Chap 2 AM Modulation

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Chapter Two
Amplitude( Linear) Modulation
Lecture # 2

Jemal H. ( Msc )
KIoT, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

March, 2023

ECEg 4131 , 2022/23 1 KIoT

Chapter Contents

Amplitude modulation
Mathematical Representation of Amplitude Modulation
Frequency spectrum of AM
Demodulation of AM Signals
Double sideband superior carrier (DSB-SC)
Single sideband signal( SSB)
Vestigial Side Band Modulation(VSB)
Noise in AM

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• Baseband signals are signals from information sources which are

usually having of low frequency.
• Baseband signals are not suitable for transmission.
• Long haul communication over radio links requires modulation to shift the
spectrum to higher frequencies in order to enable efficient power radiation
using antennas of reasonable dimensions.
• A technique called modulation is used to turn a baseband message
signal in to a band-pass signal which is suitable for transmission.
• Band-pass signals have relatively higher frequency and are suitable for
• In the process of modulation, the message signal is known as
modulating signal.

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• Modulation is process of changing baseband signals or process of modifying

message signal into suitable form for transmission over channel.
• Modulation is the process of changing the parameters or characteristics
(amplitude, frequency, phase) of the carrier signal, in accordance with the
instantaneous values of the modulating signal.

Modulated or
Modulating or Modulator
Pass band signal
Baseband signal vm


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Message or Modulating Signal

• The signal which contains a message to be transmitted
• It is a baseband signal, which has to undergo the process of modulation,
to get transmitted.
• Hence, it is also called as the modulating signal.
Carrier Signal
• The high frequency signal, which has a certain amplitude, frequency and
phase but contains no information.
• It is an empty signal and is used to carry the signal to the receiver after
Modulated Signal
• The resultant signal after the process of modulation is modulated
• This signal is a combination of modulating signal and carrier signal.
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Figure : Amplitude modulator showing input and output signals.

(Low frequency)

(nonlinear devices)

Modulation x carrier
(High frequency)

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• Demodulation is an inverse process of modulation which is done

by the receiver.
• Its purpose is to extract the original baseband message signal from
received modulated baseband signal which is corrupted by noise.

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Need ( Benefits ) of Modulation

1. To reduce the height of antenna, Easy radiation

• If the communication channel consists of free space, antennas are required
to radiate and receive the signal.
• The height of the antenna should be multiple of or .
• Antennas operate effectively when antenna size is comparable to the
wavelength λ.
Example: To transmit a Voice signal bandwidth f =3 kHz
h = λ/4 = 25000m
• If we use a modulate carrier at fc with the voice signal with
the voice signal

• Thus, modulation reduces the height of the antenna

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2. To avoid mixing of signals

• All sound signals are concentrated within a range from 20 Hz to 20 KHz.

• The transmission of baseband signals from various sources causes the mixing of signal, and
then it is difficult to separate at the receiver end.
• In the figure above s1, s2, s3 are stations which occupies the same frequency, it is necessary
to translate them to different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
• Each must be given its own bandwidth commonly known as channel bandwidth.
• This can be achieved by taking different carrier frequency for different station as shown in
the figure s1, s2, s3 are given F1, F2 & F3 respectively

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3. Multiplexing
 Accommodation for simultaneous transmission of several
baseband signals. Multiplexing allows the same channel to be used by
many signal
 Hence, many TV channels can use the same frequency range, without
getting mixed with each other or different frequency signals can be
transmitted at the same time
4. Increase the Range of Communication
• The frequency of baseband signal is low, they get heavily attenuated
• The modulation process increases the frequency of the signal to be
transmitted, it increases the range of communication

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Amplitude ( Linear ) Modulation

• AM is defined as system of modulation in which the amplitude of the

carrier signal varies in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating signal.
• Here, information signal is the modulating signal and high frequency
signal which is being modulated is the carrier signal.
• The carrier frequency remains constant during the modulation process,
but its amplitude varies in accordance with the modulating signal.
• In amplitude modulation, the message signal m(t) is impressed on the
amplitude of the carrier signal c(t) = Accos(2fct)
– This results in a sinusoidal signal whose amplitude is a function of the
message signal m(t)
– There are several different ways of amplitude modulating the carrier
signal by m(t)

