Anesthesia and Surgical ICU

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Q1. Define General Anesthesia and it write down its

Ans. Definition: It is controlled and reversible state of CNS

depression resulting in loss of response to perception of
external stimulus.
1. Sedation/ Narcosis/ Unconsciousness
2. Analgesia
3. Muscle relaxation
4. Amnesia
Q2. What is regional anesthesia, its types indications and
contraindications and the physiological effects it produces?

Ans. Definition: Regional anesthesia is the use of local

anesthetics to block sensations of pain from a large area
of the body, such as an arm or leg or the abdomen. OR
Regional anesthesia allows a procedure to be done on a
region of the body without your being unconscious.
1. Neuraxial
a. Spinal/ Intrathecal/ Subarachnoid space block
b. Epidural
c. Caudal block/ Sacral block
2. Peripheral Nerve block
3. Local infiltration

A number of indications, some are:
1. Spinal for all forms of surgeries below T10 level
(umbilical level).
2. Epidural for post-operative and labor pain management.
3. Upper limb surgery for local infiltration like Bier’s block.
4. Peripheral nerve block for Shoulder dislocation
1. Patient’s refusal
2. Coagulopathy
3. Infection at injection site
4. Severe hypovolemia
5. Raised ICP
6. Severe M.S/A.S Relative:
Physiological Effects: Sensory, motor, sympathetic block.
Produces hypotension and bradycardia.
Q3. What is the WHO ladder pattern for pain management?

Ans.Pain management Ladder

*- Mild pain:

1. Reassurance
2. Paracetamol (main)

3. NSAIDs (adjuvant) *- Moderate pain:

1. NSAIDs (main)

2. Intermediate strength opioids i.e. codeine, tramadol


*- Moderately severe:

1. Strong Opioids i.e. morphine, nalbuphene (main)

2. NSAIDs (adjuvant)

*- Severe:

Local Anaesthesia which could be:

1. Local infiltration

2. Nerve block

3. Regional block

Drugs for Local Anaesthesia includes:

1. Rapid acting: Procaine, Cocaine

2. Intermediate acting: Lignocaine

3. Slow acting: Bupivacaine

Q4. What are different monitors required during an


1. Blood pressure
2. Pulse
3. Temperature
4. Respiratory rate
5. ECG
6. Capnography

Q5. Name some airway maintenance devices.

Ans. Airway maintenance devices:

1. Guedel airway
2. Laryngeal mask airway
3. Tracheostomy tube
4. Endotracheal tube

Questions asked in C1 wardtest

Q1. What is CPR? differentiate b/w BLS and ACLS?
Q2. Write down indications, contraindications and Complications
of regional anaesthesia
Q3. What is Pain management? Write down WHO ladder for pain
Q4. Enumerate different types of local anaesthetics. Write down
their mechanism of action.
Q5. Name supra-glottic devices.
Q6: write ASA classification and Mallampati classification?
Complied by : Mujtuba Zaidi

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