Niduaza, Jake Mexam Cfe

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In the beginning of the 20th century, the term Indigenous peoples refers to the ethnic groups of people
who were never fully subjugated and Christianized nor Islamized, and who kept their pre-conquest
cultural and religious traditions quite intact. In line with this, give at two (2) indigenous wisdom or
practices that you know which are still very much significant today. Kindly follow the format below:
a. Cite the two indigenous wisdom or practice (4 points)
b. Describe or explain what these are all about. (6 points)
c. Based on your observation, why are these practices still significant today? (10 points)

-Indigenous wisdom or practices that still very significant today the marriage of the igorots where they
arrange a very large piging and they perform a traditional dance, 2nd is their traditional clothing.

These practices happened whenever they have an event is very popular to make the families of the two
married person get to know each other, it’s also event where they showcase their talent in their traditional
dance and to show support in the married couple. In addition their clothing will represent what indigenous
they belong.

These practices are still significant today because indigenous people love their culture, and when we say
tradition it will be observe until their last breath, especially the elders who will be guiding their children
to preserve their culture.

2. The CICM pioneers in our country and even in other countries have gone through challenges as they
started their missionary activity to the indigenous peoples but despite these, they found ways to succeed
in their mission. As you look into your own Christian mission, considering the field you have chosen,
what do you think could be one(1) of the challenges that you might encounter. Discuss and cite possible
ways to prepare yourself in confronting
such challenges including how you can enter into partnership or collaboration with people disregarding
the differences that may be present. (10 points)

As a soon mechanical engineer I think one of the problems that may encounter is being surrounded by
people who have different beliefs and culture in life. To become more closer to them as we work together
I will communicate and understand that we have many differences and show that it will not be a barrier
for us to work more efficiently. I will respect their culture and beliefs.

3. The characters in the Parable of the Good Samaritan are the priest, the Levite, the good Samaritan, and
the man who was beaten and robbed. Who do you think are these characters today? Who/what do you
think do they represent in today’s modern context? Choose two (2) and give one representation for each
character and provide
a very concise explanation. (10 points)

Good Samaritans represent individuals or groups who show compassion and loyalty to others regardless
of differences or race. This can include volunteers, activists or ordinary people who try to help those in
need, even when it is inconvenient or dangerous. In today's modern context, the Good Samaritan
represents acts of kindness, compassion, and altruism.

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