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‘Tus Backwett History or THs Wort 2 Hor of Wee Europe ae Be {At Raid Coral Aaa Moree Voone ‘nia of Ra to Cen ao ngs Vane ‘ao Ba Tra open Dnt ip Mai oe Ma pon ‘Sop Stay SP iat ote Wa ‘The Birth of the MODERN WORLD 1780-1914 @ Global Connections and Comparisons C. A. Bayly Blackwet Publishing. emote A a ‘sh mrt Na etl pain ye no, ‘ison amy mene tee at fe ee omer ae Be Se apt es erp ony es oan is Ly ge ng rn Sap et Se Sel min pend Pasay of et Sgpearieia prey Ses ‘hint ey. hey 9. th ‘Nena tet ey, Foentedionatnsctienr tg Syma Pi Sl netomat ‘eatery jenny al toy [Sm vhchron mec aa lp pment Seri pcs eres aoe tpi bed ag rv ‘ordepg | | | | | CONTENTS Li of tas List of Maps and Taber ‘Seis tors rece ‘Acovedgmente Notes and Conensins Ineroduction ‘The Orguriemion ofthe Book ‘rake One “Prime Mover” andthe Beano Pact Drokiem Two: Global Harry an Posinedeams Probiem Thee Th Costing Suddeof be Madera” (Conforming Stare: Body Pcie Sag Ott fone Bots Commune a PARTI THE END OF THE OLD REGIME 1 Ota Regimes and “Archaic Globalization” Pesan tod Lande ‘Tae Polite of Direce Powers on the Fringes of Ses Habingers of New Pole! Fomaions “The Preston of “Glos” ‘Acc tnd Ely Moder Globalaaon 2 Passage fom the Old Regimes ty Modernity ‘The Law “Gret Domerienon™ tod Tnsustiovs ‘Revolons™ [New Pau of AboAian Macc Cult, Production, “The intel en Feral Lie of io-Asan “ois ‘Tone, Flue, and lesan: Burpetn Compesie “The Aca, Paes Sue Beiee ‘The Development of Aan sod Asien Publis Contain: “Bacbwarns," Lap, sd Confunctaes Poet 3 Converying Revolutions, 1780-1820 ‘Cantempornes Ponder te Wort is [A Summary Aoatmy ofthe Weld Coy 1720-2620, Supping te Laitinacy of te Sexe: Feta Frew Chia “The Lecopcal Ong af he Mara La the Mors Se ascot ves Sista Bee “ig Ti eran: Pale nd Commerc Pepe Proper [PARTI THE MODERN WORLD IN GENESIS 4 Between World Revoltions 1815-1868 ‘Asenang te “Week of Neon” ‘Bt Maine Saprenay, Word Trade, nd be Reva of Agicanee Baton: A Sey Ved ‘Te Loe nthe “New Weld Orde” 1815-1065 Problems of Hird Lelinacy Whote Sate Wat FO ‘The Same Catan Suen, ba ot Banu ‘Was of Legitimacy a A A Soran Account ‘Economic td coli! Rots fhe Ai Recations ‘Tae Yea of Hanger and Reelin fn Borope 1845-185, ‘The Ameren Col War a» Glee Bea (Coovenzoe or Direc? Revewag he Argent § Inductriatization and the New Cy ‘Hixon, Indu, nod ines ‘Tae Props of lacus Povey sade Atco of lary Choe as Cesta of rodueon, Contos, and Poles ‘The Uta Lact ofthe Glob! Coin 1780" 1620, Rasa Cl nthe New Cie ‘Worldwide Uban Cane nd thee ites Coscia ne ta 161 170 16 94 (Nation, Empey and Ethnic ©1860-1900 Ste FRc ‘owe Neon? ‘Pepetnting Nena: Memos, Nasonal Amesiions, Zips rea Commi to Neon: The Barsen Empies ‘Whar We Sten eth National ‘oops whoa Sse: Perec cr Aas? Taper te Hixon Tse Lat Nineeth Cenny ‘igen a the "New Emperai™ ‘Aon of Nena ‘Fae Perntence of Acie Globalton ‘Bora Clobelamdan fo intemasonaie ‘nematic in Pree elaion PART It STATE AND SOCIETY IN THE AGE OF IMPERIALISM 1 Ne an Teenager ofthe Mader Sse "The Saretn the Hino ‘Probems of Detning te Sate ‘Toe Modan Sat Takes Root Geographical Dimensions ‘Geto arse and Spel of Power “The Stes Resoarees ‘The Sates Obtasons ro Soceey ‘A Balance Sheet: What bad the State Achieved? [ree Teae r Neon Poa Economy? [Reeesering the Peoples ‘Scat Posen: Tranoaiooal Mien ‘The Repos of Soca and Lace Reoneces ‘Sune m Global Contre rsfesionlation t Weld Level Condon 205, 308 an 26 an 234 261 2s Soe he 32 9 Empires of Reson an te Ber of Cntempocin ‘The Vew of ecar Hoes ‘Mousa uigocs Duns ae A ‘octal Regs Ast, Coming “Lapel Rtgs” Feemlng Docs oe ‘The oun of "inp Rloe on i neat Pines Gbson Flt nde Propgnon of Religion Reig Belg Relpon sad te Nan (Conan The Spee Age 10 The Wont af he Ant ond the Imagiaton drs and Pe bry aad Unio nA aot he Gabe avi Poe: The Mase be Brey ane Maton (use th Were Aaspaion se Dependency [Arhtetue finer of be Cy ‘Towa Wold Lica? [PART IV CHANGE, DECAY, AND CRISIS 11 The Reconstitution of Social Hierarchies tage sade Hire Gender and Stborinn ia he "Liberal Age" Shey indian Summer ‘Te Pesan a Raa borer Bond Se ‘Tae Peer Got Ay ‘Why Ror! Scbordonion Saeed “The Tears "Gens Catena tthe Gea Rovtes to Suvi Sate Serve tnd Commerce Man of Fewer "Bead css a Bape ‘Sureing Stpremaie Conny or Chase? 12 The Destrvetion of Native Peoples and Fclopeat Depeedaton ‘Wh eas by Nace Peoples”? ‘aropens aod Nae Pose be 61820 [Name People nthe "Agee Hae Be 36 san 3 io Es Pe aaa Tee Eo gt ak args Names: Recovery aad Margao 1 cahson To Get Acetone 101918 ‘rca ings wo Cone ‘RoBi Denon ners, Roker teeta: {Rl Se: De oferta ern lung Up: Gebamese me Conn, 0-04 55) Eterna Cenersor 8001 Condon ‘tte ons e Gan? ret ts ier Newt (Sst nny nd Unvrn Connty Revie ‘eg 1918 Biogenty Inder 51 List oF ILLUSTRATIONS Intaopueriox 1 Drogen: pene won inten de Ser gine Ninety eee ie 2 Rosny nd aaa Tobe Te ae sees [Nisei fy af any ew Zu Png Gti iene Lin Ral” Gaobewaapn At Ly > Houde tanec fan ro Wes Ses Poti ye Rol Eagan oy Pal, it. arch Seon Ceres 1 Op Rucrmes ano “AxcHarc GLonazizaTion”” ele eas an Lon peng i os eppe Carton, Paice Mise, Bang ‘outset empire Baers Stak faba eg ean geal A Maren Khan, 1638. Mughal mae, ies AMS 173, fe 13. The A Archean ‘ary, Oxted iy, Reman bewige, and eapere aly Rom, pete Chis Vi sate a Scot Lassi, ‘Neder by Maris Bead Bun Binion, Vane Pow bE mck (seine Old Wk Mined manage A Spend fl is Menu Inn ad the cl. Png {iy Migut Caen, Munro de Aneca, MoiiBdgens Ania = y-parsao#s FROM THE OLD Rucimus ro MopERNtry snus Chia Ineo ta bop Pag, ‘been ceo Chine. The Ace, sake ‘Toomas Dore, NaotsDagi Os [Fie mulcntinal porn Of Cums He Quy, Tie Panag by Sane Soe 21758. Tae At ‘Neko et Albor Mateus, Londontlen Tweedy opr phere A commute of Anticen peas deog {valinanas t= King's Couple lasrason ater ‘ard Pl panda Har? Magan, 1908 Pie cltedonBesgnin A Libary. Convanaine Ravoturions, 1780-1820 “Tranaanc eto: The exon of i de Oils, 198, Campo en Mary Bees Pur ey. ‘Neolson in her: Nap on npr Tho Pang Upon Agate