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Caban, Francis Ken Z.


Never forget never again

Refers to the collective memory and commitment to ensuring the dark period on the Marcos sr.
Administration in the philipping is not forgotten and never repeated. The desire to remember and learn
from the human rights abuses, currution and authoritarian rule that characterized ferdinand Marcos
from 1965 to 1986. There were numerous human rights violations including extrajudicial killings
enforced disapperances torture. The Marcos family amassing immense wealth while majority Filipinos
suffered from poverty and economic hardships. Committed during the Marcos sr. Society aims to
prevent the recurrence of such abuses in the future. It also seeks justice for victims and their families
who suffered under martial law. Against any attempis to revise history or crimes committed during that
era. It encourages open dialogue, education and active participation in democratic processes to
safeguard against authoritarianism and protect the rights and freedom of all Filipinos.

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