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THE SAIPAN CHURCH OF CHRIST plain “Take Up His Cross and Follow Jesus” Garland M. Robinson Mark 8:34 reads, "...Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (KJV) follow Him but acknowledged there Jesus here bade all to is a price to be paid. Because most are unwilling to pay the price, they choose to follow their own way and be lost. "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). "His cross" here is not the Lord's cross, but rather, it is our own cross! It involves a denial of self, The most important thing in the world after becoming a Christian is no longer oneself but God's will. We practice self-discipline. Romans 12:1-2 declares, "I beseech you... that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that ‘good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Included here are both inner and outer struggles pertaining to living the Christian life. Whatever burdens, trials or hardships come our way as a consequence of following Christ are to November 5, 2023 ir be patiently borne. Second Timothy 3:12 tells us, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall. suffer persecution.” When we endure whatever crosses we must bear, Jesus said, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). Christians neither look for hardships and tribulations in life, nor do they create them, but they patiently endure them when they come. Throughout all personal adversities, they continue to live faithfully unto the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58) and seek to please Him instead of themselves. "For even Christ pleased not himself" (Romans 15:3). And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God. to those who are the called according to His purpose. ROMANS 8:28 Want to make a prayer request, comment, suggestion, or praise report? Please scan the OR Code above or contact us through the information provided at the back of this bulletin. xplain “Take Up His Cross and Follow Jesus (continued) There is much to doin God's service, and as followers of Christ, we are to take the initiative and go to work for the Lord. There will be some pain along the way, but the reward is out of this world! Won't you take up your own cross today and follow Jesus? He said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and | will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for lam meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30). * Garland M. Robinson preaches for the Leoni Church of Christ in Woodbury, Tennessee, USA. He is also the Editor of the Seek the Old Paths Gospel magazine. Did You Know? Imagine our sun asa hollow ball. About one million Earth-sized planets would fit inside the sun! we, QA? ? -, S + THIS WEEK’S BIBLE READING: NOVEMBER 05 MATT 23, LUKE 20-21 06 MARK 13 07 MATT 24 08 MATT 25 09 MATT 26, MARK 14 10 LUKE 22, JOHN 13 11 JOHN 14-17 WELCOME TO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST! a PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Our good health and the church members who are sick and recovering. Especially Sis. Evelyn and Sis. Sarah Cabaluna; CJ and Kathy; Bro. Dave, Sis. Pam and their kids Joshua and Ruth, Pray for JM and his family, that there may be peace in his family. Elena & Ben’s papers. Grandson of Elena Whitenak, Mark Kenneth Nieva who sustained injury from a motorcycle accident. Marie Nieva for her protection. Pray that she will have a chance to talk to her mother Elena. Evelyn Lisua’s comfort and strength. She is a widow & her kids hardly visit her. Lourdes Kalen’s health and the restoration of her strength, Good health and recovery of Brother Gary’s parents. Comfort and strength of Dorothy, Ali, and Sis. Andy for the passing of Dorothy’s mother Mabina Loveras in the Philippines, God’s intervention for the people in Israel and Palestine. Especially the single parents, widows, and orphans. ANNOUNCEMENTS: * At this time, we will cancel the evening worship services until after the holidays. Evening worship services will resume January 2024. * Thanksgiving Day Fellowship on Wednesday, November 22, at 6PM, Please bring a dish of food to share. What does God say about salvation? | We must —___ that Jesus is the __ of God (John 8: 24). 2. We rust _____ of your ____ or perish (Luke 133). 3. We must Tesus as the Son of __ (Matthew 10:32-33). 4. You must ond be to be saved (Mark 616). 5. Why chould we be baptized? To ___ away our 6. We must be ——_ with Him in 7. The Lord added to the ANNOUNCEMENTS + The next PIBC would be on June or July 2024. + Teenagers Class every Sunday morning at 9AM. aR ea ONGOING PRAYER LIST: Those who are on the sick list and recovering especially: ‘+ Maria Martin, Sitae Terry, Mary Allen Conrad, Joe Hill, Lourdes Kalen, Steffanie Norita, Alfred & Melba Byrd, Candy Tabora, Penny Harland, Dana Tyler, Alice Nearhery, Michelle Vankirk, Lourdes Hart Cabrera, Daniel Mensah, Amir Saranglao, Lavefia del Rosario. ‘+ Those who are struggling with their mental health, especially Sis. Christina Sakaziro and Bro. Michael Dy. Those who are in the middle of wars, conflict, and natural disasters. Those who are struggling financially and spiritually. * Sis, Nenita’s papers. + Those who are forsaking the assembly and becoming unfaithful to the church. ye SAIPAN CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 500549 Saipan, MP, 96950 Church Phone: (670) 235 - 2270 Email: Website: Facebook: Minister: Manuel Cabaluna 285 - 6170 Preacher: Gary Byrd 789 - 2245 Missionaries: Dave Combs 789 - 0024 ASSEMBLY TIMES ‘Sunday Morning Bible Class ... 9:00 AM. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 A.M. Sunday Evening Worship . Wednesday Bible Study ... Assisting in Worship: Sunday Morning: Evening Worship: Announcements: Boyet Announcements: Singing: Ruel ain Opening Prayer: Boyet " Lord's Supper & Giving: Willie Opening Prayer: Assisting: Jun, CJ, Cris, Arnel Preaching: Bible Reading: CA Lord's Supper & Giving: Preaching: Dave : Closing Prayer: Ruel Closing Prayer:

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