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LITERATURE REVIEW This section describes the literature on financial self-sustainability or sustainability of

MFIs in Bangladesh and other countries. Foreign countries. A literature review facilitates the observation of a

research gap and thus contributes to discovery framework of research. Kyereboah-Coleman and Osei (2008)

studied 52 MFIs in Ghana to assess their performance. The the study contains 10 years of data from 1995-

2004. Researchers found that board size, board independence, government qualification, size, age and asset

structure are statistically significant determinants of multilateral commission payments studied in Ghana.

Ayayi and Sene (2010) surveyed 217 MFIs in 101 countries to identify indicators of financial self-sufficiency.

research contained 9 years of panel data from 1998–2006. The researchers found that the risk portfolio and

financial performance annual ratios, management, productive age and scale had a favorable effect on the

financial self-sufficiency of the selected financial institutions. 101 countries. Al Atoom and Abu Zerr (2012)

investigated the factors affecting the financial sustainability of MFIs in Jordan. The study includes cross-

sectional data from 2011. The researchers showed that financial income and financial costs, operating

expenses and loan impairments decreased negatively in financial sustainability sampled financial institutions

statistically significant. Dissanayake (2012) investigated the factors affecting the profitability of microcredit in

Sri Lanka. Microcredit institutions. This study includes a six-year sample (2005-2010) of 11 financial

institutions as panel data. Researcher Multivariate regression was used to analyze the data. From this study,

the researcher finds that the ratio of operating costs, 70 Ahmad, International Journal of Accounting and

Finance Review 11(1) (2022), 69–75 personal productivity, cost per borrower and debt to equity ratio are
important determinants of profitability in Sri Lanka. Microcredit institutions. Muriu (2012) evaluated the

profitability factors of 210 financial institutions in 32 different African regions. lands In this study, the

researcher covers 12 years of unbalanced panel data from 1997 to 2008. showed that efficiency, size, capital

level and credit risk negatively affect the tested MFIs, which are statistically notable Rahman and Mazlan

(2014) investigated the determinants of financial self-sufficiency in five MFIs in Bangladesh. This study

includes only 7 years of data from 2005 to 2011. Scientists revealed its size, age and functional capacity

expense ratios are important determinants of MFIs in a sample of Bangladesh. Loan and Nguy?n (2015) study

financing Performance and scale of 97 MFIs in India. Examining cross-sectional data from 2010, the

researchers assessed its determinants financial performance and scope of the tested financial institutions.

The researchers found that the performance, operation and financing costs and the loan Asset ratios are also

statically important determinants of financial performance such as yield, utilization and labor costs statically

important ingredients to achieve the studied MFIs in India. The survey also revealed that there is no

arbitration between financial efficiency and the achievement of MFIs in India, which means that a larger goal

may be possible possible Hossain and Khan (2016) investigate the financial sustainability of MFIs in

Bangladesh. This study covers An unbalanced panel dataset of 29 financial institutions over the five-year

period 2008-2009. Here, researchers find that the ratio of fixed assets, operating expenses and depreciation

ratio are statistically significant for financial sustainability of selected MFIs in Bangladesh during the studied

period. Adhikary and Papachristou (2017) studied 114 MFIs in six South Asian countries (Afghanistan,

Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) to assess the determinants of profitability. This study

spans nine years unbalanced panel data from 2003 to 2011. The researchers pointed out that efficiency,

credit risk, liquidity, the proportion of women borrower self-sufficiency rate and self-sufficiency rate are

statistically significant factors in the sampled financial institutions of the study period. Khan, Butt, and Khan

(2017) investigated the factors affecting the financial capital of 32 MFIs in three countries. (Bangladesh,

Pakistan and India) to discover the factors affecting self-sufficiency of MFIs in Pakistan, India and

Bangladesh. This study includes five years of data from 2011 to 2015. Scientists recognized that the size of

the loan portfolio and the ratio of assets have a significant positive effect on operating costs and management.

inefficiency, risky portfolios and availability, which have a statistically significant negative effect on the financial

self. suitability of sample MFIs in three countries (Bangladesh, Pakistan and India). Abdishakur (2020)

investigated the factors 4 on the profitability of MFIs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The researcher examines 14

years of panel data from 2005 to 2018. This The research revealed that there are the number of borrowers,

portfolio quality, capital ratio, age and operating efficiency important determinants at the firm level. Inflation is

a country-level determinant in Addis Ababa model monetary institutions, Ethiopia. Parvin et al. (2020) studied
187 MFIs in Bangladesh to determine the impact of financial structure on the financial system. presentation

The researchers included 10 years of unbalanced panel data from 2005 to 2014. The study revealed that the

risk, size equity ratio and debt-to-debt ratio significantly govern the financial performance of selected MFIs in

Bangladesh. According to the theoretical model, the researcher developed a comprehensive study of the

existing literature on plaque


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