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Amplitude Modulation

Message signal

Amplitude Carrier signal


Amplitude Modulated
Am + Ac

Minimum Envelop of modulated

Amplitude signal
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• Based on the attribute used, modulation can be classified as

• Amplitude Modulation (AM):
 If the amplitude of the carrier signal is chosen to carry the
message signal during modulation
• Frequency Modulation (FM):
 If the frequency is used to carry the message signal.
• Phase Modulation (PM):
 If the phase is used to carry message signal.

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General block of Amplitude Modulation

AM modulation model

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Mathematical Representation of Amplitude Modulation

• Let the modulating (message/information) signal be

𝒎 𝒎 𝒎 Or 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚

• Vm = Maximum Amplitude of the modulating signal (volts),
• ωm = 2πfm - Angular frequency of the modulating signal in radian or
• = frequency of the modulating signal in Hertz i.e., Hz.

Message signal or

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• Similarly Let the Carrier signal (radio frequency) or the un-modulated signal

𝑐 𝑐 Or 𝒄 𝒄 𝒄

• Vc - (Max.) Amplitude of the carrier signal (volts).
• ωc = 2πfc - Angular frequency of the carrier signal in radian or
• Fc =frequency of the carrier signal in Hertz i.e., Hz.
This image cannot currently be display ed.

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• According to the definition of AM, the amplitude of the carrier (Vc) is

changed with respect to the instantaneous values of the message signal Vm(t)
• Therefore we will get a new mathematical expression for a complete
amplitude modulated signal.

𝑎𝑚 𝑐 𝑚 𝑐 𝑚 𝑚

• The instantaneous amplitude of modulated signal or AM envelope can be

written as

𝐴𝑀 𝑐 𝑚 𝑚 𝑐

Vam(t) =[Vc + Vm sin (2  fmt)] (sin 2  fct)

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• In general an AM signal is obtained by multiplying the message signal m(t)

with the carrier signal
• If the modulating (message) signal and the carrier signal be:
s c ( t )  A c cos( 2  f c t ) s m ( t )  A m cos  m t
• The equation of amplitude modulated signal is given as:-

V am ( t )  A c  S m ( t ) cos(  c t )

V am ( t )   A c  A m cos(  m t ) cos(  c t )
m 
• Therefore the full AM signal may be written as Ac

V AM ( t )  A c ( 1  m cos(  m t )) cos(  c t )

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• From trigonometric function

cos A cos B  1 / 2[cos( A  B)  cos( A  B)]

mA c mA c
V AM ( t )  Ac (cos  c t )  cos(  c   m ) t  cos(  c   m ) t
2 2

m Ac m Ac
V AM (t )  Ac cos ( 2f c t )  cos [ 2 ( f c  f m )t ]  cos [ 2 ( f c  f m )t ]
2 2

Carrier signal Upper side frequency Lower side frequency

• The constant in the first term produces the carrier frequency while the
sinusoidal component in the second and third term produces side bands
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Frequency spectrum representation of AM Wave

• If m(t) is a message signal with Fourier transform (spectrum) M(f), the

spectrum of the amplitude-modulated signal s(t) is

 mAc mAc 
S ( f )  F  Ac cos( 2 f c t )  [cos( c   m )t ]  cos[( c   m )t ]
 2 2 
A mAc
 c  ( f  f c )   ( f  f c )   M ( f  f c )  M ( f  f c )
2 2

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Coefficient of Modulation and Percent Modulation

• Modulation index (m) is a maximum values of the amplitude of the

modulating signal and the amplitude of the carrier signal.
• It is a measures of the depth of the modulation.
• Percent Modulation is the coefficient of modulation stated as a percentage
modulating signal the carrier

Amp. Amp.

