Toki Pona Cheat Sheet v2

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Last Updated 27 Jan.

2023 mi pali e tomo kepeken palisa moku – yes

Direct objects kepeken kiwen. – I make the house moku ala / ala – no

Toki Pona
The particle e separates a verb using sticks and stones.
from its direct object. This also For open-ended questions, you can
anu can be used to mean “or.” also use “anu seme.”
makes the word before into a verb.
Toki Pona is a language developed ni li pona anu ike? – Is this good or sina moku anu seme? – Are you
soweli li moku e telo. – The animal
by linguist Sonja Lang, with only bad?
drinks the water. eating?
around 130 words. mi anu sina li tawa esun. – You or I
mi telo e soweli. – I wash the cat. / I kala anu seme li lon poki? - Are
This side describes the grammar, are going to the store. fish in the box?
apply water to the cat.
the other side contains vocabulary.
seme can also be used to create
This version is by jan Sa, CC0.
sina suli e ona– You embiggen it. /
You make it big.
Loaned Adjectives nonpolar questions. Replace the
Original by blinry. Toki Pona does not use proper word in question with seme.
nouns, but rather proper
This document is simply a cheat Modifying words adjectives:
jan seme li toki? – Who’s talking?
sheet and is not exhaustive. For
Words can be modified by sina pali e seme? – What are you
more, visit jan Sonja – a Sonja person, a
appending other words. making?
person named Sonja
Alphabet jan lili – small human, child
toki Tosi – a Tosi (Deutsch)
The question mark is a stylistic
tomo mi – my house choice. Toki Pona uses grammar to
Toki Pona uses these letters: language, German
mark questions, not tone or
aeijklmnopstuw pilin pona – a good feeling ma Mewika li suli. – The US is big. punctuation.
All consonants are the same as To negate a word, append ala: Loaned adjectives should follow In general, all you need for
English, except j Is like English “y.” Toki Pona’s phonology. Toki Pona
mi lape ala. – I’m not sleeping. punctuation is to separate
Vowels are all similar to Spanish. uses a (C)V(n) syllable structure. sentences.
jan ala li toki. – No one is talking. Vowel clusters, consonant clusters,
Basic sentences With multiple modifiers, they all and the sequences wu, wo, ji, ti,
The particle li separates the modify the first word. nm, and nn are disallowed.
Preverbs go before verbs to modify
subject from the predicate. lipu kasi tu – two plant documents their meaning.
soweli li moku. – The cat is eating. poki laso pimeja – a blue and black
mi kama sona. – I come to know.
box You can use o before a verb to turn
jan li lape. – Someone is sleeping. waso lili li wile suli. – The small
it into a command.
There is no verb “to be.” You can change the way the bird wants to be big.
modifiers interact using pi. o kute! – Listen!
The part after li (predicate) can be The words that can act as preverbs
lipu pi kasi tu – a document of two o pali. – Work, please.
a noun or an adjective. are wile, kama, sona, lukin, ken,
plants You can use o after a subject to awen, and sometimes alasa.
kili li moku. – Fruits are food.
poki pi laso pimeja– a dark-blue address that subject.
telo li pona. – Water is good. box jan Pape o! – O Pape! Context
If the subject is mi or sina alone,
You can have o between a subject la can be used to mark the context
the li is always omitted. Prepositions and predicate to express a wish, of a sentence. X la Y means “In the
mi moku. – I eat. kepeken, lon, sama, tan, and tawa desire, request, etc. context of X, Y.” This can mean
sina pona. – You are good. can act as prepositions. They go at time, cause, topic, or any other
pona o tawa sina. – I wish for
the end of a statement. relationship to the main sentence.
goodness to go to you.
Ambiguity mi moku kepeken ilo. – I eat with mi o pali. – I should be working. sina lon poka mi la mi pilin pona. –
cutlery. When you are by my side, I feel
Toki Pona words are less specific Or it can also be a contraction of good.
than English words, so one-to-one soweli li lon tomo. – The animal is the first two uses.
translation is not as easy. in the house. Most prepositional terms can be
soweli Ton o moku. – Eat, Ton. moved behind a la.
mi moku. – I am eating. / I was sina toki sama kala! – You talk like
eating. / I will be eating. a fish! mi lape lon tenpo pimeja. tenpo
Interjections pimeja la mi lape. – I sleep at night.
Many words have multiple or mi kama tan esun. – I arrive from
Interjections are used often, sina seli tan seme? tan seme la
general meanings. the store.
sometimes paired with a for sina seli? – Why are you hot?
soweli – cat / dog / (any land ona li toki e ni tawa sina. – They emphasis.
mammal) said this to you.
pona! – Good! / Great! / Thanks! Numbers
kili = (any fruit or vegetable)
Conjunctions wawa a! – So powerful! Combine number words to add
Most words can act as nouns, them up.
There are many ways to say “and.” toki! – Hello! / Hi! / Greetings!
verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.
For multiple subjects, use en. lon! – True! / Correct! wan – 1 tu – 2 luka – 5
