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1. What is White Box testing and Black Box testing? what are the
different methods for White box and Black box testing? Explain
any one method of each in detail
2. Explain test case design techniques with example.
3. What is structural testing? Explain with example.
4. What is path coverage testing techniques?
5. Explain performance testing with example
6. Explain Unit and integration testing, what are the approaches
used in integration testing?

1. What is impact of defect in different phases of software
2. What are 7 QC tools and modern tools in details?
3. With respect to quality management systems. Explain the
a. Quality Management System Structure
b. Pillars of Quality Management System
c. Important Aspects of Quality Management.
4. What is CMM? Explain CMM levels.
5. Explain Quality and Productivity Relationship.
6. Why do you need to measure customer satisfaction?
1. What is Automation testing? What are benefits of Automation
2. What is Selenium? Explain the following terms
a. Selenium IDE
b. Selenium RC
c. WebDriver
3. How to Choose an Automation tool? Explain it briefly?
4. Explain following performance testing tool.
a. Apache Jmeter
b. LoadRunner
c. WebLOAD
1. What does SQA ensure? What are the goals of SQA?
2. What is ISO standard? what are its advantages?
3. What is six sigma? Explain the terms DMAIC & DMADV
4. Write short note on:
a. Total Quality Management (TQM)
b. Product Quality Metric
5. Describe in detail defect Removal effectiveness

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