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Group: 06

Submitted by:
Submitted To: Md Naimul Hasan Rahat-1921282030
Abdullah Hill Baki-1831152630
Ms. Tilka Farzana
Jannatul Ferdousi- 1921153030
Md. Tanvir Amlan- 1912970030
Interesting Facts

Music and Dance Traditional Sports

Traditional Arts Multiculturalism

Religious Diversity
Geographic Location

Area of 330,000 Sq k.m.

Known for beaches and rainforests
The mix of Malay , Chinese and Indian Culture
Occupying parts of the Malay Peninsula andd
Island of Borneo
Key Resources

Petroleum and
Natural Gas
Metals -tin
Palm Oil
Agriculture and
Stone and Sand
Key Local Companies
Political Economic Legal

Cost: The current administration Cost: Malaysia has a high

Cost: The legal process is time-
has made efforts to combat level of public debt and crop
consuming, and they have costly,
corruption, which has the losses that have not been
complex commercial disputes.
potential to improve reputation compensated.
Risk: Political interference,
and investment. Malaysia has Risk: According to a World
corruption, and inefficiency can
been criticized for human rights Bank study, Malaysia could
all have a negative impact on
violations. suffer a 6% annual GDP loss
Malaysia's foreign investment and
Risk: Malaysia has tensions by 2030, with economic
economic growth.
related to territorial disputes consequences spreading to
Benefit: Malaysian common law
and geographical rivalries. the financial sector.
provides a level of certainty and
Benefit: Malaysia's strong Benefit: Malaysia has post-
predictability for investors and
economic growth combined with disaster liquidity, funds, and
businesses, attracting foreign
stable political and business increased confidence in its
policies ability to recover.
Cultural Determinants

Religion Multi-ethnic population

Language Diversified Economy

Constitutional Monarchy and Democracy

Corruption Perception Index

Scored 47 points
Ranked 61

Impact on Attracting FDI

Causing to be concerned
Inform Investors about the cost of living
assist foreign business owners with where to Locate
Concerned about how Inflation will affect their earnings
Economic Integration Group

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Increase trade and investment among the members country

Promote tariffs reduction and eliminate trade barriers
Promotes cross-border investment and collaboration
ASEAN promotes economic co-operation
ASEAN collective efforts contribute to regional stability and
Create a favorable environment for economic growth and
Trade Relations With Countries

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