Dominique ings, 1908 Monte de Armée, PasPiea, AKG Landon, ‘A an Napoleon Fats AS Sta, bng of aia. Ping GMs Bate ean intents cena Poe elec ‘prea Aw Lise Pole go, ad indo Nonna ftonec of ‘ane Nide Hauge pee ment Ian By ‘Ade Tien 1652 Mie Bros Pere Lay Berwars Wont RuvoLuriows, €.1815-1865 es dee tn agi, 190 ‘ewes nt oo: Te Mona of Pa (ra Spc fh try, Apr 1 1812 ‘tching by Ma Hes Mane, Landon! ‘isons An Lite limes! author esos: Nang amen Por by [ole Toa, ¢1868. © Royal Geopastil Sone Ines tact ee Bets deflnce of Ares Hone, ‘Bhar, at he poy eins, ihe ar Wa ‘Tle Bla Livy, Loodo/Bdgeman A Ly. [ighcows eons Join Brown 180059), atone. Dagetsoype by Angus Wicingon, 18467 [Nevonl Poreat Galery, Stores lesan, ‘Wahingn/pbte SCALA. {ire and lo foes “omnaand” oad ofeach ter tue went he ‘eal deni, Aon Appar wel knows oe coteporny Base ‘ener! Butt embiaensltnmtinbemeen te pba and elo eer and espe, had ng hinory before te peerage Ss {he hinseenhcetry, neon sues tonne teal se oy on bapeinarens and became more tanith ober he voy ‘Sine tine te sac, cnnecdons and nage Lewren em pear ‘He Hroad fre of al Sung aabiened she ppc of dens teoreen human communes Bu tee ferences easntyo “Toe bookanyes ha alos sash crs inser ma impore at withers, be ba ese ls longer aly pone te "repeat" or "Amesen” oy in oat sea, eo enourgg ‘hat any hissy se aad tang hi ew tne 1350s sod 1960S reth “Amal school of hitomi, y Peal Beret lm ‘sre fo af bloc and economist for tea enoer peo ‘The ned io timend the bounds of sand espe oe or eer fr he sient ery. Th parses splis oho ft ‘perl tae of Farope, bom the landers vac ts Rai, td ‘tbore epee of Sein and Franc, Hisocy ste Landa Caley {ud Cates Ha! fr Bean sn Geary Host an Domine crs fer Raia have bea i the frets efor os tm te emer ot spies he broader see rs cena fe een sad fry of se [tinal vate. Means He Wong” Kee Perna Wing Gag ‘Wu. el Joana Whie-Caben hae begun to wre inseam gba slog, ine coe account ofthe Cenc dngors Wish pres sod ete ue the ae of ese npl gee "Wha: wee the a cing forest aca foie wo going lorconcecednes snd sowing ustonny be coun ke "ong ae teeth cen? No wold tery aft pvod eld poy cep he ‘ial imparaoce ofthe owing cone asian of weet Eee ‘nd North Aner, In 1780, te Cinre Baie and ts Oroman Epc ‘ter atl powers woe esses and mo Alcatel the Pte ‘ep wat red by indigenous people: 1914, by eon, ion eo Croan sates were oa the pot af meta, ta se ha bees tly sje by Buropean ovement occa yt ser Between 1780 and 114, Europeans Sad expropied wv ae of Ian fom diraoes pope, peda nanan then Ac, ‘Noch Ameri ental Ay Str nd Aart che pom dome rd pe bd in evra Earope sade eon of Nols Arneson ts, ‘tne twit ef South aa and en marly rene at feo {China a 1800, th deta! had waned to eso te cet le Max parts of he wes whch were ot sy conte by asap the Unie Sats were now pre of whe iterate ave cae "el EPICA whos pa of pone Bere a tot ted ee Bao ee ne eee rarer — so between European nations became commollers and. serge apts mp ee es Steen emia geen Seren ae cae Secreta pk onset Gomng (neeeronommrss S Hess Voenchl mote srg at ey te rat rg ey ot ae Sie ee cine aa dee, See haere gees iene Soetae marae emer See a vamearineiie es Seen a ee nen a a ad ‘saver Coe Tie ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK ir fe Modem Wo es esina oo ster than x sare oh arity Cauacn 3, ad te fal caper stant eet + SESSPSIStas ce fr cote secoon wt bog pened oe Mayra ote: They eosin pecs of wate wal wi pen of rede aT am (ose td emp cla aeetoon Tao en ace ail tt scare en Cae 3 dare ee tnt Nar Ameena he geen sr TTS be ‘Stenperury sug or’ sf ops dominance oe are Ducpean ia Se See cpa pn” Re ree 8k Sects tccnay Chl sade pea ceo of 137-9 Int, Eom rime range poo. Cope ¢ cand te Amen Co SEUSS a cl on ncn eo per Simczadroansy mona, tpeion eo wie eons a ‘teed wit tne Bld fn ner oan pare oa "Ree npr ce hs nin) Here od "Th capers semphaie te popoion ht a wai ae ae erst cig et To es at Bonne yin et fe Ce er lord Asa erat ve tepon 0 he ual Meza pores {ten Jone wich wor onder st Sm Pec baced commer | | clear a Nort wor og ie ilies repos we ofen uname ‘ssi io te el ae matings sree ud ndeny hs ‘ical roe te ep wee cnet I tren ie ae well evar othe log snd sonaecons wid sree he sbi wn — es bre te ling net cog Jepun and Veta bo are So fhe ned to nears Snes real tbo tans ‘tous an oreo in lero beter catered sorts Sot Aiiencrs beers il proves aa esr of nial res nevis app in the took. Te she al ith ed dew aes wad be ced hd nop ‘ae ol upd ds rng frome ma Ses nt “ae woe fwd “noord den aly comer | ola ue obntd mstolgn wee e ec| fee of oe" ort ln ond gat rt etm, Tee ood Stel el sire cs tach bred cusen of ieraty Sse ons often bee nics Cente need wii sven propia ee Thc ete wn sown ‘oud sp beneath hee ftp above te ere fe a ‘Ene oe ot sd ot wesc age ‘i dna opel bower rest was al Oe apace “fas oak ea hemase hry the wad or 178 the basaning fe sean get 914, he nae afte Fat Wood Was wich ppd apa (SooeRSepen ptm fst and erie, Teas bo istrkal meade ere re, wich ive been gored sepa nrg Testo cm blush opeier Ts reveaste merconestedaete aaa ence ofp anda cbnger srs wold wel fe ‘Seyret enc ofthe coorampeny pe af oblate” ater 1985, Bere tants he seeoerons of cel wd evens ach ae ‘Ricpeae soeoes of 1789 or 1848, ead coxa and merged with ethos eng win ether wold sees. On theo bodes SuNGr cen Barpoea ane Arancan “core” of tent weld (Sumy soc te rca elo in Chin nd od paced ‘Stor arson lang elo and taping no soc an poe vests Arwen remem te terconnete nd inerdepene 0 ‘Se funn asin aed ech or aac to erica tet = Srca wort The bak nee narer toe of bal nfertirin ‘Siglo polealieclog and ssonmic este cevoped rong _Sesiotrth cana. Tir proms of ora was Vile no a est ‘Sans such chu yal cour orem of sue, ema io rpms inne book cas "ody ease oe mayen wk ome (feeds pokes and managed rnton hifi, “Taos pty enlping Cnoeronsbenwerneflrent human nls tring fe neo ery ete ey bid plte, mie esos fu comps feof gl eooom ary. Ye athe sue tie ee ‘Scr old eho bigten i ee fon, a ve SBE, ‘Riveen pepe a reat