Vm Vc
t t

where m = modulation coefficient where usually 0 < m ≤ 1

Vm Am
m  or Vm = peak change in the amplitude or voltage
Vc Ac Vc = peak amplitude of the unmodulated or voltage

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• It is also the ratio of minimum amplitude to the maximum amplitude of the

modulated wave
Amp. Vm = mVc
Vmax = Vc + Vm
Vmin = Vc – Vm Vc = Vc +mVm
=Vc - mVc t

E max  E min Vmax  Vmin

Em  Ec 
2 2

Em Vmax Vmin where Vmax = Vc +Vm

m 
• Now Ec Vmax  Vmin Vmin = Vc -Vm

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Effects of Modulation Depth
Message envelop
Under Modulation Carrier wave
Amplitude 50% Modulation
• It occurs when the maximum
amplitude of the message signal is less
than the maximum amplitude of the
carrier signal
• If m is < 1, or < 100% (V m < V c ) Amplitude 100% Modulation Time

Perfect Modulation
• It occurs when the maximum amplitude of
the modulating signal is exactly equal to Time
the amplitude of the carrier signal Amplitude 150% Modulation

If m = 1, or =100% (V m = V c )
Over Modulation
If m > 1, or >100% (V m > V c ), distortion occurs
• Distortion of voice transmissions produces unnatural sounds in the speaker and Distortion of video
signals produces a scrambled and inaccurate picture on a TV screen.

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Transmission Efficiency of AM signal

• The amount of useful message power present in AM wave is expressed by a term

called transmission efficiency
• Transmission efficiency of an A M signal is a ratio of the sum of powers of the
side bands (sideband power ) to the total power of the A M signal.

 AM 

PC m 2
PSB 2 m2 / 2 m2
 AM    
PT m2 1  m / 2 2  m2
PC (1  )
• In terms of power efficiency, for m=1 modulation, only 33% power efficiency is
achieved which tells us that only one-third of the transmitted power carries the useful
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B a n dw id t h of A M wave

• The bandwidth of A M signal can be calculated as a difference

between the upper and lower frequency content.

• The band width of A M signal is

twice that of the message signal.
• For efficiency transmission the carrier
and sidebands must be high enough to be
propagated thru earth’s atmosphere.

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Power Content of A M wave( DSB-FC)

• In any electrical circuit, the power dissipated is equal to the voltage squared
(rms) divided by the resistance.
• Mathematically power in unmodulated carrier is
Pc = carrier power (watts)
(Vc / 2 ) 2 Vc Vc = peak carrier voltage (volts)
Pc  
R 2R
R = load resistance i.e antenna (ohms)
• The upper and lower sideband powers will be
( mV c / 2 ) 2 m 2V c
PSB  Pus b  Plsb  
2R 8R

m2  Vc 2  m 2
Pus b  Plsb    Pc
• Rearranging in terms of Pc, 4  2R  4
 
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• The total power in an AM wave is Pt  Pc  PSB

Pt  Pc  Pusb  Plsb
• Substituting the sidebands powers in terms
of PC yields m2 m2
PT  Pc  Pc  Pc
4 4
m2 m2
PT  Pc  Pc  Pc [1  ]
2 2
 Here P c is the power of the carrier

Power spectrum of an AM DSBFC wave with a

single frequency modulating signal

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Power content in AM Wave

• We know that the general expression of AM wave given as

s(t)  Ac cos(  c t )  Am cos(  m t ) cos(  c t )

• The total power P of the AM wave is the sum of the carrier power
and the sideband power

i. Carrier Power

• The carrier power is given by


 
1 A
Pc  A c2 cos 2  c t dt  c
2 0

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ii. Sideband Power

• The sideband power is given by


 A 
1 2 A m2
PSB  cos  m cos  c t dt 
2 0
• The upper and lower sideband powers are given by
P SB A m2
P USB  P LSB  
2 8
• The total power is the sum of the carrier power and sideband power