telo – water / wet / to wash
mi en sina li musi mute. – You and moku pona! – Bon appetit! / What a mute – 20 ale - 100
pona = good, simple / to improve, I are playing a lot. fantastic meal! tu tu – 4 luka tu wan - 8
to make better / well, greatly
For predicates, repeat li. nanpa can be used to mark
Nouns have no default
soweli ni li lili li suwi. – This animal Questions ordinals.
countability. They also do not have
any default identifiability. is small and cute. There are two ways to form yes or jan nanpa wan li pona. – The first
For direct objects, repeat e. no questions. For yes/no person is good.
kili – a fruit / the fruit / some fruits questions, use “verb ala verb.”
/ the fruits ona li jo e waso e kala. – She has a ni li nasin nanpa mute tu wan. –
bird and a fish.
sina moku ala moku? – Are you That is 23rd Street.
mi – I / me / we / us eating?
For prepositions, repeat the
preposition. To say yes, repeat the verb. To say And… that’s it!
no, say “verb ala” or “ala.”
a (emphasis, kon air; spirit, nanpa -th; number *soko mushroom
emotion, or essence; unseen
nasa strange, unusual; sona to know; wisdom
confirmation) agent
foolish; silly knowledge, info
akesi reptile, *ku to interact with
nasin way, road, soweli land animal
amphibian Toki Pona
doctrine, method
no, not, zero Dictionary suli big, heavy, large
ala bump, hill, nose
kule color, colorful nena
alasa to hunt, to forage suno light source, sun;
ni this, that bright
kulupu community,
ale (ali) all; everything;
group, company, nimi word, name supa horizontal
nation surface, thing to
downward, noka foot, leg; lower
anpa kute ear; to hear put objects on
humble, lowly part
suwi sweet; cute
la (context marker) o (vocative /
ante different, other,
changed imperative tan from, by, because
lape sleeping, resting
anu (connects taso but, however; only
laso blue, green
phrases with “or” olin to love, to respect
tawa going to; for;
rather than lawa head, mind; ruler;
ona third-person moving
“and”) to lead, to
regulate telo liquid, water,
awen enduring, kept, open to begin, to start; beverage
protected; to *leko square, block opening
continue to tenpo time, duration,
len cloth, fabric; pakala broken, damaged; moment, period
e (direct object cover, layer of to mess up
marker) privacy toki to say; language
pali to do, to work on
en (multiple subject lete cool, cold; raw tomo indoor space;
marker) palisa long hard object; building, home
li (predicate rod, stick
esun market, shop, fair marker) *tonsi non-binary, trans
pan grain, pasta,
ijo thing, object, lili small, little; few, bread, rice tu Two
phenomenon a bit; young
pana to give, to emit, to unpa sex; to have
ike bad, negative; linja long and flexible send sexual relations
irrelevant thing; string,
pi (regroups uta mouth, lips; oral
cord, hair, thread
ilo tool, machine, modifiers)
flat object; paper, utala to battle;
device, lipu
instrument card, document, pilin heart, feeling challenge
website pimeja black, dark, unlit walo white; light-
insa centre, inside,
red, reddish colored, pale
content; organ, loje pini finished, past,
stomach end wan one; unique
lon located at,
jaki disgusting, present at, true bug, insect waso flying creature
unclean, toxic
luka arm, hand; five hip, side; nearby wawa strong, powerful;
jan confident,
somebody lukin to see, examine container, bag,
poki energetic
yellow, yellowish lupa door, hole, orifice box, bowl, cup
jelo weka absent, away
ma earth, land; pona good, useful,
jo to have, carry, wile must, need, want
outdoors; soil simple, positive
contain, hold
mama parent; creator; pu interacting with
kala sea creature
caretaker Toki Pona: The
kalama sound; to make a Language of Good
mani money, cash, These definitions have been
sound, utter similar, same; as
currency item sama slightly shortened to better fit a
kama arriving, coming, single page. Also refer to other
*meli Female seli Fire; heat source
future; to become dictionaries and speakers!
plant, vegetation; mi first-person selo outer form,
kasi *These words have been marked as
grass, leaf pronoun outmost layer;
skin, peel widespread by lipu Linku, which
ken to be able to, can, *mije male
what? which? means that less than 90% of
may; possible seme
moku to eat, to drink; speakers use this word.
kepeken to use, with, by food sewi area above,
highest part; **This word is a common joke
means of moli dead, dying word, not intended for serious use.
divine, sacred
**kijete- Musteloids, such back, behind, rear
monsi sijelo body, torso.
santakalu as racoon
*monsuta fear; monster; physical state
kili fruit, vegetable scary sike circular object,
*kin also, too mu (animal noise) cycle; of one year

*kipisi to cut, to divide; night sky object sin new, fresh;

part, division another
musi entertaining, fun,
kiwen hard object, sina second-person
metal, stone, rock pronoun
mute many, a lot; very;
ko clay, semi-solid, sinpin face, front, wall
paste, powder image, picture,
*namako spice, additional sitelen
writing, symbol

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