spc, sad epecalyBeween tba ete, | [ott pens nny nd Ameren fr eter Fund eng her om ibe see of ana epous or cll Mey wo ‘Son an opecaly tom Enrpens inperiaien. Toe pars tat Boba | ——Gnffoned wit he severe challenges which arose tom the new Gobel exon Tp ower ory aoe many see questions of ierpettion or come tres of tem bev, before pening he aca = tne rondo weilmiy oe para ary he es Ba edly ace. _ pjostim Own: “Prine Movers” aND Tee BcowoMic FACTOR = pio pti Kovan ave abe back ofthc mic the question Sago et Fete adres el cc kb ey er ove og ee ouape Ty tel dt Go oe Spo I ee edie ea oeyts an eed See Bees oO Caan “cine nen" Oe og at ae ee el a are extn ool ef Se rah a on can ay meee scone Tee fie By 190 ay eg aa Rte et ami we ene pice SS fcc cone hn tr ser 30a ftiscl ung inthe nncceshceany asthe sit of he most pomel a en rte Tose cp So Sood saben sr vr seo ‘Siamese wi bw can New ere wid csi ofa he Eagheg mcd eee ae cota pn tarvolane eh mc ie Nt sted Cea Howes tf faseron red SENSE ichistntnptiie nba epee rare tas coete een tenceemnienion Sa oud consy niet on canton sev en pmo Bot Sram aeenansf meni eps aber Se re coe Tujenicietetaante Teed Raton, Simin lal aun tele scured Cae pene aco aoe et aes aia tierra soe os SET ar toebeic™ Contin sy tegen end ing Supe" nce ex tt, sry ee nr ae Tre eet adem apa Bein Scgeae Sega eee inept woswomn eres Salochdiportine onset Tele necsrey at Toatahegiraina ae tiersodenaate ice? wc Rotunda econ, anos nape 8 er oh Sat aeneefpnan Te Tne pole soe Rec wot no beech cy Cat to pee pray oan, cna ee Saw ate pe ve ber “The Merian md had stent rected ents mppor Gino Garba and ete evohsonatcs naw ad een ee the 149 aelions pict ute Earp Here cama mets peso ed ft tt he ni ar eon ep op ges could exoug ie, polsces, ad trnay vei one, irece rater than say. Byte 180, the pe of Coase Senate ad West good or cumple, ne In, Ast, ood {Chis ne ewe oft dine loos prac oo pes prema sd the cence of ill srs, ne, is ay ec elf ao ceed ater ena ed Semmes cnc ans ose tas ‘Sconprned tise th ow wos. The tn tongue beck g Scan wn ad rd ery” ft tes ya ‘pesca tie nog = ‘Capes Ts 23 ad the sco Ma of the boo, efor ae ere ent a spon Thee sgt constr the fet mail aac ‘hich hve be ted byhotorn oe ery tee cmap ase ‘Roche tet Se or mesentery berlam, scence, and “rlgia” appear to be the most important. The purport chaps iw ring epee ates trang of en ‘sxe! hore in okt deoosnee ow tae natn ad icles became ot and capone in ifn pos od dee ‘Pees oftine. They appro sry ofconnetas nd roe ‘iho rezeiag single view of be enon cunurdofmedensy Gost onion, "socal" Baropenn or Arena Sonar Here oa the Dobe ‘stone importance the ny fated td enone nok Burpen pec and of bored gop nin Baepem and Asenoca ‘ost npg comemperary wider So frac deers ‘Sion ofthe European Raman Caos Messy ser 17D mp ot Imo viderprowm ofcooaring "wr reigon™ whan esta ‘Be Hinds, Conic and Bad words ch the Cass Tie Sot mater of tab but of die: omnes cae fee ‘eat cope sd ete ne esnsain ome rc Secnse ‘hymen sty ncweean mon atime found emer ‘der pense oc eve moo feo eos meg ‘ec emaly depndet hace “Toe bok eae wis aon of the prod before he Ft Wood Wi when lot sti ad irrational conome change ere ae fpnen of sath emp th tnetanped poms, Toe Fie hd ‘Wa ae Hew Sirhan cmptnaaed woe Sectey a wed oren ‘el war wi he Europe crf the or py That ‘eat war ot erat,” bt i epee wih war eco des ‘Bue et ent or foie sap eat Bs dent ely we he robles eer The ee of lh ‘moder ste was evceny cry connected i te pc ee anes ofthe eu at sme lve ern i we pes ‘hem Bod, co mem tes ofthe tate of gmemnenny Bt ‘eae il eves he undeing quero: acd de det a Aevetop all The pie reveals ttle ye remember ft the soe ‘sore pall prea heen, he Ue Sate ef ery hd cae {epi f idunsalie belie the 1830n, a ctr tel coi ‘Nps soc eeu ate Somneering Europe a | “This ook ot desgnd ental to deren och eet of erp uaa 4 Ie oes however spe aay wards seco ps ere ‘eeacon between peti! erpuista, pole seny and economic t ‘rig. The eeaemy cera setae sn cent le nthe epee Pa tent of eal econo tease wee lentng tn of Chae era ‘tors lll inulin Caper? spe ta he economic ‘in Jn de Ve eancpt ofthe “cosa eee an eal enel ec y o on ttt es “ndwuios revlon” were conning order ay nn tale iret aos, Capa dior ner beng de eke Se ‘uth Chine Mssactses. Sores tctolga anomton wee ‘ncn aan i dnl apot ad pres ‘ia, Pane nies became proper ing cer, Pty shops bce uban bu a Aro, Maca nd Be They weed Sexe fet noting rhe dae not cea to ge py in hire uso aan pe oF cami sar. Perino eon wee otal orate cass {he dasbuton of mitral aces They wet te secs "beneae {© me oy’ fon. Pepe hos of ee change, bees fone ‘Gn aout the eal a Mees af rales prope wesley een fans. "Midding pepe” wanted emt i consump ef oy soars ch wer repens hemes are png pane wa 1 ‘rnin se of concep) sie nich cmpovered the spices ‘sarc offen new re sess sa paca estes Europe tok advstige of hve cages ad bean in the init ‘evans tetera he mol ih acne sping te opal ‘mosaics. ‘The sve stem of he Carbcrn serene! the usa (ered nions oon “Thee sol and economic ung wee snewen and ucecting. They peed up feat Deen supe abdtcgeen rent soees ‘They spawned fe wl ey and data of rier They els tied aac, oat and regon Theol ws mee, Eres bebe a velo teacher in cna Aa ak uae fnpuet cos dh atc yn ao ee oe ee Spa to The ages ach Tred as eee Boge Se ae tt pr loge soe ne Se i ie tame se rae oe es Faint rae ni ae en Mad when ree el ng of te mean ee pra cea tt weg on pod Se tin darensnine nt oueref Se A tone arcnpoencfcpanion see. Ths ne mea tata pr det ee ar fms yung Sto twin henge ot ee oe era ieee ee ie eee rt oa incepta ret cent prt ea aoe tos Stes nee hres engin ey Se ake acs arta ye cciosiaitne te Saati esr (econ in Europe, sive rebels fo Ac, end the Ameen Cid a Bare naevus ty en Se See oi ste rine eed ee get ect nn sce ee Save trn et sees bem Sect at cnr toate ply ngs ee yen daca reel te oe ime te es ‘ie we ofc cae nt Seer donne eae ne a Sasa aaaeeoe af le a a Sct me hve cna caps wet cy Se ae cs a a Doe Soy Ses res eacen be te pre SoD