grginees BillSmi lk, wohl wala al Melorela in.’ 180 ; ~> Techisebh emade, il corthad te he elehic in 1945 v ae op Noverntn eneial business oboe aly A sit sy prowess 6 one an which aaaaaae f | all eke peckee refobs geil al tapeckd Jo be bed ded. retool, fp by 4 2 SiS gem do ald poetics dealeped TLL Seperabl rnpreve piccesses bi chung Melhedologies ascel sin Si Sees SS ae he inepiic te : Beri heo pirjecl it tat f i by hs ie tedhedlgies camposed of. fve phases ee © dmaic ©): DMapy DRAW process Bee ee ovement all achwihes associated ep hsb f | : Spc gods rn FOO eel At ee vser as well as assccaked ‘wlomehon flee vnaler [ie | % and down elie hives : : Se mwtnnlze b overall value aenealed - 4 sy ie prodtably : % eckeve ren sippy chin play oe To reduce. otly chain cols b Need ~» Seprove thins > Breseasing las of ovbovrérg ) — compebibve promis > Pherasing gfebeligahon 7 Srevsing inpordonee af. sermmrerce St aa thvenlovies ? = &P & an ale enlerprise pide vf mmobon opleen Ok pales dhe infrwabon aaplem | an expisehon orid avlomales most ef the business (nckers i ty > Glerpce & thet on 4 pop wilh 4 cormen Ina ef EPPS has corbauin vesouices af 3b clupesel b delsievé Was ge benef i — Shslalling an cep aplem has fron echenlaes belly leering thes * chiccl ond® indnecd.. ediecl aelandags viclde + = imped fier ~ ee ‘ink ahon fy bedle chisionn mehing, frets "esponse be b asshomney pos exha, Ie ‘indice! advantagus ‘elude « = — beley corporate image.” — proved Flas boil | ‘ oO — ashes sabis|achion b : Bosiness pices ovhoway _» &P0 ee a subse cubcuret dad involves Ihe embochin the eprohew ‘and responsibilihes rt a specivic business process bo a third poly ssewiee provides. - = cing This as associated gil rmanvfach iz foe suchas | Yral evboureed ae samen ks erly chain coco cola > BPO means hardhag over the soork | the compar & ot evbide neal oy tl F compl Kon ‘on conhoe! basis a & dicthibuhon Chaos "ara Dl sen ve ios dab cclpies cae 1 Bec fice ooboreri fend fice bering Bech olfice ouburcing wih ‘cada erg Earns prebies eh ialig Genk elfice eubovrer whch icles aslorcy sealed seven ith ot marked e Teh sppoil or partes: Kedferms ef BPO ' offshore -+ pro hal is conhocled Subide. a companys oun coun 2 enthore + pro thal is wad vilhsalhe company 1s own aunly 3 reershere hal 5 wonhac 4 reighbourin 3 reershare : oO J ee ighbooving au | é i Business process Regieeing —> Peendin by ride arwrar bor he frdarsnel velbunkie ae elon { business pews bo achieveye cilia Condemporors measures Ghali wees & 1 papers ach as wl uly aver cod oped Bra is cone dang indie tod onlovw meer a, 7 shold ( © Refs comping tics on cusbwe neds @ Rebouin core recesses ° ey informedion Teh bo enable renprorernrk lanson lales dhad every reerqneciing lor| involves. @ basic yo oo ielhink Pyeng tt i. 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Bice ohps 1 Seayeh slepa + Sobsesve a : ovale S te acopl Balanced Score Grd > Blonced BecCud 7 nes eri deelead in 1990 by Rber| Kaplan and piace b sholegs croragimel Dbuid Nosbn =uahamt : satisfachon nt rate rahe vesullls oe Osborne cexdorner relabionchip VISION & stentegy CAreohion 4 Guoval Vetenhon : Firoridl Seles ne apalil GHaral se : islochon ereplogee duvnovey | specialist no « skills seas - ea i. automa bil troining 0 Frarcial : , , — Te succeed {irene hovo should we oppo & ow ante Taternel, business (care Goi et ar shareholders and costomers thal business oe rus] loc’ excel al Goshernere Te achieve ovr vision hoi chav lel beapomr Jo our ould a ie Leon is ‘ond Groth > TH ochre ov vision hors rill i sudan neu abilily b chorop, and Improve ny Melhede | On the je 7 methods coach — jb faewocsan method oe appreniaship brining 5 ye Yelahon Traini (een “i Ueda mePocls fed vestibal es, J ssemninars oer ves! lechves eae: Workshops Sovrees {| Revi eal Sleinal Sources eepbypu seferels os5 os fore: empbyeo Cudenol Sarees —_ ae cachorgé — Consy] tani — ee veev ) aa | —" bsike

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