A c2 A m2  m2 
P T  P C  P SB    P T  P c  1  
2 4  2 

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Cur rent of AM waves

• Modulation index can be calculated by measuring the current of the carrier

and the modulated wave.
• The measurement is simply by metering the transmit antenna current with
and without the presence of the modulating signal.
• The relationship between the carrier current and the current of the
modulated wave is
P t It 2 R It 2 m2 Where
 2  2  1
P c Ic R Ic 2
Pt = total transmit power (watts)
It m
 1 Pc = carrier power (watts)
Ic 2
It = total transmit current (ampere)
m2 Ic = carrier current (ampere)
It  Ic 1 R = antenna resistance (ohm)
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Example 2.1

• In a certain A M radio transmitter, an audio signal is

used to modulate a carrier wave 𝟓 . Calculate:-

i. Total A M power delivered to an antenna load of 600Ω.

ii. Side band powers.
iii. Transmission efficiency
Total A M Power:-

Transmission E f fic ienc y : -

S i d e b a n d power:-

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Demodulation of Conventional DSB-AM Signals

• The major advantage of conventional AM signal transmission is the ease in

which the signal can be demodulated
• The process of separating original signal from the modulated wave is called
demodulation or detection.
• Demodulation is commonly known as Detection!
• There are several methods of detecting AM signal, the most common ones
• Envelop detection

• Synchronous detection

• Product detection

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Demodulation of Conventional DSB-AM Signals

• There is no need for a synchronous demodulator

• Reconstruction of m(t) from modulated signal is easier than DSB-SC.
• The message signal satisfies the condition |m(t)| < 1 and the envelope 1 +
m(t) > 0
• Recovering m(t) requires two steps:
1. Rectify the received signal to eliminate the negative components of s(t).
2. Use lowpass filter to recover the message signal m(t) OR passing the
rectified signal through a lowpass filter whose bandwidth matches that of the
message signal
• The combination of the rectifier and the lowpass filter is called an envelope

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Envelope Detector

• AM signals are easily demodulated by an envelope detector

• Recall that, the message signal resides in the envelop of the AM wave.
• The task of envelop detector is to detect the envelop which contains
the original message signal.
• Envelop detectors contain a simple half wave diode rectifier and a low pass
capacitor filter Basically, envelop detection involves
rectify the received two stages:-
signal • Rectification
• Filtering
lowpass filter

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34 KIoT
Operation of Envelope Detector

• Here the input signal is rectified by the series diode D.

• The combination of capacitor C and resistor R behaves like a low-pass filter.
• The input signal contains both the original message and the carrier wave
where the capacitor helps in filtering out the RF carrier waves.
• The capacitor gets charged during the rising edge and discharges through
the resistor R in falling edge.
• Thus the capacitor helps in giving an envelope of the input as output

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• The time constant RC must be selected to follow the variations in the envelope of the
carrier-modulated signal
– If RC is too small, then the output of the filter falls very rapidly after each peak
– This corresponds to the case where the bandwidth of the lowpass filter is too large
– If RC is too large, then the discharge of the capacitor is too slow
– This corresponds to the case where the bandwidth of the lowpass filter is too small
– For good performance of the envelope detector, we should have 1 1
 RC 
fc W

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Drawbacks of Conventional AM Modulation

• Conventional AM signal contains lower and upper sidebands and a carrier

component in its spectrum.
• As a result, it is also called full AM, or sometimes, DSB-FC (Double Side-
Band Full Carrier) modulation.
• One way of comparing communication systems is based on how they use the
two primary resources of communication, which are:-
 Channel bandwidth, and

 Transmitted power

• In this regard, conventional AM modulation suffers two main drawbacks.

i. Inefficient use of transmission power
ii. Bandwidth or Spectral inefficiency

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i. Inefficient use of transmission power:-

 Conventional AM signal spectrum includes a carrier component whichconsumes
high power for transmission but do not contain any message element.
 So, it is wasted power.
i. Spectral inefficiency:-
 The two side bands in conventional AM signal spectrum carry similar
 So, the bandwidth will be reduced by half if this redundancy is removed.
To overcome the above drawbacks, some variants of AM modulation have been developed.