a scar manes bay and oe Tee oe cae coe re Se ea ee et i tern Se pe a Se Sap nce hom he aoe nee gee Soe ie aa ain oe toaoe rms toed 1 Solace cer ndautnese ce dan Sorat econ Ses Ca neopets a ang SSUES Sater er te uses comen Gan Prosiem Two: Guonax History ano PostMoDERNISM ‘second ble ia wig wo or Ronee dese om te et ‘seo prominence of onesie we doa als ay tal od Seed ame "gd arate” eine yaad re slg ‘hage. Af abut 1900, some Baton er incre by a wen of ‘Bouse hat ar nen ats poor foe, ie hig ‘Buc poem te oes bee tend cme heron ee ‘Beart, sc hy spe se cmt wu vey prof ‘peal end capi wih ty sek tee. Te ste o ‘at ofp dire hove ous conte to eh gee ach ‘tr Lnted stra ong ii ety torre be cnt” Dems of pepe without power There poner! pep ae belo tive ben sored by the European ad Ansan ae pati so ‘wow he pltcnl see snd psn ier ft tne Coase ‘Gem, a vole be been sean expe! ene gd ‘Seafood iinoy conencedy nets Tuepesmedert esa | ‘Sct weg arr etd ants feo Trade ad opr densod oe wold Mats cen Be gunn teromly "pebasnton bros tmnt ose cote fe dyer ee cf the tic asumptos of wd ory wetag ave bee ted fo Stioeat ich by ponder on he ound et try homoge ‘me prec nha ue hyo "ple Weboa poe” "There no fenton wy te essence shld a op te se thoy Cnr tsa a bee peace Hay has three Buried hen ere stra weg are ile oe tune boo wea queen oes wt bapened we caleged By {Se qunons "Who nds and Wha ea” Tra a {Shor sn 180s, vl nba! Meshal me halle by scones otras in Baap nd Non cer, One tng cn owerer ren wn wg ote pale expesenes of the boos te ‘boron! wom ete “nar be pon and porto arn ade conte eect, chon ed Cle al trond phmomese, Seo esses es or pated os ‘czount. The povtodersie wot, ec, sxly ete ore ‘eying “entree,” nc pola ad orang nr on tod inpizaors For rane man fies sx open fo se at ‘beer wadt igh ve tres Heal ads of omc the unity se pcr ot Weer Baltes om ha not ‘cen to power Al Htc ten cen Bio of he “tage” ae imply univers Hons Wisog wot inary cn eee lp 0 ‘sewer sana of hee sorts, Tr pcay he ese he stone nae Why gs egy br aoa bens ein i Fcc ote mem cme pre cant cece, se can ms ing eo Fue rns nite oe rear ripeeaprieberereyri neapeneraan ee ee re, -—-- —— SS r—rr——_—=—ariwd fees ree te gm ea cel Ne SN en —-—C_C —- - + +++ Se oe te ae ee ee a —r—_CD —rrr—C mate nrseetiemmcrer - ~=—ri oem entered eng ent ence sinem et oe hen cane ee st sr Pe oe ce a ee Seite eee Nem ae ae Seana eee Spee Abts er ec comet — Sean mie se ee Sete ate orn at oun amet eee ee 7 ——Ct Pomeed an bey of he road proses which oe nae PRoscem Tueee: Tee Conrivuina “Rippie oF THz MopERN” ‘tisgow won rely adrenng he ne of the mes,” wo hc i ‘dint hs Book and inal he conenperay human eae te 1W50sund 1960, 5.N Bnet” nother wnat Snot ltch fob! denlopneny, whch combined to cat apshags faxed ‘nsnanorgaizrion and expect wih sey called “mpoerasy” The ange they hare afte aay Aire dora of human The nse te eplacanet of big erteaded mikes wis mal scene, ‘change wich war nen ame a rbaniatinn They encore lndsitatin, h nova fini pol ihe, and elie ‘pposed dedi fe pou mena nay wap he eel bat ‘beteninal wrk afMax Web he Get ep ween 30 yu cig ‘Weer he slap ed Kat Maren min, ee tea be snouts ‘beependat le ofdesogeal hangein hi teary, Coseqaly he te Slog af sea end ter era tis pv a ot coon Wht of Maestro bem tended oct ee ae ‘der isthe ent etry bu te neta enya i ‘one: Af tem ead ab to pete he Wes a ewe ta ‘hang, these Wt ramen repent wich wo cvs exch” By the 1800, de por "nodes thea" bad come de sat fem a ninber ef motu hole ear. Desorption bees ‘re ofthe de ofthe st om ta eo te helen ly. Tbromanebepes to dou tt bn elon "enied™ have ome ‘trough pnt of indasrtarson, Sos eed he srl ‘dn in in in 197, othe onward march of etangaial Chstaniy tn USA, eo caleage he des of he tmp of sein. Afr about 196, ‘ets ep kof “lpe odertiny” inp at» Wee ‘oder might be qe dicen ern, sn, «Senge ea Indonesian lsatecon in Geom, Rosin, nd Chins wo, sven ine siete ery, sued for "edemiy i ar ow way late cae te ‘een cerry, he ie remit cane, ‘The porto se ie Beupo Liou tated, "ewer seer oder” ping othe eles ‘easiinemotony and preheating wee cated te ide thre tourgro indvel abet et oman: Mesa, othe ‘ouhl thors noubly Bet Gene" Alzn Machine? ad Deed | Eades mooi ited on te rely of te “ie the modern" ‘Be coceatoral ep former of aakind Tn th pe ibook accep the en a op cent art of being sede inking you re oder: Moderiy a on ot op ih Se tines" was rus a elation end brewing Ise leo (Sied tat they mere mae tat they weve ling n'a orn ws ‘Meer they Had tor aoe Soot ad French pose th ‘Seeds coir Selves tt good del of al previous nanan Uno ‘Shld nt te ped By he tnd felon cary cs tec {nslemianon ~ the othe serpin he leone = wee a rend ‘estan ies 3 50D any et Asean Ass heidi ame to bekee ta hs wa ange hess, aon pathy ‘tof eligi, and community mere dig nd ald eae ae, Oa ‘Severs, ory of tans was beeing dele ee devo” ‘et, hug ey bleed equal ony ithe he othe se ‘ope lee the, thereat etary ar he ap of ey peel ‘omoaed he nde feociey btw tesa mea tao 1 7 eseaa e a ere lt te el ea oy nt eis a cee ce aged cea acta aera cy ap ti nosey i cutcaonas graced er act a age we Se oe cs et tems ST hee me mame pn al ee oa ae yr cose Te lar Ronee - aie osu, blved tha the peer learning of de D7 a oy eng Sey tana Teer an wos whe sol ee Ps ly To tn a Sp cay ted an po ed ee eich oa ao Teidseecteyasy scone tenet naectaenrt sce ba are oe Tiare yon hn tc mer ung nhs sere aera crac pop) hp ek SSESSESLINCGEE ms ous eh bene meyer ookpereer ere errand ee Sen arbances meee ine oe fed ope, Sy nance, sce, modest Mar Ba Soptorey farses Soran ase, ee cic icp Saab te ar Se began Chan esa ected See at teh’ mutly oy mc ce ye Se a Ini wey tu inden rete Pane ear eh ay ng ‘Sere pee epee Rents doses Siar ar ad Ste ee So en elo et sot se arenes ce Sime ae Speco ecg age np ‘nncretaas woes ance ence om salon ede te petal i tl a cy SESE otic cea enamine SSIS Shae Swern nee ‘setae cyan et! cost ee i Statham anise lvoe ogee a, Sept oma! fs meet dt erate sta tata Tare ote Sateneats tate hn ery