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1Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Full Authority Digital Engine

Control System Familiarization Revised 25 June 2008

2 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization NOTICE The information

contained herein is intended to provide familiarization on the Rolls-
Royce Model 250 series IV FADEC system. Information in this
presentation is not intended to replace or contradict approved maintenance procedures.

3 Model 250 Series IV Engine Significant Facts Over 30,000 Model 250 series engines have been built
since 1962 The C40/47 FADEC series IV engine was certified in 1996 with over 1500 engines produced

4 Model 250 FADEC Equipped Installations Model 250 FADEC engines power three current civil
applications Bell 407, 250-C47B Bell 430, 250-C40B MDHI MD600, 250-C47M

5 Model 250 FADEC Equipped Installations Model 250 FADEC engines power two current military
applications Bell OH-58D, 250-C30R/3 Boeing AH/MH-6 MELB, 250-C30R/3M

6 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Model 250 Series IV FADEC Engine Differences 25 Vane
Diffuser Air Cooled #1 Nozzle Low Smoke Combustion Liner Larger Inducer Bleed Larger Impeller CEFA
Self Sealing Chip Plugs FADEC Fuel System

7 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization MODEL 250 FADEC Features Reduced Pilot Workload
Automatic Starts Hot Start Protection Enhanced NR Governing with Load Anticipation Enhanced Flight
Safety Flameout Detection and Auto Re-Light Automatic Overspeed Protection Automatic Load Sharing
(Twin Engine application) Fault or Exceedance Recording and Enunciation Simplified maintenance
Troubleshooting Maintenance Terminal Software Fault Isolation Manual

8 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Full Authority Digital Engine Control System Newer Model
250 series IV engines incorporate FADEC Systems. These control systems are fully electronic with a
simple Hydromechanical back-up system. In normal mode, there are no pneumatic or hydraulic forces
providing direct control over the metering valve positioning. A torque motor positions the fuel metering
valve by direct electrical signal input from the Electronic Control. Elements that make up the FADEC
system are: Electronic Control Unit (ECU) (ECU software is unique to aircraft type) Hydromechanical Unit
(HMU) (HMU s differ between C40 and C47 types) Turbine Thermocouples (MGT) Speed Sensors (NG,
NP, NR, all are dual poll) Torque Sensors (TMOP; 2ea one for aircraft gauge and one for FADEC) Position
Sensors (CP, PLA, WFMV)(Pedal Pot, MD600N only) Inlet Temperature Sensor (CIT) Pressure Altitude
Sensor (PA, located on ECU) Permanent Magnet Alternator (PMA) (two drive speed configurations, C40
& C47)

9 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC System Overview The ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
is essentially a computer which takes signals from NG & NP Speed sensors, MGT, Torque Pressure, Inlet
Temperature, Ambient Pressure, Power Lever Angle, Collective Pitch Angle and others to precisely
schedule fuel flow. The FADEC has the capability to monitor rate changes and anticipate engine
response thus making corrective changes to minimize droops or overshoots.
10 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC System Power and Grounds The FADEC is powered
by 28VDC from the following sources: Aircraft 28VDC power bus Engine driven PMA (permanent
magnet alternator) PMA is driven from NP gear train Provides power to ECU above 85% NP The FADEC
system has four ground straps: ECU to Airframe HMU to turbine fireshield PMA to fireshield/gearbox
Gearbox to airframe Integrity of grounds is very important to proper operation of the FADEC

11 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Automatic Engine Start The Model 250 FADEC
controls all engine start sequencing. Idle, Starter button depressed Pilot must depress starter button
within 60 sec of roll-up to Idle 60 sec starter timer re-sets when light-off is detected or when PLA goes <
9 FADEC introduces 12% NG (10% NG if T1< -6.6 C) C40B software introduces 10% NG (12% NG if
T1<26.6 C) Light-off is detected when NG> 25% and MGT rise of 122 C FADEC will disengage starter at
50% by opening ground for holding relay. FADEC will abort a start: if MGT abort limit of 843 C is
triggered with NG < 50% 913 C if Alt >10,000 ft or if residual MGT prior to start is >82 C if Starter 60 sec
timer is exceeded with NG < 50% FADEC will automatically cool down engine after a hot start abort
Starter remains engaged when MGT > C and PLA in cutoff for up to 60 sec.

