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I do...

Simple present Do
Example Situations Facts
Sit.1 * *
Sit.1 Peter is an architect. He builds houses. Tracks 12-15 2
*He is enjoying the weekend. He is resting right now.
*A verb can carry a color in simple present (blue) and simple past (green) only in an affirmative statement or if it’s the verb “to be”.
*Peter is not building a house at the time of speaking, (He is resting, but he builds houses).
We use simple present to talk about things that happen all the time or
repeatedly. It doesn’t matter if the action is happening at the time of speaking.

Sit.2 Sit. 2 Mary is a doctor. She works in a hospital every day.
She heals sick people.
Sit.2-1 She arrives to work at 8:00 am. and leaves work at 6:00 pm.
Sit.2-2 Mary is a housewife also. She has two kids.
She always takes them to school.
*She is not taking her kids to school at the time of speaking (she is working), but she takes the kids to school.

Sit.3 We also use simple present to talk about habits and
routines. We often say how frequently we do an action.
Robert is asking a patient some questions: Do you smoke?
Patient: Yes, I do. Robert: How often do you smoke?
Patient: I sometimes smoke when I am worried.

Facts and true things

Sit.4 Steve: Hi, I am a rock star. I come from New York. I love to sing.
I also play the guitar. I live in London. I make a lot of money.
I donate money to poor people. I don’t do drugs. I am a healthy person.

We use simple present to talk about facts and true things.

Sit.5 The earth goes around the sun. The moon goes around the earth.
A week has seven days. Babies need their mothers. Cows give milk.
Frequency adverbs
Frequency adverbs We use frequency adverbs to say how frequently (often) we do things.
100% always *Frequency adverbs normally go before the verb. ~Exception: The verb to be in present and past.
90% usually
75% often Sit.5 I always do my homework. I usually go to bed at 10:00 pm.
50% sometimes
25% seldom
I often find what I like at shops. I sometimes fight with my sister.
10% rarely I seldom get lost in Mexico City. I rarely eat dessert after dinner.
0% never I never drink alcohol while I am driving. ~She is never late.
Tracks 18-20 2
Use the prompts to complete the questions.

Sit.1 work
Does he work on Sundays? (be) Only if it ____ necessary.

Sit.2 take
How long ___________ you to get to work? It ______ me an hour.
Sit.3 work
Where ___________________? I _________ in a discotheque.

Sit.4 (you) What _______________? I __________ the guitar.

do play(s)

Sit.5 (your car) How much __________________? It ____________ $1,200.00 new.

cost cost(s)
Sit.6 ________________ computers? He ________________ machines.
fix fix(es)
Sit.7 teach
________________ English? No, she ___________ French.
Sit.8 get up What time ______________ in the morning? I __________ at 6 am.
get(s) up

Sit.9 (Mary)
How often ______________ to the gym? She __________ every day.
Sit.10 ________________ to watch movies? I ________ to watch movies.
like love(s)

S What do you do? Roll play. I normally eat ... S

t Student A t
u Where do you live? asks S. B I usually get up (early/late). u
d What time do you get up on and vice versa. d
e Student B I go out... (with my friends). e
n Sundays? n
must choose I live ________________. (address) t
t What do you have for lunch? the correct
A What do you do on weekends? answer. I’m a _____________. (profession) B
Read the situation and use the prompts in parenthesis to make sentences.
Sit.11 You know that Henry works, but you want to know “where”. Ask him.
(Where/work?) _____________________________________________________?
Sit.12 You know that Anna eats at restaurants, but you want to know “how often”.
(How often/eat/at restaurants?) ______________________________________________?
Sit.13 You know that John’s car costs much money. You want to know “how much”.
(How much/(your car) cost?) _________________________________________________?
Sit.14 You don’t know if Nancy has any siblings (brothers or sisters). Ask her.
(Have/siblings?) _____________________________________________________?
Sit.15 You don’t know where John lives. Ask him. Do prompt #1
(Where/live?) _____________________________________________________?
Sit.16 You don’t know what time the banks close. What do you say?
(What time/(the banks) close?) ________________________________________________?
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb. Write “R” in the parenthesis if the action
is a routine, ”F” if it’s a fact or something true.
eat(s) ~ breathe(s) ~ close(s) ~ arrive(s) ~ drink(s) ~ boil(s) ~ leave(s) ~ open(s) ~ come(s)
~ play(s) ~ live(s) ~ celebrate(s) ~ cure(s)
Tracks 16-17 2
drinks coffee in the morning. ( R )
Sit.1 Ann always __________
Sit.2 Some banks __________ at 9:00 a.m. and __________ at 4:00 p.m. ( )
Sit.3 I __________ to work at 8:00 a.m. and __________ at 5:00 ( )
Sit.4 My parents _______ in Texas. ( ) They_______ to visit me every summer. ( )
Sit.5 American people __________ Christmas in December. ( )
Sit.6 Alan__________ vegetables every day. ( )
Sit.7 Liz _________ tennis twice a week. ( )
Sit.8 Doctors __________ sick people. ( )
Sit.9 Dolphins __________ air. ( )
Sit.10 Water __________ at 100 degrees Celsius. ( )