acreage tetas agers res ironed otimen age er ‘Wher hen ahs oder bor? Nine enya so aration eed to more comple aes aon ke | (Sears The ore compen soso he Wear sory wold eo ‘Srv seat they were the ese” Ti book scope ent ‘route the ay hye aie me sr, nd py dette psn, ‘Thee were av itheret advange, however Tony wee antigen ite ‘iv sn ely oboe Stas snc oe rope cy ted new fom polieseocal een Tha bok thee elie {he even of edema” by showing tt ey erent ences a logis scam the woud empowered tp ferent wee and a iret ‘Seen Thos olde Chins nly ime wer a agora eae ‘Bony capa of Har or New York in beagg soothe xpos twodd onde inthe China seus and Suthene Aus Ina teaches “or Asie, lootng othe dae fhe Pope, wet be ag wh boas ‘ly wd the wren wor tote repo. The oedema ‘ceued torent eae, inky mach more powerly i weet ‘arope and to Nowh Amero none. efote 101 peopl ov para te mod were rapping ney cient ray camman modes | {hd were an sap ni of he Wes Fraime the We wat 600 a0 ‘Sep sn cml af ede. 3 the mi-seteents sony, ere ipa pura ele atioed meray ware mon impo ‘rer te 100 yer caper hy he So hey te sts fe we became mere unfrm. Campaabie proces f change had been pocesing| {emleni ofcourse The pea ofthe wot egos bd sol ede Slniean sis towards uray, parca in bedi prac. Aer ‘Sout 150, homey the eae focal rant and pon bec ‘ay wiles in he coune of peape only wo promatens, Moe rp Seon" Weer and soa Menem, powere hi eng. Ache tae ‘Se sacar Heme ealy move Smet td more aed. Die ‘ict of went and power tenrecawoceser bean more rag Tis he | [Shewenenon which poole it tany difeee soca have derstood {Seg pin fra anys hisery wich emptor oper pol Sen eur od economic change ad show how hey inlenced ex ‘tout ing ny one of em oveting wea ConrorMine ro Stanpagps: BoviLy Practice “This caper ow taka an example jor in oe vous ee eae ta bey depecanec, Of coun, pose can ink and blr oo ile feshng even wen ey ar and depeche sn snr ways Ye {he very ean te eeton of form ne sere pak o 8 pomerl —-tasstearon 1 Drege: opns wna Wie dew ws Sgt ‘ue nace Nt cena ed for people epetet hemes pb ina sar way. 1780, he ‘Bet poet menin te wee wee deed i ange ay of lrent Spe of pameot wih rnged fom Cine madara robe, cous ‘Boos enbreinad ck som, 0 toed unde phe Pei and owing suber of the most iperaa ex Wareraie ber wheeer ey ive. ert thee Japan tein he op Eat lee orig cst wes ne nt oor wi heen ‘Sonu evens Caen vera a ena we Nort Aes "Tis str expe pony en seni oan othe teraoas ley ofthe ret of mae fe et esata) adc ‘ry omen wat log th the sbandooment of racic He ding {Secs ening Irs hapovtot tat ae age at fepeeed noo tse apn of epi Weer cee, baal she oe of sspous Teiomaes win “nor-Weren rhybid forme of es Ta China ad ‘tom, des oem morenents amped fo provde model fer he aking td meacng of bes and hinenne. Here gt groming eee in det ‘rent sng ne dascurngeneat nro ere an tne Tivo Lada oer ornare id fo tp pope sng Day pin pub arg the Hal a. “This nlm came in ety mode sie of one, cae eae ssl wobed tomate nto ft ety far Ullory e othe me a tosogeney. Unio mean ado pice cele ‘lise o'er le The pits of he uot eh of te ter ‘Seen cntay hich gue dowe vnc wal of te Nasal Galley a ‘Buta New Zealand tl la the esd al no ba sera te cic wenra lc coat and we bow te (we ata 9). Came omy photopapbn of te gree Ameitan indian war chic! Geomo ‘Gorey sow ts reed ats ccm we a pce exe, ‘Sen ane = mer i tr Yay Be ode oe el ach Sungai pees Nay let were ao ving towards aie, steely od ‘nel se. The puaed srr and tea bane a samt, com | unc un ute, Rann outed cass og be ele TF ray, New Zesod. Poe ty Gn Lines oe in secure of ety by da operas! mens. Type of = ioe nes he duveclred cong which the Bra Toden amy cal BE Fy is bad ren Bia siden ome cine ata mip let ng be Sts Abn War of 16991902. Ae same nee soa a ros fete men staf econ moc nin, Reema a np Mer, od Mal wore the Oran fer. Ta wa an aapstonof iipiscm ne te eppopate fr elamic peyer bat made a ge ‘Bite ai te dour pose of 6th tantra pce “The tend owes ufo doing wi ls erent meng workings, sn an sar en The tr Rare Cbs ey fhe pose ‘Extract me of he eon ehowed tat thy ed ot fi pest of erent see aod ey casas te bortly paced Frm i 190, os of he poor eu al aot aoa ck Bee Yet [eon coins and te infact efoin sad loon ‘dcr hat enn pb eos were begining tre mee te mere Itch oe earl of erences sein ad cate. Laster shoes, {Sot cay att aod ous haa began replace te prfsion of si face of wokingclo tat had spe 9 Asean and South American Tndan ect lo the mining indsntesConvere some pat of ‘ro pel the Peet A,r an sen adeno any nt out mathe fer rac nd ci rat of.00 te Sop by ning at they temic “indigenous dre” Ba id {Sch lp operon sherscer danearded he eoucefors of et ‘Ee cummed imposed the own peo ar sory. "The dose ole nomen nd no yet converged ose be me dere Nanyale amen prepeed made fra of aol de fr he Some, tran Wee see. Magen, bo dagerous procs td dacetoo epatns we tag to bec preg rc a ot somes inmany soaring women mere peed ya domes ase hic wis, enyning ore eanouy demared fom the wo of mes Sout podac of pubis wnt. Wome’ oie remaioed eae tad inp Iahie Canes boc badag rem the Boren a ‘yrand cones ener remen, ha be end moar ray. T1780, modany seed many momen twoughour ae wo Deg ito asp ret bu, By 191%, Cartan misioar nd nde ‘bel refenen tad mae rare at es bea ee timced wo Senay Tus ate a errr evra of body porte Ia te Matis wai th ae bray el oy covering of Ma women, ‘ie owing in poly. Ot wrongly repre Inlays Ws ak Siete tsa, Sate scaly 4 mote ak Ue, tee ote pipers te ah of roving ba eoavereae. Pound yh op ages bt Pel 57, “Ti od tovas wifi bd en ross swt pl by fst sD STE.S” The spat of mmnsey snd cape of wees ‘Siofelsand natu eens de ied edison foram ses eee ee ipuran oo de ctnonie peor Une ‘SBfiane etna aad expe In Jpun in 1994, fr nto te OOF ee ep, ering pace ong adem pel ations ore _| MSE SES fcome wo wort in Wester de. Even hy prec ‘Sup uch ws he ate Se the spend o he hen of reper, much he epliion of he eal cour ayes eadul nde Boy oes ise: sopra coun sega paces coum Usioemiy of es