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The repiratory system

Its vital function is nutrition.

Cellular respiration (mitochondria)

Glucose + o2 energy Co2 + H2O

Parts of the lungs:


Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli

Gas exchange:

The gas exchange happens in the alveoli, inside the lungs, the process that is used to move
oxygen and carbon dioxide is called diffusion.

Air with a high quantity of oxygen enters in the alveoli, the oxygen passes from the air to the
blood through the capillaries. The carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the air, the air with
carbon dioxide leaves.

Cell respiration vs Breathing:

The difference between cellular respiration and breathing is that cellular respiration involves
the production of energy by breakdown of glucose whereas breathing involves taking in
oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from the body and there is no production of energy in
breathing like that of cellular respiration.

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