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A fast food joint is a quick service business that specializes in fast food and offers little table

service. “Chillox” is an example of a fast food restaurant that began its journey on the 14th of
February, 2016. Chillox has topped all of Dhaka's burger restaurants since the beginning of its
voyage and is now a local sensation. Chillox is a name that conjures up images of a high-quality
product at an affordable price. Chillox currently has 5 locations. Every outlet is equally popular
with teens, children, and adults.

The following factors contribute to their popularity:

1. competitive yet reasonable pricing;
2. variety of burgers, signature dips, shakes, and fries;
3. quality

Chillox makes sure that all of its locations follow tight guidelines to ensure that all of the burgers
are the same size, taste, weight, and quality. It also enforces a tight condition that the food be
fresh and only be stored for a short period of time. It is generally open from 10.30 a.m. to 10.30
p.m. every day. However, the timing changes from one outlet to the next. The most popular
times are 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Chillox is a quick service restaurant that will be examined using a queuing model that evaluates
the system's behavior in order to determine how they use these queuing systems to manage
customer queuing problems based on four common characteristics [1. Population Source -
infinite or finite source, 2. number of Servers (channels), 3. arrival and service patterns, and 4.
queue discipline (order of service)].

Infinite source of Population

Customers' arrival patterns are determined by the source that generates them. Chillox has a big
number of potential customers, thus the number of people who arrive at the restaurant is

A parallel-series channel is handled by Chillox.. All consumers must pass through an Entrance
area before proceeding to the Ordering part, where they must pay at Server 1 or Server 2
(parallel servers). Customers then proceed with their orders and are given a token number to
wait with. A server 3 calls out their number when their respective orders are ready. After this
series, the customers can enjoy their meal or take away to enjoy their meal at home.

The arrival of customers at chillox is completely random and the rule by which customers are
selected from the queue for service is known as service discipline or order of service. The
queue length or average waiting time is affected by the order of service, which is related to
service time. "First come, first served" is Chillox's service philosophy (FCFS).

The multi-server approach in Chillox demonstrates that when customers come, each client can
choose the line he or she wishes to join for convenience, without external pressure, in the
parallel channels with respect to each series. Each service station has multiple short queues in
front of it. Customers can go from one line to the next in the hopes of cutting down the waiting

Furthermore, Chillox has started using more complex strategies to reduce the total waiting time
of the customers in the system. After ordering the food, the customers had to usually wait a long
time for their order to be ready. To reduce this waiting time; Chillox has recently introduced a
new menu with lesser and more mainstream burger options to reduce the time it takes to
prepare orders. As in the case of many other fast food chain stores, this is predicted to reduce
the waiting time even more.


With the goal of changing Bangladeshi customers' lifestyles, Shwapno is a brand-new

multi-dimensional store. A retail establishment in Bangladesh that sells things to customers on
the premises. Shwapno, which opened its first store in Postogola, Dhaka, on October 28, 2008,
is fast expanding, with 89 outlets now open in various districts to serve as many clients as
possible. Selling things for personal or domestic use that are expected to have a short lifespan
at a price that is comparable to the open market.

It's a self-serve store with a large range of food and home items divided into aisles, including
meat, fresh vegetables, dairy, and shelf space for canned and packaged goods. Despite the fact
that the super-shop or supermarket industry has yet to completely bloom in our country,
Shwapno has already carved out a niche for itself with their innovative marketing strategy.

Shwapno of Puran Dhaka Branch's target market or consumer It's all about the people and the
class. Particularly, nuclear families with working parents who barely have time to go from store
to store bargaining and buying daily groceries.Shwapno has a track record of developing and
implementing profitable business concepts. Shwapno typically buys in bulk, allowing them to sell
at a lesser price while still making a profit.

Shwopno has an infinite population source because they serve a large demographic of people
so we usually assume that the population is infinite and the number of customers being served
and waiting has no bearing on the arrival rate.

Supermarkets are made up of many units that execute the same sales checkout function and
are grouped together near the entrance. Each unit has a single employee. A multiple-server
system with single service facility, is what this type of system is called.
The sales checkout operating units are taken as a series of servers that form multiple queues
for sales checkout (single service facility) using the same model concept, where the arrival rate
of customers in a queuing system and the service rate per busy server are constants regardless
of the state of the system (busy or idle).
The service and the arrival time of customers is exponentially distributed. As a result, a Poisson
distribution governs the number of consumers who come in a given interval, and a Poisson
process governs their arrival in a queue. A Poisson process is defined as a series of
occurrences that are 'randomly separated in time.'

Customers entering in various flows are treated equally by being placed in lineups in the order
in which they arrived. Customers already in line are served in the same order they arrived,
which means the first client in line is the first to leave.

Customers who enter the queueing system will be served in an order of first come, first served,
with customers choosing a queue at random or switching to the shortest length queue. The
number of customers in a queue or in a system has no set limit.

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