cl wed ley 0 he eoay of beau rode ‘So wn ied ask of taroriet aod pets Nar ewayae spade he wh of wiry Kw ence of he tht war aay consoveral at siete, Wee empooed ‘Sneed wt minked them wie cll eons cased seni maton ffi A Moai Omar contrat jase i the Sfsoe "Tue acy ht crerhig tee a Harpe can ete ees {rome a pols wudon. For eumle~ by aanent acon [vm snfrms, Bein ie, Tare headgear, Humpa ale Bn ak sworh ad Foe dll me have ceed a ary ht = pote uy of Boye He ih ave ha rome ek ‘lenpy pic of Onoman doting which the word Foe, the 2, oe {Focttysemuscred i Attn ie boco i 1908 ee he an. Sete cfc nbs ye Jntvoee of he tne ted of Gigi win besa eal Sreaw b de come of ic ancient ceomry? Abuse waforiy of ‘rte sot siden tndiydicbline a he pcre of erg ‘Aeady ine ine veenteenth and eighteenth cea te all ook ‘Eawice of wes hed mrad acom Europe and et colin of tbe jRem Save talon, where so may of to tnd prac foe ~ col adres bray vent, mee conoled yl ode he eo he mars wc By 175, sal fares ed meee inh ice Clon nd ewes pm Ege mc ah, cue Ge nubs and licks dapned aso he comeing. Tinian tapes epenion ft Seria anf eco tooth Chins ‘Bue tha sekeesoflocal ane af be conden Are rete any pron, ore etc ta acres Seterng war 0 Sie sependes aoe oropenn wos Tee spread of he See {Beg made pons the rancor of tine tn cen oe wil od ‘in populun socetex uch Chios snd ni, arose ee Bl reve we the hear cera. Hera din nd Cases ‘shy brn to ics wee ce ty nitive pcb eae By TO00, human loge, ater aspect f bey pce, wee ln soning aenble een entrees winsniry oat 2d ‘Sdostonlne wart langage reds! to ety tapas ne, nh ‘ul spore ow he pater of wenen Eurepean lnguager Sod -biennesraen ad edn: wo deed ce Orn tal lan “fits The emence nrc o i emerog ten comes angst a Ur for tance = ep fo lo ht fhe Ely nee, ‘nce cewly ome bye inguges Wich elected migraton, ee 29d ottatin - Cre, Sil na Plaga ~ nese ame wth tele oa fics of pammar end ree Ar he pu men sake i ple in pou, Feo cee vn the wor be eed pe vere The peal {pet ag the seanen tock on coon form fom Phage ed Rome {Okjee end Ps The modes wee nol Chetan ape Wes bx ao ‘Mosh senna an tie of he Probe pro Some ec ps ling oom of ie Da Tanner coroence of sowing global unfomiy can be sen in he pensice af sang Pal tates became mee sneered 8 pred Ti nl movement espouse hang read aoc, ‘tig dence nc oing pater The te wat 4 rowel a {ue bees ants me irony 0 ag and dct people ic {Be perpen of eaten a maitar oer, Batre sr nny mate | fectcm: sdnny mean momen nee tthe fore of he sate 0 Eo players More and sore dane were med afer te rau ‘tebe of be pest od Vs pei eto or bore fas Ra nck atte ocesein Aoa and Aden peoalamevol be Pe= Ghtetend ha contr, Aysareetcenngyadopesesmoremadrlzt ‘Ban of dane pacer ont one spain pope by tence ahd over ‘bene Thr eee wae need by fe oblate ert ho Pietong © Mave dhl Th tt ler faery ap Cian Eogranioe pend Birgean Chas” eames, noe ses ene Sort fee oon Alans Aner idan td dele {he Poi te coune ashe noice cary. Are sme te, \foting of gees ad eco demande at rej have (Tipesond aad amy nme lal prpones. Tee dso anal Secon In Sainan soon: teat ht bande of hota ‘osoe we led "Johansen" and "Chrno," for ntncey we For te pacice of hey ming ens hat mach of he poplin Stree fe the Burns dye the wena = sal ber peal is, eoies fod in ie: prs ofthe word eam sre Wheat breed snl teeta become he standard toe he Bei and aor Geman {he ei modern psd Th fe war exerted to Bens Arena eo (hes and et Aun, New Zena wouter A Liga rples wo cent cose ws manonareor bepa nein Earp. ‘oa ok pte fot of nates Eazope pr beens sma at ‘citrate, pry oe hy new en of oe [verameats come oper or Wererised ete teem ional AS [Su Ata sew euro ood conformity emerged. Te pense bgt © he bes wera eviuly hee Bott it a ben = bees he parce bet skh him Shoot, old exhace tei aia ‘ean lp tut canoe Wee perio Maksone Gach a ‘oleate the aa ds bud up Indlas whom be hoo pu becn made “eflemion” by Snpealin ad doa, ead [nesta trae eth Al he sae, nie ‘lpn fe ue atomstoes, potatoes endl popper a of hich ad ‘Sgn te Americar ond been end cme werd by he Spt (si orgoete conan late one of the ewes ap erm “Tan et aap a archer reminder ht it wa not spy question of ran earsyacopea of European fede a bai pases, Emp sad ‘femal penn ad craved muller! nt Beween ase wad ‘Sees whch teased tuarde pester sary, So for ose, Ct {ue io ines coman goo: Wen Aan chi pre pened th [ow tere conor Thi conevia between fan comer tad ft Imo save panndon stm ad bec cesta Europes expansion fedan wena and Atcaneouepeners bese atv get a hee yh no the snanth ete nf hed ered i noo turer eeu spo and ear. ‘The apart a oar of 09 ‘ter ge ben eden o one andre, ow ern tne ‘oe y wad toe vente fs foe questa Beis egos fe er of the word» foal uy, and ec seemed Co tt Fatma fie gowerl dete tdci he Body em nay on Vets i the etry. Bren aes wich ed om Aas hee, thd hcey and poo, av op ir roa appearance ial ok ‘became crt Competons Mesa French pes of Span’ cre conkng and eatng, Frac pater of ple siplmac, 20d (Geaan songs fe prope ordering of etic od tua owe ‘moved scove he woe in sae ajc, Byripine Ovrwarp From tHe Bovy: “SSCommuntcatrons anD COMPLEXITY =a rong nomi tele ofbodypato ain xeon a pec ey, ae lore he eee en Spero en ond “i dicouses genet ny enna and pepe begin SSO ‘otete wat Theoret entry vary led the "ag fd ‘yaad empire” wa ap he ge of bal communion. Tare eas aie come ont ie one Sot Sa re on 1 ae not aye Burope te wich was ee freon 180, ioe pened es were predeedin Clee tae in St Peery td ‘isa In 162, senate ht 9168 newspaper tides wee ped ivan the werd ey tle ther a Engl pein oon Bato 6 183, Le Montsr Onoman mood ie by aie we Th Time ‘ont By i900, the tal of nenpaper ee had seched 31,026 the Ee prt rae of any beng in he Hrs of hous, The 190 wa AST avin tn 195 Ab sod 90 Jaen The io nae Sa gros the expan of andre! ifs som ‘Siidcan te woecmedf we ropenber ta pope Segue, boos Siectpeopie fn tere soe reduced then to mana fem “Tae cee legagh tee 9 ineratinal tem flowing the openig ete Buopee chet 189 tr ovo Alene aes i Tse Tr sys