12 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Automatic Engine Starting The FADEC monitors NG
rate of acceleration to maintain a constant NG acceleration of approximately 2% per sec. acceleration
rate changes with OAT ref. Temp low OAT) NG rate is the primary reference for the ECU to schedule fuel
flow during normal starts but if the MGT monitoring set point is approached, the ECU will automatically
switch to MGT monitoring, thus biasing MGT and NG rate of acceleration for fuel flow scheduling to
prevent an over temperature. MGT Monitoring Mode Change 704 C

13 Model 250-C40/47 UNCONTROLLED FADEC COPY Aborted IF PRINTEDStarts FADEC Aborted Starts
Aborted Auto Mode Starts at higher ambient temps (>70 F) & altitudes. Aborts occur during the initial
portion of the start where the metering valve has no authority to reduce fuel flow. Root Cause is too
much fuel for given air flow. Min flow is constant in the HMU throughout operating envelope. Air flow
(density) changes throughout operating envelope. HMU Minimum Fuel Flow is 34 pph; same as non-
fadec Series IV. Non-FADEC Series IV has modulating cut-off valve that can reduce flow an additional 7
pph. Fuel introduction versus airflow Fuel introduction is initiated at a fixed NG speed (12%) in auto
mode. In less dense air, fuel min flow may be too much for required fuel:air ratio, thus hot start abort is
843 C. Fuel introduction initiated at a higher NG speed (16%) when lower density air flow conditions
exist will improve fuel/air ratio.

14 Model 250-C40/47 UNCONTROLLED FADEC COPY Aborted IF PRINTEDStarts FADEC Aborted Starts

15 Model 250-C40/47 UNCONTROLLED FADEC COPY Aborted IF PRINTEDStarts FADEC Aborted Starts
Alternate Starting Instructions have been released. Flight Manual and Maintenance Manual have been
revised to allow this alternate start procedure. Alternate Engine Starting Procedure: Auto/Manual Mode
switch in Auto position. Throttle in cut-off position (not in Ground Idle). Push and hold Starter Button.
When NG reaches 16%, roll throttle to Ground Idle position. The starter should now latch and normal
Auto Mode start resumes. Experience has shown a significant decrease in start MGT and significantly
reduced occurrence of aborted starts.

16 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Model 250 FADEC Speed Control FADEC will control NG
speed to: Schedule NG rate of change during start Maintain Idle 63% for C47B (61% for C40 & C47M)
Limit Maximum NG to 106.5% when PLA is at Fly position Reduce NG acceleration schedule to avoid
compressor surge. FADEC will control NP speed to: Maintain speed at set point for 100% NR Anticipate
rotor load change through collective pitch pot for stable NR Adjust NR between % (C40B only) Adjust NR
to 92% for Quiet Cruse Mode (C47B option only) Anticipate NOTAR Fan load change through pedal pitch
pot for stable NR (MD600N only)

17 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Model 250 FADEC Overspeed Limiting The FADEC will
Limit NP overspeed by activating the overspeed solenoid in the HMU C40B cut-off 115% 2% below trip
speed C47B cut-back Wf to Min Flow ( % 6% below trip speed C47M cut-back Wf to Min Flow ( % 2%
below trip speed The overspeed test will verify functionality of the O/S solenoid and drivers. The test
must have the following parameters in order to operate: PLA CP <10 NG between 60 & 66% NP <75%
Wf >65 pph (may inhibit O/S test at higher altitudes due to low required idle Wf)

18 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Model 250 FADEC Torque & Temperature Limiting FADEC
will Limit Q (torque) on twin Installations only (C40B). Torque limiting is not active on single engine
installations. C40B Two Engine Total Torque Limiting 182.7% (770 ft/lbs) C40B Single Engine Torque
Limiting 109.6% (462 ft/lbs) FADEC will Limit the MGT Run Temperature with NG >50% 871 C C

19 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Model 250 FADEC Settings Item C40B C47B C47M Ground
Idle NG RPM 61% 63% 61% 100% NG RPM 51,000 51,000 51, % NP RPM 30,908 32,183 30, % PTO RPM
9,598 6,317 6, % NR RPM NG overspeed trip 110% 110% 110% NP overspeed trip 115% 118.5% 116%
100% Q (Ft/Lbs) % Q (psi TMOP) Q Limiter (%Q) 109.6/182.7% Not Limited Not Limited MGT Start Limiter
704 C 704 C 704 C MGT Start Abort (MGT<180) 843 C 843 C 843 C MGT Start Abort (MGT>180) 913 C 913
C 913 C MGT Run Limiter 871 C 905 C 905 C

20 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Hydromechanical Unit (HMU) Basic Operation The
Hydro-Mechanical Unit receives signals from the ECU which meters fuel flow via a stepper motor
connected to the metering valve. The HMU incorporates feedback potentiometers that tell the ECU the
positions of metering valve & Power Lever Angle (PLA). PLA pot WF pot

21 Model 250 FADEC HMU Familiarization Manual Mode Section Two Stage Fuel Pump Manual Mode
Solenoid Flat Plate Metering Valve Stepper Motor controlled in Auto Mode De-energized open Throttle
Controlled in Manual Mode Pressurizing Valve 150 psi Ensures positive fuel cut off Overspeed Solenoid
Hot Start Solenoid Valve Energized Closed to introduce fuel De-energized open to cut hot start Windmill
Bypass Valve Energized closed by ECU when N2 Overspeed trip is activated Provides mechanical fuel
cutoff at PLA <5

22 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC HMU Manual Mode A simple Hydro-mechanical
back-up system allows for manual fuel scheduling should an electronic system malfunction occur. The
manual mode control schedules fuel flow in direct relation to power lever angle through engagement of
hydraulic control pistons. Automatic Mode Shown Pistons are Parked

