Sinif Ingilizce 1. Unite Konu Anlatimi Kazanim Ve Etkinlik Music

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1. Expressing opinion (agreeing, disagreeing, etc.)
2. Expressing preferences
E12.1.L1. Students will be able to detect the embedded information in songs/media tools.
E12.1.P1. Students will be able to practice intonation in sentences.
Eg.Is this your camera? (rising and falling intonation)
E12.1.S1. Students will be able to exchange ideas about their music preferences.
E12.1.S2. Students will be able to agree or disagree with others by sharing their opinions about music.
E12.1.R1. Students will be able to infer people’s music preferences from their ideas about music in a reading text.
E12.1.R2. Students will be able to analyze surveys/interviews to answer related questions.
E12.1.W1. Students will be able to write a survey report on their friends’/teachers’ music preferences
What do you think about…?
What are your feelings about…?
Don’t you think…?
Why do you think that ….?
I believe/think/suppose...
In my opinion,...
According to….
My idea/answer/explanation is similar to/related to ….
He doesn’t agree with him because…
I agree/disagree with …that/on . . .
I tend to agree with you.
The majority believe that…
Student’s Book
Extract : Seçme parça Purpose : Amaç
Identify : Tanımlamak, belirlemek Venue : Olay yeri
Country Music : Amerikan folk müziği Temperature : Sıcaklık
Reggae Music : Jamaika rock music Fee : Ücret
Genre : Tür, çeşit Workbook
Appeal : Cezbetmek Alone : Yalnız
Attract : İlgi çekmek Improve : Geliştirmek
Background : Geçmiş Useful : Yararlı
Band : Grup Outburst : Patlama, taşma
Opinion : Düşünce Assignment : Ödev
Hum : Mırıldanmak Soothing : Yatıştırıcı
Earworm : Ağza dolanan şarkı Thunderous : Gürültülü
Tape : Kaset Gradually : Gittikçe, adım adım
Add : Eklemek Mesmerizing : Büyüleyici
Include : Dahil etmek Disturb : Rahatsız etmek
Remain calm : Sakin kalmak Woodwind instrument : Tahta üflemeli çalgı
Agree : Katılmak Brass instrument : Bakır üflemeli çalgı
Disagree : Katılmamak Percussion instrument : Vurmalı çalgı
Raucous : Gürültülü Strings instrument : Telli çalgı
Research : Araştırma Conclude : Sonuca varmak
Distract : Dikkat dağıtmak
Based on : Bağlı olarak
Impact : Etkilemek
One’s meat is other’s poison : Birine yarar diğerine zarar
Respect : Saygı duymak
Deafening : Sağır edici
Eerie : Ürkütücü
Shrill : Tiz, cırtlak
Upbeat music: Hareketli müzik
Funky music : Caz muzik
Healing: İyileştiren, rahatlatıcı
Untold : Anlatılmayan
Effort : Çaba
Agreement : Anlaşma
Arrangement : Düzenleme
Indeed : Aslında
Poet : Şair
Inspiration : İlham
Suffering : Izdırap
Memorable : Unutulmaz
Episode : Parça
Sorrow : Üzüntü, keder
Dispute : Kavga
Sentimental : Duygusal
Unprecedented : Eşşiz
Quote : Aktarılan söz
Protect : Korumak
Cheer up : Moral vermek
Interviewee : Röpartaj yapılan kişi
Fail : Başarısız olmak
Majority : Çoğunluk
Minority : Azınlık
Obligatory : Zorunlu
Ads : Reklamlar
***What kind of music do you like?
I like ________________________________________
Music Types
1.Classical 3. Folk 5. Jazz 7. Reggae 9. Pop
2. Country 4. Hip hop 6. Opera 8. Rock 10. Rap
Personally, My personal view is that ... As for me, ...
From my point of view, ... In my opinion, ... I suppose, ...
Expression of Agreeing Expression of Disagreeing Expression of Preferences
That’ s right I completely disagree with you. I prefer listening to raucous music
I agree with you to an extent. I’m afraid I disagree. I’d rather listen to country than rap.
I tend to agree with you. I totally disagree. I’d rather leave for home.
I couldn’t agree more. That’s not always true. I prefer coffee to tea.
That’ s so true. I’m not so sure about it. He would prefer to take English.
No doubt about it. I’d say the exact opposite.
I agree to a certain extent. I don’t think so.
You are absolutely right.
a) prefer something to something else
I prefer football to basketball.
I prefer city to country.
b) prefer doing something to doing something else
I prefer drinking tea.
I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.
c) prefer to do something rather than do something else.
I prefer to drink tea.
I prefer to drink tea rather than (drink) coffee.
I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.
2. WOULD RATHER (I'd rather)
a) would rather do something than something else
I'd rather go by car.
I'd rather stay at home.
I’d rather not go to the cinema this evening.
I’d rather go to the cinema than stay at home.
I’d rather play football than (play) tennis.
3. WOULD PREFER (I'd prefer)
Would you prefer coffee or tea?
a) Would prefer to do something rather than do something else
I'd prefer to stay at home rather than go to the cinema tonight.
I’d prefer to cook at home rather than eat outside
I’d prefer to have fruit juice rather than (have) coffee.
1. They prefer ____________ (live) in a villa to ____________ (live) in a flat.
2. I would rather ____________ (stay) at home tonight than ____________ (go) out.
3. Hannah would rather ____________ (go) to Rome than Prague.
4. We prefer ____________ (listen) to classical music to ____________ (listen) to hip hop.
5. Ian prefers ____________ (work) in groups to ____________ (work) alone.
6. They prefer ____________ (work) with a computer to ____________ (use) a mobile phone.
7. My sister prefers ____________ (be) a teacher to ____________ (be) an engineer.
8. My best friend would rather ____________ (dance) than ____________ (listen) to music.
9. Samuel prefers ____________ (take) a taxi to ____________ (walk) to work.
10. Daisy and Olivia prefer ____________ (sit) in the garden to ____________ (watch) TV.

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