Applied Physics For CSE - Simp QB

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Applied Physics for CSE Steam SIMP Questions


Module-1(Study any 6 Questions)

1. Derive the expression for energy density of radiation using Einstein’s

coefficients, Compare the expression with planck’s Equation
2. Derive an expression for numerical aperture of an optical fiber with a suitable
3. Define the following terms (i)Population Inversion (ii)Meta stable state
(iii)Acceptance angle (iv)Numerical aperture (v)Fractional index change
4. Describe the construction and working of Semiconductor laser with the help of
EB Diagram
5. Write a short note on (i)Spontaneous and stimulated emission (ii)Requisites and
conditions of Laser (iii)How matter interacts with radiation
6. Explain the various types of optical fibers with proper diagrams, also
describe how P-P communication is enabled through optical fibers
7. What is meant by attenuation and attenuation coefficient, Mention the
expression for attenuation coefficient in a fiber of length L, Mention
advantages and disadvantages

Module-2(Study any 5 Questions)

1. Derive the time-independent schrodinger wave equation

2. State and explain the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle with relevant equations,
Based on the principle, prove that free electrons do not exist inside the nucleus.
3. Set up one-dimensional time independent Schrodinger wave equation
4. Explain de-Broglie hypothesis. Obtain expression for de-Broglie wavelength by
using Planck’s quantum energy.
5. What are the properties of a wave function? Give the qualitative explanation of
Max-Born’s interpretation of wave function
6. Define (a)Phase velocity (b)Group velocity (i)Relation between a and b
(ii)Expression for b
7. Discuss the possibility of group velocity and particle velocity being one and the
same - VBQ

Module-3(Study any 5 questions)

1. Describe the working of Controlled-Z gate mentioning its matrix

representation and truth-table.
2. Elucidate the differences between classical and quantum
3. State the Pauli matrices and apply Pauli matrices on the states
|0 ⟩and |1⟩.
4. Discuss the CNOT gate and its operation on four different
input states.
5. Explain Single qubit gate and multiple qubit gate with an
example for each.
6. Explain Orthogonality and Orthonormality with an example for

Module-4 (Study any 4 questions)

1. Give the assumptions of quantum free electron theory. Discuss two successes of
quantum free electron theory.
2. Give a brief account for Fermi-Dirac distribution theory. Define Fermi factor.
Explain the variation of Fermi factor with temperature.
3. Explain classical free electron theory of metals, discuss the failures of this
4. Explain Type - I and II semiconductors in detail
5. Explain the phenomenon of superconductivity and Discuss qualitatively the BCS
theory of superconductivity for negligible resistance of metal at temperatures close
to absolute zero.
6. Write a short note on (i)Critical temperature & Superconductivity.(ii)Meissner’s
Effect (iii)DC and AC Josephson effects (iv)applications of superconductivity -

Module- 5

1. Discuss timing in Linear motion, Uniform motion, slow in and slow out
2. Explain in detail the major differences between Descriptive and Inferential
3. Illustrate the odd rule and odd rule multipliers with a suitable example.
4. Explain the general pattern of Monte-Carlo method and hence determine
the value of Pi
5. Explain Normal distribution using bell curves in detail
6. Sketch and explain the motion graphs for linear, easy ease, easy ease in
and easy ease out cases of animation
7. Describe Jumping and parts of jump

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