23 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC HMU Manual Mode When Manual Mode is
selected, the auto/manual solenoid de-energizes open. This ports fuel pressure into the manual mode
pistons which come together to take control of the metering valve. Positioning of the controlling piston
is accomplished by regulating a variable orifice via a segment gear on the power lever shaft. Piston
engagement speed is regulated by orifices to allow the follower piston to engage before the loading
piston. Manual Mode Shown Pistons are Engaged
24 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Reversion to Manual Mode The FADEC has two
means of reverting to manual mode; Pilot selects Manual Mode Direct reversion to Manual Mode For
non-direct reversion (DRTM) systems (C40B & C47M), the FADEC will go into a Fail-Fixed Mode when the
ECU detects a hard fault failure. In this mode, the ECU de-powers the stepper motor in the HMU,
thereby Freezing fuel flow at its last value. From Fail-Fixed Mode, the pilot must select Manual Mode. To
prevent a potential overspeed, the pilot must first roll the throttle down from 100 PLA. Once manual
mode is selected, the manual mode pistons will engage the metering valve moving it to the selected
PLA position.

25 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Direct Reversion to Manual Mode (C47B only)
DRTM was introduced to reduce pilot required reaction in the event of a FADEC failure and to prevent
the possibility of inadvertent overspeed. With DRTM the ECU software has been modified to recognize
62 throttle angle as full throttle in automatic mode.

26 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Power Lever Angle (PLA) Rigging Proper rigging of
the FADEC HMU is critical as it contributes to the ECU mode selection, limits and set points. When
rigging the HMU, the PLA rig points should be verified with the MT35 maintenance terminal. C40 &
C47M critical rig points: Idle = 35 ± 5 Cutoff = <5 Full Throttle = >92

27 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Power Lever Angle (PLA) Rigging The C47B with
DRTM has an additional rig point to accommodate the Fly position at 70 PLA. C47B critical rig points:
Idle = 35 ± 5 Fly = >62 Cutoff = <5 Full Throttle = >92 NOTE: Use PLA rig HMU and set Twist Grip at Idle
detent when connecting linkage.

28 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Fault Detection The FADEC offers fault detection
and fault isolation features. Fault information is stored in the Electronically Erasable Programmable
Read Only Memory (EEPROM). This provides a history of any fault occurrence for troubleshooting or
maintenance purposes. The ECU classifies faults into the following categories: Soft Fault;- No
operational effect, record in memory only Failure of a redundant back-up sensor, for example N1, N2
Enunciated only after engine shut-down Degraded Fault;- Has non-critical operational effect, degrades
FADEC ability Failure of non-backed up but non-critical sensor, for example MGT, CP, TMOP Enunciated
to pilot in-flight as FADEC Degraded Hard Fault;- Critical affect on system operation, Fail-Fixed or DRTM
Failure of a critical sensor or function, for example, pwr supply, Stepper Motor, etc. Enunciated to pilot
in-flight as FADEC Fail

29 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Fault Status Indications The ECU will provide the
Pilot with FADEC system status via following lights: FADEC Fail on B407, ECU Fail on MD600N or ECU on
B430 IIDS:- on when a Hard Fault is detected, manual mode operation needed. FADEC Degraded on
B407, ECU Degraded on MD600N or white M/ECU on B430 IIDS:- on when non-critical system fault is
detected, ECU performance is degraded. FADEC Fault on B407 or Limit Fault on MD600N;- on when
non-critical system fault is detected, ECU performance may be limited. Restart Fault ;- on when engine
restart is likely to be inhibited if shut down. Manual Mode ;- on when FADEC is in manual mode, pilot
must manually control rotor speed.

30 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization B407 Console

31 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization MD600N Console

32 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization B430 Console IIDS provides system status indication, not
flashing lights.

33 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Power-up Mode During power-up, the ECU
initializes all electronic components and executes self-tests to establish system health. If faults are
detected, one or more FADEC status lights will be on, prompting maintenance action. A light ON with
cut-off indicates a currently existing fault or a fault from the previous engine run has been detected. A
light ON with Idle position indicates a currently existing fault is detected. If the light goes out with Idle,
then the detected fault was last engine run but is not currently detected. NOTE: This could also be an
exceedance from the previous flight. If the engine is operated, the exceedance warning light will be
extinguished. The Last Run Fault is removed once the engine is started with no fault present. It will stay
in the Accumulated Fault memory until erased using the MT35 Maintenance Terminal.

34 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Fault Identification If faults are enunciated by one
or more FADEC lights, determining the cause can be accomplished by the Flashing Light Test (Bell 407 &
MD600) FADEC system status messages are indicated by flashing one of the following lights: FADEC
Degraded Restart Fault FADEC Fault on B407 or Limit Fault on MD600 Provides only basic fault
identification (see status code chart) Throttle in off or idle, collective full down, mode switch in manual,
then toggle the FADEC status switch on the center pedestal. Throttle in cut-off indicates last run or
current fault. Throttle in Idle indicates current fault The Bell 430 has electronic display on the IIDS that
provides fault listing.