he tama, and tn he elephoneresooneed heperd ofcmatt walle won dey tr spain of eee opp commusaina soe Ae ee Sy of merge ele pou sa eoparte ae of ces SEE ity atone" po he each Rein wd se nie "Sosueet ae pron tr 050 en, SERN. TEES meni cvepode og een ee rows, oy, Loni fe Hey aS Se crane Se ot cnn oe pelts. Chee ipsok th Ee al nay sod al Cen on ead SCS Titnat oye Tie sng tend met ley Sn cyl coma oto rere tm SISSY RET baneganty, Een 100; aera ment oat arly key” ld Buoeay hogs pasta eres ag psy ne glopir bi rayon OO SSSOEE Ala unset Heo, rg wiry met ere Sete ion tnt an sol nny at Ce Seep Petes A Se sn al ge a SR SDEE Tier be Crimi 14a ytd 00 Roc te "ee wee ow ue ay dng Goa CREME ents peter of wos epee caer mes Raed Patna aug ht Cas 1255 wants ob mene an inpnast i Oct 1 Mr stn ene tare on eh sama po, aes erie ol on ocaly maids gan Wis SONS Risks ofc pga bree “Hota toonr ech tog be tok te weme of a ee ay eee wen Sowiaped win ed ‘eros amet wary, Th cpa incon mo ae tn: ih eta sey afbeld oer Bye ernie em, set ens ade ide ge ospcaipcfeios nd capo, ES ee fens woh” hss ee sane Goa ny mich hadnt ote ie ce nowt fhe woo in 780 om Cae see nen ope Bren paca mache ove ok the Mannie Mids a, whee soe held noch ind, a cena ‘Soe afl cata who tod vrcwbee beens delayed {acm pon, keto platform toler A it pa roto had emerged on colon eine ier ey pty hin Ian wre, ery eae, ramen ad ben soaed Dy ‘iat enconais rate of rele midds expaye ine ‘yb ss Meda! jms haben een dow sn rales. Even {puking oma Anan, Nor: Aizen, na Mile Eater eel race ade cadens td cried recuonas. Tae word was ine rmedby ef det owes meme eerie Ththe dmain of economy speci bce of ranges eeusea, se res come to eee io ale mao an ete: Menage ot fad wise bos spurte! om cwnerhp td mateng. Special (Sole of ananassae, Pe sn Aten {70 come ins big in ches vc or Shanes, Tern, and Neg JFerordany peopl, wa ella became moe eso In putea {ec mens ink etre sebtonl agua wrk an he bor ad teen Huken scum smh of the idoetalng wo far owe Ung td ‘oiing fs msor cen Inf ind of ronal ce te wt ‘Shering.Ths peer spoiloon pve sie, parol tap inprenon {tars ning gro poescns and ren wotng ates {Eder oc oka mene od mere sn, were abe oe pe to sialariy i not mens, pinta al thee people Were ial (0 think ot Scio the sue wy At ce vty let, ow they cold prea {ate even fey were protean nonce by ‘ede cha dee oad web he ook ake at ben mack bend of te mi-cieents cena I ot intend To ape at "is ond us so archi. On the cosy perl oes or change fi goblin nd been Woog om Maman nose fo mie Ti nwo of eine or re oi raion ese pope Ise ue wo dle om that own ess shape om i tine, bower ta the foc fr change stines above Dsea 10 Fk oP "et ner ad pol i coe he wold were een o ede ‘ae aera lone oe ose of te wend cof 780180, ‘Mast The wl ner fe Ob Regine, 279, [1] OLD REGIMES AND - “ARCHAIC iE GLOBALIZATION” Isc rer eghet-eoray wot, polal power and regio end ell fecty mee Bah sateen encod Ib complex ways. Eo fins bowery, wee seaely simply, domianted by apcatre a sil ‘Epectear cnn soon The nex fur chepearsazempe 1 ep bo ‘Si tty tee oconmed ovr ie tor an tee poendons = wade = hike pital ane ean soemy accompanies Wy tbe eoerpence of vite compere ecgnanhiy modes sal sad emote pte Th) lev prominence t kere of Barope doasance aw ths mel hie te ae sine acrnowidpng te ered org few ‘Ghee! th commen, pt eretcometes maderty Toe pret tte ‘ltd specs ofthe esogy od pol oan of te we ‘vio mie-cgheets cour co PEASANTS aND LORDS 1 1750 te tget prof uma ed whi che domain of what Dledans vec agrarian epee.” Agr emp were ge ‘al copls ne which baited a ir core by inecepng he lat rol of penta producer Susy pests ere fees Who cuted ‘lll of nd rp with be oma labor Above peas ns "akg wes loa lie, wi ih mete et tenn hems Dt ‘ho tot rents fem otber pean Below “pens pope” wee Insite ibe who moked te unde of pearet o e oa ig ‘pope for wages ort potion ofthe cop. Cols, aap, llr Fat wadeaen, and apa shore were all cate 0 the jess oper” and pene terbed to snare. “Toe atta epee f Qap Chibt, Moga Indy Tagawa pan lv ay orn te Oran Emi, the Ruan Empey a0 the ‘Heeb mousy tofeter mac have screed fara en 70 pre | [3] Converaine REVOLUTIONS, 1780-1820 ‘Tas ehptr cones the “ape of reroll como ‘orm i of ng cg i roses sted ia tapes I and 2 tte “igury af crete a Spaced oo them. The chapter way he copes teoora ml td ideclgeal ones wich End he wd te of er ted Nepal ae, ‘os he en 1756-03, wie the Arve ad la between so caee sees aa ios Sra ta nee coer Contemporaries PonpsR THE Wortp Crrsts 1ewain he ean fie ta ep of i eons we met obvi ts eontemporii. They quely undemtod tht ie deli come ‘genes ofthe dramas of 1776 and 179 wer of wean apes ‘a sip eva. Vain tus sanoanced fn te Aetos ‘Revaitinalded "New Orde te Age” forte waco hand French Jeon adel nur procaine! the speralimpernet a ‘rench Reaion hey eed end eouphow Burepe and boost ‘Black ss in the Caen sted an thee salam for Be om Se ders ti setae ats nes sig emer Fett sncng, Wot was rennicle wos tha hese hs satiate eee ee hare thn Sioes of these doctines continued down dhrough the nineteenth Steere a sient Pounce Sines eee, Stary ne nd tier ie nos See ee acces cerca aig ech sergeant tiara Se rere ee Sg Seaton Co Sayan anatase Soe Sco aun magna eet Fodder the eto tocae pres ft de pea naan gases erasing eect oe sf ere dangerous oew doctrines i snotions aod ven by confit ies stn caress es coin ae a eae or cae fuerte yaevema ed le See von Cos Ee ee ee pace ios oiocgel ce Gobet Intryrtan whch eared when rest Hates ensoaced on the en ree ene Gagan et Sa a une SS meses Gertie Staak eee Se cian ree ee megueraparanaititasaan, Memes pesteoere reece cen areant Sera emp eee rn ocean emanate Seer Ser decease ae ie oo SESS catia ope tau convanaive azvorvrions, 1780-1820 srt enna ek on “how of eae" An Boe ma paiement ofthe enc pol ce le ‘Shuts we ofacs Stig uy ea so en a se rang, Ty nnd scl cena on 3 i ‘Scented at Gal SEER ad en epi ote any eld ed eer pe Sea sascmy stern ee ‘ope td Nar Aner en, ot ape naming ff Mn cme rig foul an aay ie Sees ti