 DSB-SC (Double Side-Band Suppressed Carrier) modulation

 SSB (Single Side-Band) modulation

 VSB (Vestigial Side-Band) modulation

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DSB –SC (Double Side Band – Suppressed Carrier Modulation)

• In DSB-SC, as the name implies, the carrier is removed (suppressed)

from AM signal spectrum.
• Only two sidebands are available for transmission.
• This is achieved by using product modulator, also known as
balanced modulator.
• Balanced modulator simply multiplies the message signal with carrier signal.
• In DSB-SC, the modulated wave consists of only upper and lower sidebands.
• Transmitted power is saved here through the suppression of the carrier wave
because it does not contain any useful information, but the channel
bandwidth required is the same as DSB-FC.
• The benefit is that no power is wasted on the carrier and the power saved can be put into the
sidebands for stronger signals over longer distances.

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DSB –SC ( Double Side Band – Suppressed Carrier )

• A DSBSC modulated wave consists simply the product of the message signal
& carrier signal:

s (t )  c (t ) m (t ) s (t )  Ac cos( 2f c t ) m (t )

Message signal

Carrier signal
DSB-SC AM signal is obtained by
DSBSC modulated wave

m (t ) sDSB-SC ( t )

Accos 2 f c t u(t )  m(t )c(t )  Ac m(t ) cos(2 f ct )

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• Consider the carrier signal and modulated signal

s c ( t )  Ac cos( 2 f c ) s m ( t )  Am cos 2 f m

• The modulated signal is simply the product of these two

s ( t )  A c cos(  c t ) A m cos(  m t)
 A c A m cos(  c t ) cos(  m t)
since cos A cos B  cos( A  B )  cos( A  B ) 
Am Ac Am Ac
s(t)  cos(  c   m ) t  cos(  c   m ) t
 2       2     

• Carrier frequency term is suppressed it contains only two side bands term

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Frequency Spectrum and Bandwidth for DSB-SC

• Spectrum of the DSB-SC AM Signal can be determined by using Fourier

transform of DSB-SC
• Carrier frequency term is suppressed it contains only two side bands term

U( f )  [ M ( f  fc )  M ( f  fc ]
• And it does not contain a carrier
• The bandwidth occupancy of the
amplitude-modulated signal for DSB-SC is

BW  f usb  f lsb
 ( fc  fm )  ( fc  fm )
BW  2 f m

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Power content of DSB-SC

• Power Content of DSB-SC Signals.

P DSB  SC  Plsb  Pusb
1 T /2 2
Pu  lim  u ( t ) dt m 2 A c2 m 2 A c2
T   T T / 2 P DSB  SC  
1 T /2 2 2 8R 8R
 lim  Ac m ( t ) cos 2 ( 2 f c t ) dt
T   T T / 2 m 2 A c2 A c2
  Pm
Ac2 1 T /2 2 4R 2
m ( t )1  cos( 4 f c t ) dt
2 T   T  T / 2
 lim

 Pm
Pm indicates the
Ac2 power in the
 Pm message signal

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Generation and Detection of DSB-SC

• The simplest method of generating a DSB-SC signal is merely to filter out

the carrier portion of a full AM (DSB-FC) waveform
• Given carrier reference, modulation and demodulation (detection) can be
implemented using
• product devices or
• balanced modulators.

The Balanced Modulator

• It consists of two standard amplitude modulators arranged in balanced

configuration to suppress carrier.
• Two modulators are identical except for the sign reversal of message signal.

