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Annex C City of York Council

Section 1 - Risk Register

Ref Category Risk Description Impact Chance Cost Time RAG Mitigation
Design team and contractor to collate
Failure to discharge planning and listed
3 Planning 2 1 1 2 Green initial pack of information for discharge
building conditions
of conditions
Extent of conditions known and to be
4 Planning Planning conditions impact on budget Increase project budget 4 3 4 14 Red
reviewed and managed
Works to provide new supply are
delayed / not in accordance with the Orders for the electrical services have
10 Legislation Stats Electricity provider 2 2 2 4 Green
programme to save having to provide a been placed by CYC direct.
Building Control Sign Off delay due to Revisit design to address concerns of
11 Legislation 2 2 2 4 Green Continue liaison with the BC Officer
lack of resources building control

12 Adjoining Owners Impact of boat companies (City Cruises) Impact delivery/ site servicing strategy. 2 1 1 2 Green Legal agreements are in place

Appoint party wall surveyor and

Party wall negotiations & construction Objection from neighbours. Potential
13 Adjoining Owners 3 4 3 10.5 Amber progress discussions with neighbouring
access delay to programme
Restaurant not achieving appropriate Early engagement of agent for potential
Failure to secure market interest for
14 Procurement tenant and long term revenue 3 5 5 15 Red lettings. Sufficient expressions of
projections. Impact on project cost. interest
Tender prices received and under
Exchange rate on materials. Impact of
review - Risk shall remain prominent
16 Procurement Increased construction costs international markets following political 3 3 3 9 Amber
where budget costs / provisional sums
are included.
Contractor financial checks and
18 Procurement Sub-contractor insolvency Impacts Main Contractor 4 3 3 12 Amber
subcontractor vetting to be carried out

GI survey undertaken, information

Surveys required to determine ground Possible need to re-visit design / deal
20 Surveys 1 5 1 3 Green obtained. Contamination results
conditions/ contamination with contamination on site.
received. - Desk study provided by Arup

Ongoing monitoring by ARUP and

Proven to be active, remediation Monitoring specification included within
21 Surveys Identification of active movement 1 5 5 5 Green
impacts cost Contract documents for Contractor to

22 Surveys Unidentified archaeology Further evaluation required. Cost impact 2 2 2 4 Green Evaluation of site undertaken.

23 Surveys Additional surveys required Cost impact 1 1 1 1 Green Undertake outstanding surveys
Unrealistic programme submitted by
26 Programme 1 3 2 2.5 Green Market tested
Review historic flood data, and issue to
Programme delays; due to flood levels Works stop, cost and programme
27 Programme 6 5 3 24 Red Contractor. Contingency plan to be
impacting construction implications

Implementation of IRS schedules,

Client/ Contractor impact cost/
29 Design Delay to design programme 3 3 3 9 Amber design deliverables and clear
responsibility for design

May resolve existing cracks and

Underpinning, piling and crack repairs movement of the tower but other cracks Detailed dilapidations surveys, crack
31 Design 3 5 5 15 Red
to be considered may appear elsewhere that will require monitors

Turner & Townsend 1

City of York Council
Section 1 - Risk Register

Ref Category Risk Description Impact Chance Cost Time RAG Mitigation
Undertake surveys early to determine
unknowns. Allow suitable contingency
Costs of additional surveys and
32 Design Discovering structural unknowns 5 4 3 17.5 Red for remediation.
remediation works.
Biggest concerns being the tower
underpinning and South Range

Utilities surveys maps obtained and

Undetected services not identified on Programme/ re-design/ cost impact to
35 Services 2 3 3 6 Green plotted on SGA drawings. Careful
surveys and drawings address unknown
excavation / groundworks when on site.

River source heat pump license

Provisional consent obtained. Continued
40 Services approval by the Environment Agency; Delay in no approval from EA 1 4 5 4.5 Green
dialogue required.
Quarry that stone exists from is closed.
Investigate other quarries which supply
Impacts programme, and different
Sourcing stone for the purpose of the stone. Liaise with Historic England
41 Materials stone requires further approval from 4 3 3 12 Amber
remediation/ repair works and the planning authority to have an
Historic England and the planning
alternative approved.
Bullivants / Arup design and Vinci
temporary works design to be reviewed
in detail to mitigate any consequential
Structural damage and the repairs Finding the right solution to undertake
42 Construction 4 4 3 14 Red delay.
required to the tower the underpinning works

Building monitoring systems and

locations to be agreed.
CYC left with legacy issues and building
Outstanding defects remaining Ability to resolve within the building
48 Post contract defects which need resolving / impact 2 3 1 4 Green
unresolved contract. Use of retention.
on tenant occupation / satisfaction.
Review the non construction costs prior
Costs exceeds allocated budget (Non Particular risks surrounding consultant
50 Financial 5 3 3 15 Red to contract award and during the
Construction costs) fees, furniture / fit out works etc.
construction period.
Incorrect estimation, design errors and Risk sits with CYC with the exception of
51 Financial Construction cost overrun 3 3 3 9 Amber
ambiguities CDP items
Change in specification / need to
Availability of specialist labour / Dialogue with main contractor & supply
56 Construction appoint specialists / commission 3 3 3 9 Amber
equipment chain
bespoke works
CDP requirements have reduced from
Poor co-ordination with design team initial intent - Regular meetings to be
61 Design 2 3 3 6 Green
interfaces (contractor design portions) held with Vinci and Design Team to
discuss CDP interfaces.