35 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Fault Identification The flashing light status
identifies basic description and maintenance code.

36 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Fault Identification The Fault Isolation Manual
Section will then provide the troubleshooting task to follow.

37 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Isolation Task #

38 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Fault Identification Faults can also be identified by
use of MT35 Maintenance Terminal The MT35 provides visibility of all recorded faults, either current,
last run, accumulated or time stamped. Provides greater detail of faults such as: Range: parameter out
of allowable range Rate: rate of change out of allowable limits Difference: excessive difference between
redundant parameters Voltage/Current: voltage or current out of allowable limits etc. Default location
for Maintenance Terminal on computer hard drive is: C/Program files/ceco/maint Term

39 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC MT35 Maintenance Terminal The MT35
maintenance software runs on a standard PC or lap top having Windows 95 or higher operating system.
(Ref. CSL 5076/6076) This software consists of the EMC-35A Maintenance Terminal program and Model
Specific Data Disc. This software allows the user to do the following: view real time analog and discrete
data view real time faults and fault history clear stored faults view exceedances and stored history data
clear exceedances and stored history data transfer ECU data to disc and back to ECU print ECU history
data trend real time parameters for troubleshooting

40 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Trend Recording The FADEC offers the capability of
monitoring multiple parameters during operation that can be viewed and recorded on the lap top
maintenance terminal. This is a valuable tool for troubleshooting. To trend data, select desired file from
the real time drop down menu. (typically a user define screen) Press F8 key when ready to record. Once
the trend has been recorded, name it and store it to file. It will then be presented for viewing. cvc

41 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization FADEC Incident Recording The B407 FADEC has the
capability of monitoring multiple parameters during operation that will be recorded in the ECU should
an abnormal occurrence be experienced. When the ECU senses an out of range operation, it starts
recording 60 seconds of data, 12 sec. prior to the event and 48 sec. after. This is intended as a tool for
incident investigation. The data is overwritten if the engine is operated after a recorded event MGT Q%
Wf pph Cp Stepper Motor Hard Fault Ng% PLA Np% Nr% NG NR NP Q CP PLA WF MGT

42 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Useful FADEC Operation & Maintenance Documents CSL
5064 / 6063 Guidance on the review of information stored in the ECU. CSL 5070 / 6069 Guidance on the
proper care and maintenance of the FADEC system components. CSL 5076 / 6076 Guidance on the use
of the MT35 Maintenance Terminal. CSL 5108 / 6108 Guidance on Troubleshooting Engine Starting
Difficulties. Hot/High Alternate Start Procedure. CSL 5115 / 6116 Guidance on the use of Stabilant 22
contact enhancer. CSL 6125 Reversionary governor ECU Nuisance Faults

43 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor New C47 ECU with Reversionary Governor Provides
back-up Electronic Governing during FADEC Hard Fault. Adds another circuit board to ECU, 0.95 taller.
New captive vibration isolators and mounting hardware. Mandatory field push starts Q Delayed due to
discovery of nuisance faults. Rapid return of removed ECU is essential to program goal for rotable pool
replenishment. CEB Bell SB for cable stand-offs are prerequisite.

44 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Roll-out plan Operators will
be contacted by RRC prior to shipping ECU. Larger Fleets in North America will get units first. Operator
expected to replace the ECU within two days of receipt. Pre-paid shipper will be supplied for return
ECU. Copy of CEB and new Maintenance Terminal Software also provided. Removed ECU s must be
returned promptly so they can be converted and sent to next customer in timely manor. EMC35A
EMC35R Captive Isolators 0.95 inch added height

45 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 ECU with Reversionary Governor: Operational
Differences Current Existing ECU Algorithms are unchanged. Adds Basic Np governing in Reversionary
mode in the event of a Hard Fault to primary ECU. Seamless transfer from Primary to Reversionary
mode. When operating in Reversionary Mode; Degrade, Restart & FADEC Fault Lamps will illuminate.
Reversionary Mode is not pilot selectable. Current Existing Manual Mode is retained. B407; automatic
reversion to Manual Mode if both primary and reversionary ECU channels are Hard Faulted. MD600N;
Failed Fixed if both ECU channels are Hard Faulted. Pilot selectable if desired. Pilot operating
procedures are identical to original ECU. Quite Mode disabled in Reversionary channel.

