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NARRATOR: The Montessori school decided to do a field trip. Their plan

destination is in the museum, a museum about the history, cultures and
practices of the religion “ISLAM”. On the day of their field trip, the
students are kept on talking on the van about how they were excited to learn
about the religion of Islam. At the museum, the students and the teachers are
welcomed by the museum tour guide.

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 1: Good day students and teachers! Welcome to the Islamic
Heritage Museum. Today, we embark on a field trip to explore the fascinating
world of Islam.

STUDENT 1: Woooow!! This place is amazing!

STUDENT 2: Look at these pictures!

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 2: Islam is originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7 th

century. And it was founded by..

Student 3: That’s Prophet Muhammad, the founder!

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 3: Exactly! He received revelations from God, known as

Allah over a period of 23 years, which were later compiled in the holy book
of Islam, the Qur’an.

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 2: The Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of Islam. He
preached monotheism (the beliefs in one God) and the message of peace, love,
and compassion.

STUDENT 4: The Quran! It’s so beautifully written.

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 1: Yes, truly it is. The Qur’an is the sacred text of
Islam. It is considered the final and most complete message to humanity and
is written in Arabic.

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 3: It contains the revelations of God (Allah), religious

guidance, laws and regulations, narrative and stories, prayer and rituals,
and guidance for personal development.

STUDENT 5: What are the key doctrines of Islam?

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 1: Islam emphasizes the Five Pillars..

STUENDT 6: Oh wait, the five pillars! I’ve heard of those.

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 2: I’m so glad to hear that! The five pillars represents
the core principles of Islam, they are shahada (Faith), salat (Prayer), Zakat
(Charity), Sawm (Fasting), and the Hajj (Pilgrimage).

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 1: And these are essential for a devout Muslim’s life.

STUDENT 7: Wooow! The Islam religion is so interesting!

STUDENT 3: I can’t wait learn more about the Islam!

STUDENT 2: Let’s go! Let’s explore the other parts of the museum!

NARRATOR: The students is so excited to explore the other parts of the

museum. while they were touring, they noticed an exhibit showing the Arabic
calligraphy for "Allah".

STUDENT 4: What does this mean?

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 1: Oh, that Arabic Calligraphy means “Allah”

STUDENT 5: Who is Allah?


MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 3: Allah is the one and only God in Islam. And Allah is
considered to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-merciful.

STUDENT 6: Ohh, I see. That’s why Muslims is monotheism because they believe
in one God, which is Allah.

NARRATOR: The students take 20 minutes break. After they had a break, they
gathered around and talk about what they have learned and realized.

MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE 1: Students lets continue the tour and for now, kuya
cristly and kuya edpan will be the one to explain to you the different sects
and issues of Islam.

CRISTLY: Hello everyone! I’am kuya cristly. Nice to meet you and I will
explain to all of you the sects of Islam. Islam has several sects, each with
its own interpretations and traditions. But the two major sects are Sunni and
Shia. Sunni Muslims follow the leadership through elected leaders while Shia
Muslims believed in leadership passed down through Prophet Muhammad’s Family.

EDPAN: Good day students! I’am kuya Nathaniel and I am going to explain the
issues in Islam. The common issues Muslim’s faces is the changes in area such
as social, security, family structure, slavery and the rights of women
improved on what was preset in existing Arab society.

STUDENT 3: I’ve learned so much today about Islam. It’s diverse and
fascinating religion

STUDENTS 7: I definitely have a better understanding of Islam now, and I’am

eager to learn more!

ALL STUDENTS: Thank you all!!

STUDENT 1: Thank you for making this field trip incredible and fun!

MUSEUM TOR GUIDE 1: Thank you all for visiting our Islamic Heritage Museum.

MUSEUM TOR GUIDE 2: We hope this journey has shed light on the beauty and
diversity of Islam.

MUSEUM TOR GUIDE 3: Remember, understanding each other’s belief is a step

toward unity and peace

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