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Haniifa Maya N

QQA 2021D

The screenshot of my interview with Ismi

Tables of Analysis
Interview (Coding)
Participant: Ismi
Topic: Writing Process
Date: 6 Mei 2023
Transcription Code Note
R: What do you do before writing? D, OL, The first thing to do is
Ismi: The first thing I do is decide on the topic I RS deciding the topic then make
want to write about. Then, I will start making an an outline after make an
outline first, of what I want to write about the outline then she looking for
topic. After the outline is finished, then I will look reading sources.
for reading sources to develop my outline into a
piece of writing.
R: How do you decide on the topic/title? B Brainstorming the ideas
Ismi: Usually, I brainstorm about the topic of my
interest, I'll jot down any ideas that come to mind,
and then choose which one is more suitable.
R: How do you develop sentences? OL, RS, Make an outline, looking for
Ismi: Well as I said at the beginning, I will make a P reading sources and then
paragraph outline first, and after that read some after find sources that match
sources from the internet then if I find a sentence with the topic, then she
that matches my paragraph outline I will paraphrase it.
paraphrase it by adding supporting sentences from
other sources.
R: If in the middle of the process, you feel bored or S Stop and refresh her mind
run out of ideas, what do you do? and try to do something else
Ismi: I will stop writing and try to do other activities
that I like, for example watching videos on
YouTube, and listening to music, sometimes I try to
find ideas by searching websites on Google.
R: What do you like about writing? BK, CT Writing can Broaden her
Ismi: Well, I'm not a big fan of writing so there are knowledge and practice her
very few things I like about writing. Some of the critical thinking
things I like about writing are that by writing I can
broaden my horizons about the topic of interest
that I choose and can improve my critical thinking
skills too
R: What do you dislike about writing? G, V The things she hates about
Ismi: Grammar. From the first time I learned writing is grammar and a
English, grammar is my biggest enemy, whether it's little bit about vocab
in writing or speaking. Ah and sometimes
vocabulary too.

D: Decide
OL: Outline
RS: Reading Source
B: Brainstorming
P: Paraphrase
S: Stop
BK: Broaden knowledge
CT: Critical Thinking
G: Grammar
V: Vocabulary

It can be interpreted that Ismi’s writing process is structured from the beginning until
the end. She starts to choose a topic, develop her sentences using an outline, and use some
reading sources that match her topic. Then, if she is burned out or out of ideas, she stops her
progress and tries to refresh her mind by doing something else. Even she is not a big fan of
writing, but she still likes some aspects of it, such as how it can broaden her knowledge and
practice her critical thinking. However, there are some aspects of writing that she dislikes, such
as grammar and, to a lesser extent, vocabulary.

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