Situation Exercises
Affirmative or negative?
Sit.1 Astronauts _____________________ (go) to the moon by helicopter.
Sit.2 A golf course _____________________ (have) nine or eighteen holes.
Sit.3 Vegetarians _____________________ (eat) meat.
Sit.4 Peter ____________ (work). He is looking for a job.
Sit.5 She has a car, but she ____________ (use) it often.
Sit.6 Bees _____________________ (make) honey.
Sit.7 A liar _____________________ (tell) the truth.
Sit.8 A jet _____________________ (fly) faster than a helicopter.
Sit.9 A horse _____________________ (run) slower than a cow.
Sit.10 A frog _____________________ (eat) more than a human.
Sit.11 Birds _____________________ (need) wings to fly.
Sit.12 Cars _____________________ (need) fuel.
Sit.13 A teacher _____________________ (teach).
Sit.14 A singer _____________________ (sing).
Sit.15 Men _____________________ (wear) skirts in Mexico.
Sit.15 A pencil _____________________ (cost) much money.
Activity Type Target Language Materials
Team game: Basketball Simple Present Basketball net and a ball.
(10-15 minutes) Facts DIDACTA
The best way to learn without stress!!!

Procedure: Forma 2 equipos. Quizá “Girls Vs. Boys”. Digamos que las mujeres van primero. Un miembro del
equipo de los hombres toma una ficha y hace una oración diciendo que hace la persona y donde traba o para quién
trabaja según la ficha. E.g. Si dice “arquitecto”entonces el estudiante debe decir “They build houses. (Construyen casas)
They work for construction companies.” (trabajan para compañías de construcción). Si el estuduante competidor del equipo
de las mujeres acierta, anota dos puntos. Ganador: El quipo con mas puntos!

Architect Carpenter Butcher Archeologist

Build/design Make Sell/cut/chop Search/look for

Peluquero Escritor Locutor

Barber Coach Writer Announcer
Cut/shave/style Train Write Play/advertise

Jardinero Cocinero Contador

Gardener Cook Mechanic Accountant

Water/mow(n) Make/bake Fix Take care

Mesera Pastor Musico

Waitress Actor Priest Musician

Serve Act Preach/pray Play/compose

Azafata Cajero

Flight Police
Doctor Cashier
Attendant Officer
Serve/take care Cure/heal Protect Cash/attend
Activity Type Target Language Materials
Whole group: (teams of 2) Simple Present
(20-30 minutes) Information Questions DIDACTA 8 cards
The best way to learn without stress!!!

Procedure: Actividad 1: Cada estudiante elige una ficha. Para usar primera persona, pretendan que ustedes son esa persona en
su ficha. Para practicar tercera persona (el o ella) hablen de el o ella. El primer estudiante empieza haciendo todas las preguntas.
Usando “you” como el sujeto y viceversa y después “he/she” como el sujeto. Donde vean “job” empleo, “country” estado, “town”
pueblo, “place of work” lugar de trabajo, “salary” salario, “language(s)” idioma(s), “married” casado, “family members” miembros de
familia y “free time” tiempo libre, deberan hacer las preguntas como se indica en el primer cuadro. Poco a poco formaras preguntas
sin ver el cuadro. Después de la primera ficha forma preguntas sin seguir un orden para que el estudiante B este mas atento a tus
preuntas. Ganador: El estudiante que haya dicho una ficha sin ningún error!

Job: (what/do?)
Country: (where/come from?)
Town: (where/live?)
Place of work: (where/work?)
Salary: (How much/earn?)
Language(s): (How many languages/speak?)
Family: (have/family)
Free Time: (What/like/doing?)

Job doctor Job janitor

Country England Country Spain
Town New York Town Moscow
Place of work hospital Place of work cinema
Salary $1,000 a month Salary $800 a month
Language(s) English & French Language(s) Russian / Spanish
Married no
Married Married Family Members a cat
Family Members 2 sons &time with
2 daughters Free Time Skating
Free Time the family

Job journalist Job taxi driver

Country U.S. Country Mexico
Town Berlin Town Guadalajara
Place of work on the streets Place of work on the streetsl
Salary $2,500 a month Salary $2,500 a month
Language(s) German & Spanish Language(s) Spanish
Married No. Single Married No. Single
Family Members 4 sisters & 1 brother
Family Members 1 sisters
Free Time playing golf Free Time playing soccer

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