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Planning of narrative writing:

Character Jimmy the robot(protagonist), Gimmy(brother), Anderson (a young man) and

Tabby(dog), Mark Zubrick ()

setting The robot came from space and have land in Amazon forest.
Plot The robot came from another planet, and he had landed on earth in the
amazon forest. He is going on a mission to find his twin brother who was
captured by an evil man
Twist/shock As Jimmy and Anderson arrived in Dubai, they get captured by agents who are
element/conflict part of an evil man and they suddenly shut him down and inject a evil chemical
that can change the robot to be a killing machine and start attacking the world.

Hooking The robot will kill his brother.

The robot who saved his brother.

In the galaxies, a sonic boom swooshed faster than the speed of light and it
was heading to earth. As time passed the spaceship has crashed into the
amazon rainforest and an unidentified creature came out of the smoke and it
looked like a robot. The robot was not big, he had a white and orange suit and
a black screen, for a suit where they could see blue eyes and his mouth.
“Where am I?” said the robot and then his watch showed his place on his arm
“Sir, you are in earth, and you have crashed in the amazon rainforest in Brazil.”
said the watch.

The robot did not want to waste time, so he started to move into the dark
rainforest and started to see animals in the forest. He started to walk further
and after a few minutes he was tired of walking for so long so he used his sonic
bike that can go amazingly fast. As he started to ride, he stopped in a location
that was deserted, no human but animals, dead plants, and no sight of any
resources. He started to ride his sonic bike at low speed and at a few hours he
did not find anyone except a colorful tent. When he went inside, a dog started
barking and then the robot said to a young man name Anderson “Hi my name
is jimmy and I am finding my brother, have you seen him?” “Who are you”
asked Anderson “I am Jimmy, and I am here to find my brother.” Jimmy
repeated. “Please sit and tell me what's going on Jimmy.”” I need to find my
brother; he has come to earth, and he was captured by a man whose name
was Mark Zubrick, and I am here to find my brother and destroy Mark
Zubrick.” said jimmy. “Ok I will take you to your brother, but do you know
where he is?” asked Anderson “ I have a tracker shows his last stop of where
he is,” said Jimmy.

As they both set off on their journey with the dog, they reached the city in
Dubai. As they started moving Anderson felt tired, so he asked Jimmy to stay
out with the dog, the dog felt something suspicious and started following the
dark lane between two buildings. Jimmy started following the dog and
suddenly he was captured by agents who worked for Mark Zubrick. When
Anderson came out of the coffee shop, he started searching and shouting out
“Jimmy!” and suddenly, he saw Jimmy in a black van and then he started
following the van, but it was no use, and it was too late.

As the black van droved, they reached to a desert and they took Jimmy out of
the van and then something erupted from the sand, and it was huge, gigantic,
enormous, and black tower with spikes on top. The agents and Jimmy went
inside, and the agent threw Jimmy on the floor to bow before Mark Zubrick.
When Jimmy got up from his knees, he saw his brother trapped inside electric
cage. The agents switched off his mode and started to activate killer mode.
They commanded Jimmy to kill his brother.

To be continued……

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