Let's Go 3 Listening Test

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Aghazgaran Language Academy

English Language Department

Let’s Go 3 Final Test (Listening Test)
Name: _______________________ F/Name: ________________________ ID No: ________

Part A: Listen and check. (4 Marks)

Part B: Listen and answer the questions. (3 Marks)

1. What is Brenda eating? A) Grapes B) Prunes C) Apples

2. What color is Pia’s scarf? A) Brown B) Green C) Black

3. How’s the weather in Greenland? A) Rainy B) Snowy C) Sunny

Part C: Listen and number. (4 Marks)

Prepared by: English Language Department

Aghazgaran Language Academy
English Language Department
Part D: Listen and answer the questions. (3 Marks)
1. What does Tracy do on Saturday? A) Plays video games B) Plays drums
2. Does Drake draw pictures on Tuesday? A) Yes, he does. B) No, he doesn’t.
3. How does Trang go to his grandmother’s house? A) on a train B) on a bike

Part E: Listen and check. (6 Marks)

Prepared by: English Language Department

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