ri Newry gf ge oe oo om tos me al tc a be apna ole env aepeven ff Stony pe nd ener pai wih eile oreseehe ice ans en em re ate St, Pay x soma ie "pe and comme” ren ‘nl socs oie crn Nah Aen cide egg Fae Te Emenee ag and he qd ep ee | ‘gro Caran conng, owing Nig penance babe ‘Soaps of Caro 198, Mew oe en Se Nagler ae ‘rhe! he Bois nd Duh ecru The cea emcee ele spec of epee teigon oere ‘ooo nino en ean rs hee coeds SC ee hoe cn or gh ‘ie mpocnn of an dines yw ec, ned eteeen, ‘Esra wie bythe nde agro of ae ‘the wiped ot a pon, “hs peo i ey Seni sea wee conor ge sem ef hse coplal nme The et oes ‘Sawer opal sd ext pers re al aca egy of he sof aonb he wee thr comet ‘ic moe bae vialy pt! esas ogra ‘Seip Libcnam ndsshmper vay sock a ‘Bey mci atone mel ong er cones Soe 8 ‘Ene Tu cent yas ip 185) Bokee Pec Sec ‘ad onl eee eae wo Jpossr te putida 1660 soot 170 fd oe rod peng Ec acy enh were pens te aby ng | BeSpoolition othe ret aparan ees of Aa tne Alen eee Tipe Tr prions bees fom te cosnsaon of the Ge, | Sires Rn of Mata, te Magia, Osea, Se nd a “pone ceasing hve ined [Sore oo, ws part a wae of ron intemal comme Does, | Ghee tps many er deer oe eae er ect eae [Soontnar er hanepienic ortbebenerfraropesn arth nors Ekin oe vast sve panto esoeny aed io + Neer par, Ae Berean clans inthe Ameen ctpnded td Sesame exe pics, ef ake hi pcre of bod sity and exon Deg = gp ot omic Europe, mn the Mile Barta South An the _BEEAE Wine sheen comay imarane ave apd lng bow the ‘Gos fv ins gee vee, the Aan ane Mile Ener pl sie fern what Psi Reson alle “perl oerec" Tiy mere Feed rs nt nee on ts ik ‘Gebers of acl men ane pea one wo wold ao lone at ih Spee cl or mnded opine enn Semi omar on hand cnnegmne rr eight altho fr Boopen ing "St nth periees.Aer 122, be rtrd Su ene an pari oh bern oe an» ey of ware etree oe ‘abd pes Te tele snd gh ara ofthe ase led = Sedum, Aesth se ete Magi dasion nS Ae to tepe to gment. oices bese semilodependen we mech ave oy Pe a Ngan tien 3 and 1958. Deh ‘ached mn lot "eh ys adh wong” BOE A SuMMaRY ANATOMY oF THE WortD CrIs15, 1720-1820 ‘otra potable he wor rit to mach Pong 1 ie (seems nge a soars tl pole ol ot ote | then ual bene cen fc ac bain feo ‘tesa anes tte to we Be wend “es” she pet change ‘fe ye 1780t0 1800, Toe nel oft ety elec ot pre Ltstogel conic erpied ange eugir eet mail omen rae Mughal poet pt it. Tee en os lsd beeen vents Ku he orth th wets Hin waar Sno She Sv on Magi ene 2 mat wee otto ‘eed fom Metpota a he wet 0 Tad i oT ‘eoufcae were tr Eorpen oven, perce hay ee tp ‘Becwen 1757 en 176 tbe Eapah at ina Copoy wae ‘ting sd ste goving testo of Beg. Local concn tad Sis Sent Bu panto ee se ‘Sten a nays Th ey “egies in Bs Ae sre lng tha ow So Re i a ‘egemony ww ted sna, bt staged oo Brae yu, tie in ofthe Gan Lang ope, Chin ane epee Secon ieee cea Steyr ees Se eee sce ee ern Sone ane es ‘ie 1680 an 176 dared the eines epped te our 2 i fee lp ous ete er oa otal magne scconguied tate stra! daares Thug Toft wich flowed ini wake ome. Forint he not San Seendeeued x agen amen oe eS wh ivaded na in 1799. Tas weed eee Kg tng Eaopem expenson, Pare econ Aes Po crsenseny dealin the Ooms Eagi'y Cot pied cua ecing te eed ad EX Se uy el ito wm was pts it wt the Sit ur can wes tay sadn per Deh te sad 7a aes tems’ Pat of the seer bt ay Oe ecg cn gies ero the wd Wee pari rs be Cancel prema of marized it ped, Toe Sa a Eons tad by he hasan Gene Pe” at Sy Sexson Changs ery tcolgy, rome evga oie appear aee peed octet ca he anes Sa er ua cea Chas om tee sree Sy Seat Oar etre eds ud alley ware espns obese Coop mmo of eral ama > Sencha seni, Tne pce tenor Ma Se ee che ti nec sy Epot mang podury octea whinoes on econo of ani, oy sco hae ee og Boe el enens oe cous ee scat prblens of pla cot FS taney Bare sn We td Sots Aan Hower ENE Se hae poop foes ters ser wei The con ow Segond rs hh wer ot it yer racy ae Eloy re Asan Hagin eres bed bythe ral OE Tralee tnd ts oo hey sted pans Severin be East spmng vk ng el agen. ey expanded ei “Gees new our new nen fade adnate PO, ‘ijstie bing eo int esr Sor a i che 08 485, “Geel coneewnnero then cee | Wii ao na unten war rec one ted he Mol Es fer tote engen harnges ecb boned dawn ag wer of rc opi oe Ma ttn wor ad a see ne Sieecoh cea, Bao te emp shes roi, war nal inde een pean eer apd rebeion ene hs ier ei. ASTIN pent. Otoran pore i ot Onamassutory, mt Net Ae a hoa iy tone ns al anf uy | ory co ras ot tt ae tape othe ow of reente Be Doble hed al he er Ao-Anin tees doing dete pedo St he vere scenes tee Onan seul Sa wth ery, atin he mute thy ad bo eee coe ‘ci pos pel bets BS ey new sn ‘Wan ano Fiance Iv Evrore. ‘te le ed oon Ben en ten gener th fe endo Acer sae tc ‘Sn ey ao bn dr gta rons whch ugh en ey Scott ober sn wth aan an Aa Whe oes ‘Sh ty, Bp we dc on ego ee en ti ep i nye We teh ey ‘crpen str mee png ples in aso fp oe pod oe fae oe cnt if ted ac han ine canon ieee Poe tery howe n Cena nd Seth Ane, ued one pla | torance’ Orca comme, or eeced aneyou Bapes | Cro i's ney mh pct pli sons edo ‘Sh Epes wenn Iv edt be ma he ln ‘Sees tr ih ins pn adage wh “This tor ot mace wae parca cml "ealng Wino wi gcc Wl Per he By the eth pine sce ta forces ealawed up ge root. Neen upp, HS Vay out etme a mich Ababa Crowley mest one af ea mperan invent of tt Innes! Revalaven The coe a ne ffnvenonl mary ecnioer and meson, mh ote fet n= ‘Shen iad been plone berms 16005081730 me ov ting eo {ol major sie. The aes were ied by te iinet “lplorg CepomerSevlped by Foden oe Gen of Proce, Sabet "open tt we open poe a Ean td nto bul ew scaly eagaecred Sli sy he mide ft eee cary. Ti Saber aed th to ar Tyson of comm in wove wire war 22 ct ows on ele The en of emt or of young en 1 nd fo fy age. oe Bae of Mindan 175, he Beh 1200 iskymens at Wen 1815, they Bad 1 we et ar tel pone ge tops of as a ap hemo we ten fr aropean ste ten, was hat ag hey wee Se cin mae in oe Be eects war wach wee 0 omy tran of an eve epee nt oo ager eo ess Tapani fc popaedon growth sos to fave etre

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