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Dean of Foreign Citizen Preparation Faculty

Prof. Dmytro SOLOMCHAK ___________
«_______» ____________ 2023


of the selective subject «Nutritionology»
for foreign language students of IIІ course of Professional Education
Program «Medicine»

Nutrition and health. Scientific basis of rational nutrition. Alimentary diseases
1. 2
and their prevention. Alternative and unconventional types of nutrition.
2. Assessment of the individual nutritional status of the body. 2
3. The reasons for the violation of the nutritional status of the organism and the 2
scientific justification for its correction.
4. Reasons for violation of vitamin and mineral status 2
5. Nutritional and dietary characteristics of milk and dairy products. 2
6. Nutritional and dietary characteristics of meat and meat products, fish, non- 2
fish products of the sea
7. Nutritional and dietary characteristics of eggs, confectionery products. Honey 2
and beekeeping products in human nutrition, their nutritional and biological
8. Nutritional and dietary characteristics of bread, bakery products, cereal 2
products, legumes and other products of grain processing.
9. Nutritional and dietary characteristics of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, 2
mushrooms, wild edible plants.
10. Causes of alimentary and metabolic disorders in various diseases 2
(propaedeutics of dietetics). Alimentary prevention of oncological diseases.
11. Violation of nutritional status in endocrine and metabolic diseases. 2
12. Alimentary prevention of dysmetabolic disorders of different physiological 2
groups and categories of the population.
13. Special purpose food products. Biologically active additives. Genetically 2
modified food products
14. Food additives, their purposes and applications in food production 2
15. Nutrition and health. Scientific basis of rational nutrition. Alimentary diseases 2
and their prevention. Alternative and unconventional types of nutrition. Final
modular control.

Approve on the meeting of the propaedeutic

of the internal medicine namend after professor
Berezhnytskyi M.M.
the protocol №7 from 29.12. 2022

The head of the propedeutics of the internal Vasyl NEYKO

Medicine namend after professor
Berezhnytskyi M.M.
doctor of medicine, professor

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