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Balanced Modulator

Sm(t) S1(t)
AM Modulator 1

Sm(t) Accos(ct)


AM Modulator 2

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s1 ( t )  Ac (1  m cos(  m t )) cos(  c t )

s 2 ( t )  Ac (1  m cos(  m t )) cos(  c t )

s ( t )  s1 ( t )  s 2 ( t )
 2 mA c cos(  m t ) cos(  c t )

• So the balanced modulator output is equal to the product of the message

signal and the carrier

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Demodulation of DSB-SC AM Signals

• Suppose that the DSB-SC AM signal u(t) is transmitted through an ideal

channel (with no channel distortion and no noise)
• Then the received signal is equal to the modulated signal,
r (t )  u (t )  m(t )c(t )  Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t )

(X) v(t) low vo(t)
u(t ) Modulator pass filter

Accos( 2fct + f ) Multiplying r(t) by a locally

generated sinusoid which is :
cos(2 f c t  f )

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• Suppose we demodulate the received signal by

1. Multiplying r(t) by a locally generated sinusoid cos(2fct + f), where f
is the phase of the sinusoid
2. We pass the product signal through an ideal lowpass filter with the
bandwidth W
– The multiplication of r(t) with cos(2fct + f) yields

r (t ) cos(2 f c t  f )  Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t ) cos(2 f c t  f )

1 1
 Ac m(t ) cos(f )  Ac m(t ) cos(4 f c t  f )
2 2

– Then, we pass the product signal through an ideal lowpass filter with
the bandwidth W
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• Then, we pass the product signal through an ideal lowpass filter with the
bandwidth W :

1 1
Ac m (t ) cos f  Ac m (t ) cos(4 f c t  f )
2 2
y l ( t )  Ac m ( t ) cos( f )

Figure .Frequency-domain
representation of the DSB-SC
AM demodulation

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• Note that m(t) is multiplied by cos(f)

• Therefore, the power in the demodulated signal is decreased by a factor of cos2f.
• Thus, the desired signal is scaled in amplitude by a factor that depends on the phase
f of the locally generated sinusoid.
1. When f  0, the amplitude of the desired signal is reduced by the
factor cos(f).
2. If f = 45, the amplitude of the desired signal is reduced by 21/2 and
the power is reduced by a factor of two.
3. If f = 90, the desired signal component vanishes
• A phase-coherent or synchronous demodulator needed for recovering the
message signal m(t) from the received signal
• That is, the phase f of the locally generated sinusoid should ideally be equal
to 0 (the phase of the received-carrier signal)

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• A sinusoid that is phase-locked to the phase of the received carrier can be

generated at the receiver by adding a carrier component into the transmitted signal
• At the receiver, a narrowband filter tuned to frequency fc, filters out the pilot signal
• Its output is used to multiply the received signal
• The presence of the pilot signal results in a DC component in the demodulated signal and it
must be subtracted out in order to recover m(t)

Use of a pilot tone to demodulate a

Addition of a pilot tone to a DSB-AM signal DSB-AM signal

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Single Side Band ( SSB) Modulation

• DSB-SC technique removes the carrier component from the signal

spectrum, which results in huge improvement in transmission efficiency.
• One disadvantage of transmitting carrier is waste of power. i.e 67 % of
power is used by the carrier only 33% of power is used by sidebands.
• Full AM or DSBSC generates two sets of sidebands, each containing the same
information and the information is redundant therefore all the information can
be conveyed just one sideband.
• Transmitting one of the sidebands would be enough, and this can highly
improve the spectral efficiency.
• In SSB – SC , only one side band is transmitted another side band and carrier
is suppressed, the signal spectrum of SSB wave will have only one component:
• Either lower sideband or upper sideband.
• In order to achieve this, one of the sidebands has to be suppressed in
addition to the carrier component.

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• Spectral efficiency is of great importance.

• AM and DSB-SC occupy twice the message bandwidth.
• But, in SSB, all the information is contained in either half ,the others are
• Spectral efficiency can be greatly (twice) increased by transmitting one half.
• It is expected as 100% efficient.
• There are several methods to carry out SSB modulation, which include:

• Filter method
• Phase shift method
• Weaver’s method

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Phase shift method

• This method involves two DSB-SC modulations working in two branches

– In one branch, the message signal is product modulated (DSB-SC)
using a sin or cosine carrier wave.
– In the other branch, both the message and carrier signals will be shifted
by 90° and product modulation is done
• The outputs of both branch, which are both DSB-SC signals, will be
summed up.
• The resulting signal will be SSB signal, and it’s spectrum will contain only
one component.

