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Basic essay structure: the 3 main parts of an


Almost every single essay that’s ever been written follows the same basic

 Introduction: Preview

 Body paragraphs:

 Conclusion

Argumentative Essay

In many countries, women no longer feel the need to get married. Some people believe that women are
able to earn their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage can

To what extent to you agree?

I completely agree that women do not need to get married if they don't want to. They have their own
rights to decide whether they want to get married or not.

Women also have their own income and therefore do not require the financial security that marriage
can bring. In this generation, women have more opportunities when it comes to finding a stable job.
They can earn their own money so they don't need a man to provide for them. In addition, they also do
not need financial security that marriage can bring because they can work on their own and be
independent. Many women in this generation are successful even if they don't have a husband and they
are earning a lot of money on their own. Women can get married if they want to, but if they don't feel
the need to because they are already successful on their own, then people don't have the right to judge
them. That doesn't make them less of a person because they can also make their own income like men.

In conclusion, women do not need to get married at all if they don't feel the need to because it's their
own decision and society doesn't have a say on it.
Affirmative ,negative or neutral

30 points

Content 10 8

Grammar 10 5

Organization 10 7

30 20

It is evident that women in many countries do not have the need to get married since they can provide
for themselves. With that, I extremely agree that they do not have the urgency to tie the knot because
they already have their financial independence and have the freedom to do as they please.

When it comes to financial freedom, women nowadays are given the right to secure a job. This means
that they can pursue a career that they like. Hence, this leads to them earning money. Unlike before,
women were pressured to get married and have children which led to them being tied at home which is
why they have to rely on their husbands for financial security. Today, that is not the case. With the
advent of gender equality, women are finally given more leeway in terms of their financial security
because they can have a career.

Another thing is that marriage is no longer an essential thing for most women since they can do as they
please in this modern age. Financially speaking, women are also knowledgeable about handling their
earnings. They are not required to get married so that they can keep a job or own a business. This shows
that women have ample opportunities for success-without a husband. Hence, I agree with the
perspective that women do not really need to get married in order for success to happen in terms of
their career.
In conclusion, women can obtain financial freedom and security which is why marriage is not an
essential step in their lives.

It is sometimes thought that people who travel outside of their country are more tolerant and
understanding of others. To what extent do you agree?

People who travel outside of their country have a better understanding of other people’s culture.
Because of this,I completely agree that people who travel outside of their country are more tolerant and
understanding of others.

Individuals who travel outside of their country tend to understand different cultures because of their
exposure. Since they have presumably visited different countries, they have developed their sense of
understanding due to interactions with the people around them. People who have travelled understand
that it is good to be aware of other cultures because this can influence a person’s perspective.
Individuals who have travelled realize that building relationships with others is made easier when you
are open to various cultures. Hence , people who travel outside of their country are also more tolerant
because they have developed patience for instances like when there is language barrier, they need to
have the willingness to adjust.

In conclusion, people who have travelled to other countries have the ability to be more understanding
and tolerant because of their awareness towards various cultures and exposure to different crowds.

30 points

Content 10 5

Grammar 10 7

Organization 10 5

30 17

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