46 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 ECU with Reversionary Governor: Operational
Differences Power-up sequence has changed. Adds a second lamp check for reversionary and engine
out Annunciation. Lamps off 3 sec. > Lamps on 3 sec. > Lamps off 3 sec. > Lamps on 3 sec. > Lamps off
3 sec. > Engine-out Annunciation. Reversionary is a Degraded Operation Mode. Pilot should avoid
aggressive maneuvers. Provides Np Governing based on minimum sensor set. Bell Quite Mode is
disabled. No Auto-relight capability; use Manual Mode if operating in flameout prone environment.
Manual Mode has continuous ignition. Other non-essential parameters are also disabled. Engine
Starting. Reversionary Channel does not have normal start protection. Starts should be made in Manual
Mode if required.
47 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 ECU with Reversionary Governor: Operational
Differences Aircraft May be dispatched with inoperable Reversionary channel. Operation without
Reversionary channel is the same as current non-reversionary ECU. FAA will allow up to 150 hrs
operation with inop Reversionary channel. Inoperable Reversionary channel will show as 2 flashes of
Degrade Lamp on flashing light test. EMC35R Reversionary Governor engine shutdown. When operating
on Reversionary channel, NR will 100% when the throttle is rolled to GI. It is OK to shut the engine down
from 100%. Overspeed Test will not function but Overspeed protection still exists. EMC35R Starter V-bit
on shutdown. Ignition light will flash on shutdown between 60 & 55% NG. This is being eliminated on
the revised EMC35R+ software.

48 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Software Enhancements Start
Fuel Introduction T1 Threshold. IncreasedT1 threshold at which fuel introduction speed is changed to
improve first start characteristics. Hot Start Abort Activation. Change Hot Start Abort lower limit from
843 C to 885 C. Upper limit stays 913 C. Eliminate Spurious Igniter Bit Faults. Ignition Bit Faults often
caused by slow 1K1 relay actuation. Starter & Ignition disengagement 50% Ng and at same time, Auto
Relight Bit check is performed. Auto relight circuit test is now delayed to 55% to allow more time for
relay actuation. PLA Reference Voltage Fault Detection. Allows ECU to run PLA reference voltage and
PLA 1&2 difference fault detection tasks separately and select the higher input. This maintains
automatic governing mode and changes PLA Faults from Hard Fault to Degrade.

49 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Software Enhancements NG
Difference Fault Accommodation. Allows ECU to conduct a continuous rate check on both NG 1 & 2
signals and select Healthy NG input. This maintains automatic governing mode and changes NG
Difference Faults from Hard Fault to Degrade. NP 1&2 Fault Accommodation. If both NP 1&2 fail, system
will substitute NR. Changes from Hard Fault to Degrade. Stepper Motor Fault Accommodation. SM
faults accommodated in Reversionary Governor by monitoring NDOT. This maintains Automatic N2
Governing in Reversionary mode. T1 Fault Accommodation. Reclassifies T1 faults from Hard Fault to
Degrade. Allows use of synthesized T1 values. NP Overspeed Lamp Corrections. Eliminates nuisance
NpQ exceedance lights due to revised Np limits. ECU now monitors separate Np & Q exceedance

50 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Np Exceedance Recording
Changes NpQ variables are gone. Np Exceedances are recorded separately from Q in Engine History
Exceeding the Run Limit for over 15 sec. will record the following: NpRLmPk = Peak value of NP over >15
seconds (107.2 MD600) NpRLmTm = Time in seconds that Np was over (107.2 MD600) (will never be less
than 15 seconds). Exceeding the Upper limit immediately records the following: NpLmPk = Peak value
of NP over (112.7 MD600) NpLmTm = Time in seconds that Np was over (112.7% MD600) 6 events
allowed between & before PT wheels must be replaced. NpRLmTout is recorded in Fault History. this
drives the FADEC degrade on shutdown. If one of the above limits is exceeded, the overspeed lamp will
light during the event. On Engine Shutdown, the Overspeed and Degrade lamps will light. Operator
must record the peak value in engine logbook then clear the fault history and clear NpLMPk and
NpLmTm from engine history.

51 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor N2 operating speed avoidance ranges: C47B chart
52 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Np Exceedance Recording
Changes The new Exceedance recording software adds four new counter variables: NpLmEvts = NP
Limit Exceedance Events (Number) NpRLmEvts = NP Run Limit Exceedance Events (Number)
NpMLmEvts = Np Max Limit Exceedance Counter (Number) NpExcInd = NP Exceedance Indication for
Engine Maintenance (True or False) These new counter variables track the number of OS events: These
counter variables help to dictate required engine maintenance actions. They must be cleared once a
turbine or the PT rotor is replaced.

53 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Np Exceedance Recording
Changes Engine History Data for EMC35A ECU Engine History Data (5.202) Name Value Units
Description EngRnTm Hours Engine Operating (Running) Time (counter) NpQNppkExLm %Np Np Peak
Value During NpQ Exceedance Limit NpQNppkRnLm 0.00 %Np Np Peak Value During NpQ Run Limit
NpQQpkExLm 39.3 %Q Q Peak Value During NpQ Exceedance Limit NpQQpkRnLm 0.0 %Q Q Peak Value
During NpQ Run Limit NumStrt 1412 Starts Number of Engine Starts OSCyc A Boolean Overspeed Cycle
SgCtr 0 Surges Number of Surge Occurrences Counter EngRunCtr Seconds Engine Run Time Interval
Counter OSCtr 0 Events Engine Overspeed Counter