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SSB – SC Mathematical Expression

• Consider the message and carrier signal

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Bandwidth and power of SSB

• The bandwidth of SSB signal is just a bandwidth of a single side band:
• The total power of S S B - S C w ave is equal to the power of any one
sideband components.

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VSB ( Vestigial Side Band Modulation)

• In case of SSB modulation, when a sideband is passed through the filters, the
band pass filter may not work perfectly in practice.
• As a result, if SSB modulation is to be used for TV broadcasting , the
information loss will significantly affect the TV broadcast quality and
information may get lost.
• Hence to avoid this loss, a technique is chosen, which is a
compromise between DSB-SC and SSB, called as Vestigial Sideband
(VSB) technique.
• In VSB modulation:
• The carrier is totally suppressed.
• One of the side band is partially suppressed.
• So, the VSB signal contains one sideband and part of the other sideband.
• VSB modulation is mostly used in television transmissions.
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58 KIoT

• Instead of transmitting only one sideband as SSB, VSB modulation transmits a

partially suppressed sideband and a vestige of the other sideband.

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Effect of Noise on Amplitude System

Effect of Noise on a Baseband System

• Since baseband systems serve as a basis for comparison of various

modulation systems, we begin with a noise analysis of a baseband system.
• In this case, there is no carrier demodulation to be performed.
• The receiver consists only of an ideal lowpass filter with the bandwidth W.
• The noise power at the output of the receiver, for a white noise input, is
W N0
Pn0   df  N 0W
W 2
• If we denote the received power by PR, the baseband SNR is given by
S P
   R
 N b N 0W

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The message channel

signal m(t)
modulator u(t) bandpass


additive noise
filtered noise

output signal y(t) lowpass demodulator

 
 N 0

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Effect of Noise on DSB-SC

• In DSB-SC AM, the transmitted signal is u (t )  Ac m(t ) cos2 f ct 

• The received signal at the output of the receiver noise-limiting filter is the
sum of this signal and filtered noise
• Received signal (Adding the filtered noise to the modulated signal)

r (t )  u (t )  n(t )
 Ac m(t ) cos2 f c t   nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 

• Demodulate the received signal by first multiplying r(t) by a locally

generated sinusoid cos(2fct + f), where f is the phase of the sinusoid.
• Then passing the product signal through an ideal lowpass filter having a
bandwidth W.

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Effect of Noise on DSB-SC

• The multiplication of r(t) with cos(2fct + f) yields

r (t ) cos2 f c t  f 
 u (t ) cos2 f c t  f   n(t ) cos2 f c t  f 
 Ac m(t ) cos2 f c t  cos2 f c t  f 
 nc (t ) cos2 f c t  cos2 f c t  f   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t  cos2 f c t  f 
 12 Ac m(t ) cosf   12 Ac m(t ) cos4 f c t  f 
 12 nc (t ) cosf   ns (t ) sin f   12 nc (t ) cos4 f c t  f   ns (t ) sin 4 f c t  f 

• The lowpass filter rejects the double frequency components and passes only
the lowpass components.

y (t )  12 Ac m(t ) cosf   12 nc (t ) cosf   ns (t ) sin f 

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• If a phase-locked loop is employed, then φ = 0 and the demodulator is called a

coherent or synchronous demodulator.
• In our analysis , we assume that we are employing a coherent demodulator.
• Assume that φ = 0. Hence,

y (t )  1
2 Ac m(t )  nc (t )
• At the receiver output, the message signal and the noise components are
additive then message signal power is given by
A c2 The power content of the message signal
Po  PM
• The noise power is given by
1 1
Pn0  Pnc  Pn
4 4
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64 KIoT

