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Definition of love for me

For me, and also based on people who have experienced love, love is when you give someone
the power to destroy you, but at the same time, you trust them that they will not use it. Love is
not just words and is about caring for each other. It's all about trusting one another. The
moment you trust the person you love, that's also the moment you give her the power to destroy
you and hurt you. You loved her. No other person will break your heart but the person you love.
So you gambled on giving all your trust to her that she will not use that power to destroy you.
Trust is the core of love. When you break it, it's over. Love is a risk and sacrifice. But how will
you know if you truly love someone? For me, it's when you're not afraid of letting them go. Love
is kind, not possessive. You want the best for them even if it's not with you anymore. Love isn't
something you do. Love is something you can develop; it is a process. Love doesn't happen
because you say it. Love doesn't happen because you're attracted to somebody. Yes, you may
feel it at certain moments because when you like something, you may also begin to love it. But I
believe there's a difference between "I like you" and "I love you." What you want is different from
what you love. As Buddha said, "When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a
flower, you water it daily." If you like someone, you will hold onto them because you just admire
their beauty, but if you love someone, you will take care of them every day, make sure that the
love is growing, and add more whenever they're struggling. That's why what Buddha said stuck
in my mind and heart. Your feelings are sweetest when you are in love. If your body is lovely, it’s
referred to as health and pleasure. Love and compassion are states of mind that are highly
pleasurable. Blissfulness and ecstasy are terms used to describe when your very life energy
becomes pleasurable. Only when your surroundings improve are you considered successful.
For most people, love begins as a feeling because it makes us feel good. But true love isn't just
a feeling because our emotions can also disappear in the long run. True love starts with a
decision. To truly love someone is to possess and express an attitude of commitment to serve
and live for the sake of one another, regardless of your own needs and feelings. Living for the
sake of one another doesn't diminish anything from your lives. The purpose of truly loving
someone is to add value and joy to their life. Love is not just an emotion. When someone says,
"I fell in love," that's purely emotional. In the long run, it may just disappear. That kind of love
can switch to hate quickly. You can only despise someone you fall in love with; you cannot hate
someone you genuinely love. That is the primary distinction between loving and falling in love.
Finally, love is more than an emotion. It's a decision. It is a choice to love someone.

“You are killing me and keeping me from death; that is love.”

-Mahmoud Darwin

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