54 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Np Exceedance Recording
Changes Engine History Data for EMC35R+ ECU Engine History Data (5.358) Name Value Units
Description EngRnTm 0.00 Hours Engine Operating (Running) Time(counter) NpRLmPk 0.00 %Np Np
Run Limit Exceedance Peak Value NpRLmTm 0.00 Seconds Np Run Limit Exceedance Time NumStrt 1
Starts Number of Engine Starts OSCyc A Boolean Overspeed Cycle SgCtr 0 Surges Number of Surge
Occurrences Counter EngRunCtr Seconds Engine Run Time Interval Counter NpLmPk 0.00 %Np Np Limit
Exceedance Peak Value NpLmTm 0.00 Seconds Np Limit Exceedance Time OSCtr 0 Events Engine
Overspeed Counter NpLmEvts 0 Counts Np Limit Exceedance Events NpRLmEvt 0 Counts Np Run Limit
Exceedance Events NpMLmEvts 0 Counts Np Max Limit Exceedance Counter NpExcInd FALSE Boolean
Np Exceedance Indication for Engine Maintenance

55 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: Q Exceedance Recording
Changes Q Exceedances are recorded in Engine History, not Fault History This is a hidden record as the
A/C gage is primary. Must be requested via user define page logs. Exceeding Q Run Limit over 10 sec.
will record the following: QRLmPk = Peak value of Q over 100% >10 seconds QRLmTm = Time in
seconds that Q was over 100% (will never be less than 10 seconds) Exceeding Q Transient Limit over 2
sec. will record the following: QLmPk = Peak Value of Q over 108% >2 seconds. QLmTm = Time in
seconds that Q was over 108% (will never be less than 2 seconds) Exceeding Q Max limit immediately
records the following: QLmPk = Peak value of NP over 116.3% QLmTm = time in seconds that Np was
over 116.3

56 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: EMC35R Nuisance Faults
Initial Reversionary ECU has exhibited random nuisance faults. (CSL 6125) These are Nuisance faults
and are not Flight Safety issues. Revised Software in EMC35R+ clears these Nuisance Faults. StSIFltRG:
Occurs after Manual Mode motoring, fuel bleeding or Manual Mode start. Degrade lamp will illuminate
for about 2 sec & again as Ng coasts down below 9.5%. Reverting back to Auto Mode will extinguish the
Degrade Lamp. WDTFltRG: (will be removed from CSL 6125 rev 2) May occur when powering up the
aircraft. Cycling ECU power should clear the fault. RGTempFltRG: (will be added in CSL 6125 rev 2) May
occur anytime and is annunciated by Degrade Lamp when the throttle is in cutoff or ground idle. If it
occurs on power-up, cycling ECU power should clear the lamp. If it occurs while engine is running, use
the maintenance terminal to clear the fault.
57 Model 250-C47 FADEC Reversionary Governor C47 Reversionary ECU: EMC35R Nuisance Faults
WDTTimeOutRG: May occur when switching from Manual to Auto Mode with engine running.
Annunciated on shut-down with Degrade Lamp as maintenance advisory. Should be registered as Last
Run Fault only. If registered in Accumualted and Time Stamped Faults, Replace ECU within 150 hrs.
ARINCHdFltRG: May occur when switching from Manual to Auto Mode with engine running.
Annunicated on shut-down with Degrade Lamp as maintenance advisory. Will be registered in all Fault
Categories. Use Maintenance Terminal to clear Last Run Fault only. If fault reoccurs, it will be registered
twice in Time Stamped Faults. Replace ECU within 150 hrs.

58 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization Maintenance & Troubleshooting Tips

59 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Common FADEC Issues Moisture in the Electrical
Connectors Cause of multiple and often unrelated FADEC Faults. Blow out connectors if engine or
transmission deck areas have been washed. Damaged Harness or Connectors Bent Pins from miss-
handling. Harness breakdown from solvents or chafing. Degrade & Restart Faults when A/C is powered-
up Battery power shut off before engine N1 completely stopped. Manual Mode pistons not parked,
perform piston parking procedure. Ignition Circuit Bit Faults Aircraft Starter Relay (1K1 on B407), check
contacts, replace relay (New ECUSoftware will reduce occurrence). False NpQ Excedance Faults Revised
NpQ limits that have not been reprogrammed in ECU software. PLA or MV POT Faults Range Faults
either from faulty Harness or Potentiometer.

60 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips FADEC Harness Contact Enhancer CSL 5115/6116;
releases Stabilant 22 contact enhancer for use on FADEC harness connector pins. Refer to CSL for
proper application. When installing connectors, always ensure they are clean and properly tightened.
Always cover/protect connectors when not connected. Just two clicks loose can allow moisture to leak
into connector. Refer to CSL 5070/6069 for maintenance guidance on FADEC system components.
Connector not tight If red line is exposed Insure Clamp does not cover vent hole on TQ transducer

61 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips C40/C47 HMU PLA leaks Currently is the primary cause
for removal. Caused by PLA quadrant plate wear and seal performance. New quadrant plates will have
hard coating on PLA shaft interface. New Fluorocarbon seals have also been released. Vibration
monitoring is recommended. Rough Starter/Generator or certain gearbox modes can excite HMU
vibration causing accelerated wear. Note wear step on PLA quadrant.