• Therefore, the power spectral density of n(t) is given by

 N20 | f  f c | W
Sn ( f )  
0 otherwise
• The noise power is  N0
Pn   S n( f )df   4W  2WN 0
 2
• Now we can find the output SNR as
S P0 PM Ac2 PM But Ac2 PM
   1  4
PR 
 N  0 Pn0 4 2WN 0 2WN 0 2
• The output SNR for DSB-SC AM may be expressed as

S PR  DSB-SC AM does not provide any SNR improvement

  
 N  0 DSB N 0W over a simple baseband communication system

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Effect of Noise on SSB

• In SSB AM, the transmitted signal is

u (t )  Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t )  Ac m(t ) sin(2 f c t )

• The input to the demodulator is

r (t )  Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t )  Ac mˆ (t ) sin( 2 f c t )  n(t )

 Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t )  Ac mˆ (t ) sin( 2 f c t )  nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 
 Ac m(t )  nc (t )cos(2 f c t )   Ac mˆ (t )  ns (t )sin 2 f c t 

• Assume that demodulation occurs with an ideal phase reference, the output of
the lowpass filter is

y (t )  1
2 Ac m(t )  nc (t )

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• Parallel to our discussion of DSB, we have

The noise power is
Po  PM
1 1 S P0 Ac2 PM
Pn0  Pnc  Pn    
4 4  N  0 Pn0 WN 0
 N
Pn   S n( f )df  0  2W  WN 0
 2

PR  PU  Ac2 PM
In an SSB
S PR S
     
  0 SSB N 0W  N b

• The signal-to-noise ratio in an SSB system is equivalent to that of a DSB

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Effect of Noise on Conventional AM

• In conventional DSB AM, the modulated signal is:

• a is the modulation index
u (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )] cos(2 f c t )
• mn(t) is normalized message
• Received signal at the input to the demodulator
r (t )  Ac [1  amn (t )] cos(2 f c t )  n(t )
 Ac [1  amn (t )] cos(2 f c t )  nc (t ) cos2 f c t   ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 
 Ac [1  amn (t )]  nc (t )cos(2 f c t )  ns (t ) sin 2 f c t 
• Assume a synchronous demodulator is employed. After mixing and lowpass
filtering, we have
y ( t )  12  Ac [1  am n ( t )]  n c ( t ) 
• The DC component in the demodulated waveform is removed by a DC block
and, hence, the lowpass filter output is
y ( t )  12  Ac am n ( t )  n c ( t ) 

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• In conventional DSB AM Received signal power

PR 
1  a PM n
 
• Assumed that the message process is
zero mean.
• Now we can derive the output SNR as

A a PM n 2 2
A a PM n
a PM n Ac2
2 1  a P 
    
 N  0 AM 1
4 Pnc 2 N 0W 1  a 2 PM n N 0W
a 2 PM n PR a 2 PM n S S
      
1  a 2 PM n N 0W 1  a 2 PM n  N b  N b

•  denotes the modulation efficiency

• The SNR in conventional AM is smaller than the SNR in a baseband system , a
large part of the transmitter power is used to send the carrier component .

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Solved Problem

1. An old radio broadcaster transmits it’s signals at a power level of 10KW

using standard AM Modulation with a modulation depth of 75%.
However, It decided to reduce the transmission power by 90%, using
other power efficient AM modulation techniques. Calculate the required
modulation index if:-

a) DSB-SC technique is used.

b) SSB modulation is used.

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2. The message signal m(t) has a bandwidth of 10 KHz, a power of 16 W and a

maximum amplitude of 6. It is desirable to transmit this message to a
destination via a channel with 80-dB attenuation and additive white noise
with power-spectral density W/Hz. and achieve a
SNR at the modulator output of at least 50 dB. What is the required
transmitter power and channel bandwidth if the following modulation
schemes are employed?
3. Conventional AM with modulation index equal to 0.8

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3. In an AM system, the transmitter emits an output power of 5KW when

modulated to a depth of 95 %.
a) Determine the average output power if the carrier is suppressed.
b) Determine the average output power if the carrier is suppressed
and the modulation depth is reduced to 50%.
c) Calculate the percentage power savings in both cases.

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End of Slide
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