Lymphoma 4

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A 38-year-old man undergoes excisional biopsy of a cervical

lymph node. Pathology reveals Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Which of
the following statements about Hodgkin’s disease is TRUE?
(A) Splenectomy is always required for accurate staging.
(B) Staging laparotomy involves liver biopsy, biopsy of the spleen,
periaortic lymph node dissection.
(C) Stage II disease involves disease on both sides of the diaphragm.
(D) If the spleen is involved, the patient has stage IV disease.
(E) Splenectomy is sometimes indicated for thrombocytopenia

2. A 74-year-old man presents with anorexia andself-limited

hematemesis. During endoscopy a mass is discovered and a biopsy
is done. A hematopathologis diagnoses non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
What is the recommended therapy?
(A) Chemotherapy alone
(B) Immunotherapy
(C) Radiation and chemotherapy
(D) Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy
(E) Surgery alone
3. All of the following are true about lymphoma of the thyroid
a. More common in females
b. Slow growing
c. Clinically confused with undifferentiated tumors
d. May present with respiratory distress and dysphagia
4. Treatment of gastric lymphoma includes:
a. Chemotherapy
b. Radiotherapy
c. Surgery
d. Anti-H. pylori treatment
e. Endoscopic resection
5. All are poor prognostic factor for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
a. Young age
b. Involvement of stomach
c. Lymphocyte depletion
d. Extranodal metastasis
e. Large mediastinal mass
6. Commonest presentation of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is:
a. Painless enlargement of lymph node
d. Pruritus
c. Fever
d. Leuocytosis
7. The most common site of enlargement of the lymph nodes in
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is:
a. Mediastinal
b. Axillary
c. Cervical
d. Abdominal
8. Malignant cell in Hodgkin’s lymphoma is:
a. Reed Sternberg cell
b. Lymphocytes
c. Histiocyte
d. Reticulum cells
9. Diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease is confirmed by
a. CT scan
b. Bone marrow biopsy
c. Lymph node biopsy
d. Lymphangiography
10. A 45 years old man presents with progressive cervical
lymph nodes enlargement, since 3 months: most diagnostic
investigation is:
a. X-ray soft tissue
c. Lymph node biopsy
c. None of the above
11. Investigation of choice in detecting small para-aortic lymph
node is:
a. Ultra sound scan
b. CT scan
c. Lymphangiography
d. Arteriography
12. Generalized adenopathy means involvement of how many
noncontiguous lymph node areas?
One or more
Two or more
Three or more
Four or more

13.Which of the following about lymphadenopathy is false?

a. Most frequent site of regional lymphadenopathy is neck
b. Enlargement of supraclavicular and scalene nodes is always
c. Virchow’s node is enlarged right supraclavicular node
d. Sarcoidosis can cause supraclavicular adenopathy
14. Tenderness of lymph node is due to ?
A Inflammation of capsule
B Rupture of capsule
C Stretching of capsule
D All of the above
15. Which of the following is not a characteristic of enlarged lymph
nodes in lymphoma ?
16.12. Which of the following is characteristic of enlarged lymph
nodes in metastatic cancer ?

All of the above
17. 1. Which of the following lymph nodes are usually not palpable
a. Axilla
b. Neck
c. Groin
d. Abdomen
18.The parents of a 6-week-old baby has brought her to your clinic
after they noticed a swelling on the right side of her neck. She is
otherwise healthy, is being breastfed, and is gaining weight
appropriately. Which one of the following should not be
considered in the deferential diagnosis of the lateral cervical
swelling in this child?
A Acute cervical adenitis.
B Branchial cleft cyst.
C Cystic hygroma.
D Sternocleidomastoid muscle hematoma.
E Thyroglossal duct cyst.
19. Lymph nodes occur in groups throughout the body except in the
A Lungs
B mesentry
C central nervous system
D intestine

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