62 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Unison Exciter Released to C40/C47 Engines
Commonality with other Model 250 engine models. Improved durability over Lucas exciter. Improved
availability. CEB /6002 Requires adapter cable P/N

63 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips FADEC PMA Leaks Often repeated PLA lip seals can
actually be coming from the un-used tach drive seal on the front of the gearbox. PLA Driveshaft Oil Leak
Path Unused Tack Pad

64 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Ignition Circuit Troublshooting A common issue during
start is registering an IgnIFlt. The fault is usually a result of the 1K1 start relay slow to actuate or on very
rare occasions, the 2K4 ignition relay. Following a start attempt, an Igniter V-bit Fault will be recorded.
Degrade lamp will illuminate with throttle in cut-off and power on. If the lamp goes out when throttle is
rolled to GI, then the fault is Last Run If the Degrade lamp does not go GI position, a Current fault is
detected and a start is not recommended. If the fault is not current, a successful engine start can be
made and the problem may be trouble shot later. Troubleshooting:- Refer to Bell 407 Maintenance
Manual, Chapter 98, Figure 98-5 Start & Ignition System Usually replacing the 1K1 Start Relay with a unit
having the T or later stamped at the end of the 4 digit manufacture date.

65 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Starting Difficulties (Late Light-off, Aborted or Hot
Starts) Probable causes: Weak Battery Can cause slow acceleration and possible hot start abort. Severe
case, ECU can drop off line during the start if voltage drops below 11vdc which shifts HMU into manual
mode Hot Start! High Residual MGT prior to start attempt (above 150 C) High Ambient High Altitude
Refer to Alternate Start Procedure. Poor Fuel Nozzle Condition Improper Fuel Nozzle Shimming
Combustion Liner Fuel Nozzle Ferrule wear

66 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Starting Difficulties Delayed Light-off or No Light-off
Incorrect Fuel Nozzle Shimming;- Check nozzle shimming per OMM instructions. Low Smoke Liners
require more shims due to added length. Typical shim stack Standard C30 liner = 4 shims Low Smoke
Liner = 5½ shims. It is preferred to have the nozzle shimmed to the aft position (high end of limit). This
provides for better spray cone relationship to igniter.

67 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Starting Difficulties Delayed Light-off or No Light-off
Worn Fuel Nozzle Ferrule Ridges on Series IV Combustion Liner;- Inspect for heavy wear by feeling with
finger for flat area in ridges through Fuel Nozzle mounting hole. Ware area will be at 12:00 location.

68 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Low Smoke Combustion Liner Low Smoke Liners have
been released to all Series IV engines. P/N C30 Series P/N C40/47 Series Characteristics to remember
about Low Smoke Liners: Fuel Nozzle Shimming tolerance is revised, Low smoke Liners are longer.
Typical Shim Stack is 5 thick & 1 thin. Some older C30 fuel nozzles may not have sufficient threads. Soft
carbon accumulation on fuel nozzle tip and inside liner dome is common. Often, a low rumble sound is
noticed during engine start (combustion rumble). This usually dissipates after about 35-40% NG. During
extreme cold temperatures (-15 C and below), light white smoking may occur from exhaust at ground
idle running but will go away when throttle is rolled up. This is a normal condition, (ref CSL 3185 / 5085 /

69 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Low Smoke Combustion Liner;- Soft Carbon on Fuel
Nozzle Face Clean tip by soaking in solvent Separate and clean air shroud and filter regularly.

70 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Starting Difficulties Delayed Light-off or No Light-off
Dirty Fuel Nozzle Tip or Faulty Fuel Nozzle Spray Pattern Hard carbon build-up on nozzle spray tip can
distort spray pattern. Soft carbon build-up on shroud may block air holes. Clean the tip by soaking in
solvent and observe spray pattern by motoring engine with nozzle spraying into glass container. NOTE:
only acceptable for start flow pattern check, this will not show faulty secondary flow pattern. A proper
flow check should be performed at regular intervals.

71 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Starting Difficulties Delayed Light-off or No Light-off
Often associated with the first start of the day, it can also be experienced randomly throughout the
operational day. Contributing factors to look at are: Leaking Boost Pump Check Valve (B407 Series);-
Usually associated with delayed light-off on first start of the day. Check by closing fuel Shutoff Valve
after shutdown at end of day or by checking for fuel drain back. Attach clear tube to airframe fuel filter
inlet line, fill with fuel, mark the level and let sit overnight. If drain back is observed, troubleshoot boost
pump check valves. Poor Igniter or exciter performance;- Hang igniter out of combustion case and
monitor spark quality and rate. Should be bright blue and consistent spark, a weak spark is insufficient.
Troubleshoot Ignition system components if spark quality is poor. This should include harness
connectors & A/C relays. To check spark on FADEC engines, pull NG circuit breaker and switch to
Manual Mode. Igniters should spark continuously. Try swapping the igniter to opposite side of OCC.