62 Adjoining Owners Rights of Light 1 4 1 2.5 Green Title Report does not identify any issues

Poor contractor performance during Contract to be signed to protect client -

64 Construction 2 5 4 9 Amber
construction performance bonds to be obtained.
Risk of discovering old basement
66 Design Unknown South Range structures 4 3 3 12 Amber
causing issues with piling proposals
Impacts the sign off planning conditions
Insufficient design detail from specialist
/ listed building consents etc. In Regular deisgn and planning condition
67 Design CDP packages / slow to provide 3 1 3 6 Green
particular pre-commencement reviews
required detail
Incident occurring which stops the work Waste management and compliance
70 River Satisfying EA requirements and action required to resolve the issue. 1 5 4 4.5 Green with the EA to ensure no environmental
EA Prohibition. hazards

Turner & Townsend 2

City of York Council
Section 1 - Risk Register

Ref Category Risk Description Impact Chance Cost Time RAG Mitigation
Delay to design programme as a result Recovery of cost / time included within
Operator changes impacting on cost /
72 Design of tenant/operator requirements 3 3 3 9 Amber the Agreements for Lease should late or
(restaurant) significant changes be made
Design changes (including client Traditional contract - risk remains with
73 Financial changes/ variations / EOT & loss & Construction cost overrun 6 5 5 30 Red CYC - Adequate contingency to be
expense claims) and unforeseen items secured
Delay to programme - Wind, Temp, Contractor to provide impact through
75 Construction Weather delays 5 3 2 12.5 Amber
Rain contract mechanisms
Underpinning, piling and crack repairs Cracks may appear elsewhere. Detailed dilapidations surveys, crack
76 Design 2 5 5 10 Amber
to be considered to 3rd parties Remediation costs monitors
Additional bore hole surveys indertaken,
no foundatons / obstructions found
albeit at relatively shallow depth. (near
Proposed piling designs impacted by
Ground conditions - Borehole survey
77 Surveys this and require altering - Time & Cost 3 3 3 9 Amber Bullivants / Arup to review surveys and
depth insufficient
impact confirm they are happy with findings.

Vinci to design piling to new structures

and confirm site information held is
Assessment of wall structure required -
Instability to boundary wall following
80 Design Structural works required (piers) 3 2 2 6 Green Scope of works to be determined
demolition of garages

Clashes between the existing building Trial holes could be undertaken to

foundations and proposed drainage better understand the existing
network. No information is available for Co-ordination of drainage with foundations. Drainage has been
81 Surveys the existing buildings therefore it has foundations during construction. Cost 3 2 3 7.5 Green designed conservatively to allow for a
not been possible to co-ordinate the impact. level of contingency in the design if
height of drainage to pass above/ under foundations impact drainage runs.
the existing foundation as required.

Trial hole dug in the location and

Potential drainage clash with proposed appears to be clear - risk to be reviewed
82 Surveys Additional external drainage network 1 3 3 3 Green
lift shaft pits again once demoliton of north annex is
Missing information within the BoQ
83 Financial Billing omissions or Inaccuracies 4 5 4 18 Red T&T have carried out reviews of the BoQ
resulting in time and cost increases
Additional works not covered by
contract documents. Arising from Detailed change management process
84 Financial Cost & programme 6 5 4 27 Red
opening up works / scope and extent of to be followed.
works greater than assumed etc.
Ongoing movement in the south range,
Underpinning works reinstated resulting Arup to monitor during construction
85 Design given the removal of underpinning from 2 4 4 8 Amber
in cost and time impact works
the scheme
Design change due to level of
Coordination to be managed by design
development and coordination at the Impact on cost and programme -
team as a priority - Design changes to
point of tender, for items such as North changes may delay construction activity
87 Design 2 2 3 5 Green retaining concrete wall has been
Annex chimney, retaining walls and / impact on sequencing resulting in EOT
instructed by CYC and should be
stairs, and movement joints to existing claims
underway by design team.
Revisit of design proposals - time and Design team to disucss with planning /
88 Design Council chamber cooling to be approved 2 3 3 6 Green
cost conservation

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