72 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Starting Difficulties Rapid severe MGT rise at Initial
Light-off Excessive Fuel introduction due to faulty Wfmv signal:- Connect Maintenance Terminal, open
Real Time > Sensor 2 page and observe Wfmv raw position with engine shut down. Correct Wfmv
position should be -10pph ± with engine shut down. If Wfmv is excessively higher negative number, this
is a faulty signal. On start, the ECU will correct by moving the metering valve to -10pph but because this
is a faulty signal, it is actually opening the metering valve too much thus allowing excessive initial fuel
introduction. Typically the start will abort automatically or by the pilot. There will not be a fault
registered. If this is encountered, conduct FIM task for WfmvFlt. Experience has shown that if this is
intermittent or if the HMU pot resistance reads correctly, the harness is usually the problem.

73 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Misc. Troubleshooting tips Faulty Sensor Raw Default
Signals:- Q raw: = open circuit CP raw: Wfmv Raw: MGT raw: = open circuit = open circuit 2500F (1371C)
= open circuit CJT raw: = ECU internal temp NR goes up then drops and 100% with collective increase
from the full down position:- Not a FADEC problem. Adjust Pitch Change Links for Auto Rotation RPM.

74 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Misc. Troubleshooting tips Faulty PLA Potentiometer
Signals:- Always run a PLA screening with the Maintenance Terminal when troubleshooting PLA faults.
This helps to identify potentiometer discrepancies. These screenings should be supplied to the HMU
overhaul facility when a HMU is sent for repair or overhaul. Be sure to run both PLA1 & PLA 2 on the
same strip chart for overlay comparison. PLA 1 PLA 2 Noise on PLA 2 Typically found around the 70 PLA
position on Bell 407 HMU s Excessive difference between PLA 1 & 2

75 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Maintenance Terminal Hidden Memory Interrogation
The FADEC ECU records exceedances that are hidden and must be requested in order to view. MGT, NG
& Q Exceedances are not displayed on engine history page. This is because these parameters are
displayed on the A/C gages. These ECU records can be used to confirm suspected faulty A/C gage
exceedance recordings BUT they can be misleading. Exceedance recording in the ECU will display the
maximum peak and total accumulated time of all exceedances for that parameter. Q exceedance 1 =
118% for 5 sec, maint. is performed but not cleared. Q exceedance 2 = 108% for 2 sec, in limit so no
maint. required. If checked, the ECU record will show 118% for 7 sec, (Maint. Required?) Therefore, the
data in this page MUST be viewed and cleared on a regular scheduled basis in order to maintain

76 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Maintenance Terminal Hidden Memory Interrogation
The engine OMM states that the A/C gage exceedance recording is to be used for determining
maintenance actions. The ECU exceedance record can be used to confirm suspected faulty A/C gage
exceedance recording. If hidden memory exceedance records are maintained accurate, they can be a
useful tool & filed in engine maintenance history records. To view the hidden parameter memory,
proceed as follows: From MT35 task bar, select Real Time then User Define. Save a Blank Screen then
re-open that saved Blank Screen by clicking File > Open > Real Time Screen then select Blank Screen.
Enter desired parameters by clicking Edit > Add then type a parameter ident in the drop down box &
click OK. Repeat for each desired parameter. Save exceedance page File > Save Real Time Screen, name
it & OK. See next page for parameter idents.
77 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Maintenance Terminal Hidden Memory Interrogation
Hidden Parameter Idents MGTLmPK MGT Limit Peak MGTLmTm MGT Limit Time MGTSLmPK MGT Start
Limit Peak MGTSLmTm MGT Start Limit Time MGTRLmPK MGT Run Limit Peak MGTRLmTm MGT Run
Limit Time QLmPK Torque Limit Peak (see note) QLmTm Torque Limit Time QRLmPK Torque Run Limit
Peak (see note) QRLmTm Torque Run Limit Time NgLmPk Ng Limit Peak NgLmTm Ng Limit Time NOTE:
Torque recorded in the ECU does not directly correspond to torque as recorded by the B407 Litton
gages. To calculate ECU Pk torque to airframe gage torque for determination of maintenance
requirements, multiply ECU torque by to get torque as recorded by the Litton Gage.

78 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips Authorized HMU Service Centers Goodrich Pump &
Engine Controls; West Hartford, CT, USA Linda McKnight H&S Aviation; Portsmouth, UK Rolls-Royce
Engine Services-Oakland; Oakland, CA Rolls-Royce Engine Services-Brazil; Sao Paulo, Brasil Standard
Aero Limited; Winnipeg, MB, Canada Vector Aerospace; Vancouver, BC, Canada

79 Model 250 FADEC System Maintenance Tips 24 Hour AOG Hot Line (877-CECO AOG)
Troubleshooting & AOG Support FADEC Troubleshooting Support Brian Beal O C F E -

80 Model 250 FADEC System Familiarization QUESTIONS?

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