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Bilingual Semi Private Specialist L.


Mixed tenses

Part I. Multiple Choice

1. John _________ a book yesterday.
a. buy c. bought e. buying
b. buys d. bring
2. He _________ at home every night.
a. is c. were e. will
b. was d. be
3. Roy and I __________ buy some paper later.
a. should c. will e. could
b. shall d. would
4. ________ you speak English?
a. Did c. Does e. Were
b. Shall d. Do
5. She ________________________ Mandarin now.
a. learns c. was learning e. studied
b. studies d. is studying
6. They come to Jakarta ______________.
a. now c. last week e. every year
b. later d. yesterday
7. Rose __________________when I came.
a. was cooking c. were cooking e. has cooked
b. was cooked d. were cooked
8. I ________ eaten.
a. have had c. had e. have
b. has d. had had
9. She ___________ slept when I passed by her house last night.
a. have had c. had e. have
b. has d. had had
10. We _________ going to school tomorrow.
a. is c. were e. are

A second home for students to learn their second language & team to learn and grow with
Telp. 64711780 – 4513111 – 6610764 – 56957961 – 58301023
Bilingual Semi Private Specialist L.ulum

b. will d. was
11. A : __________ you speak Japan?
B : No, I can’t
a. Could c. Can’t e. Do
b. Couldn’t d. Can
12. She was studying while I __________________
a. were sleeping c. sleeps e. was sleeping
b. slept d. was slept
13. You had gone to school when she ____________
a. comes c. came e. am coming
b. come d. coming
14. She has ___________ the game twice.
a. played c. plays e. watching
b. play d. watch
15. Joyce and her mother ___________ to the market ____________.
a. goes, everyday c. going, now e. go, later
b. went, this morning d. gone, last night
16. Jack _________ a picture every month.
a. draw c. draws e. drawn
b. drawing d. drew
17. Our teacher ___________ us English now.
a. was teaching c. were teaching e. is teaching
b. are teaching d. teaching
18. ________ you go to the church last Sunday.
a. Do c. Does e. Was
b. Did d. Were
19. John and his girlfriend ______________ quarrelling at one o’clock yesterday.
a. are c. is e. wasn’t
b. were d. was
20. Our earth _______ round.
a. was c. wasn’t e. aren’t
b. is d. weren’t

A second home for students to learn their second language & team to learn and grow with
Telp. 64711780 – 4513111 – 6610764 – 56957961 – 58301023
Bilingual Semi Private Specialist L.ulum

Part II. Present Perfect Tense

a. 1. She ___________________ (just, buy) a new house.
2. They __________________ (already, meet) us.
3. ______________ she _______________ (arrive) yet?
4. I ____________________ (write) a letter.
5. _________________ they _________________(sign) the project yet?
6. Nancy and Ricky ____________________ (study) since two years ago.
7. He____________________ (lend) me a new book.
8. My family and I _________________ (just, spend) a few days in a hotel.
9. We ___________________ (already, prepare) the dinner.
10. Jane __________________ (make) a cake since I came.

A second home for students to learn their second language & team to learn and grow with
Telp. 64711780 – 4513111 – 6610764 – 56957961 – 58301023
Bilingual Semi Private Specialist L.ulum

Mixed tenses

Part I. Mixed Tenses (SPT, PCT, FT, PPT)

1. She usually ____________ (get) up at six o’clock in the morning.
2. They _______________ (be) going to have their exam soon.
3. My father ____________ (be) a teacher. He ______________ (teach) us everyday.
4. We ____________________ (sleep) now.
5. We _________________ (give) you a present next year.
6. She ____________________ (sleep) for two hours since just now.
7. Our parents _________________ (punish) if we _______________ (lie) to them.
8. We _______________ (visit) our grandmother next week.
9. Michael always _________________ (help) me to do my homework.
10. _________ the car _____________ (arrive) yet?
11. He ____________________ (study) English every Saturday.
12. We ____________________ (buy) those books.
13. My father ____________________ (scold) me if I don’t reach home before ten
14. She ____________________ (give) me a present later.
15. The King ____________________ (not, give) us any order yet. Tell the soldiers to
be on stand by.
16. He ____________________ (be) going to give me a present on my birthday.
17. Don’t make a noise! The baby ____________________ (sleep) now.
18. ____________________Jack ___________ (send) you the letter yet?
19. I ____________________ (write) a letter to you later.
20. I ____________________ (not, go) to the picnic tomorrow if it rains.
21. ____________________ (be) your father hungry ?
22. Why are you____________________ (look) at me like that?
23. They ____________________just ____________________ (buy) a new car.
24. ____________________ you __________________(come) and meet me
tomorrow ?
25. Our teacher ____________________ (teach) us every day.
26. Michelle and I ____________________ (dance) now.

A second home for students to learn their second language & team to learn and grow with
Telp. 64711780 – 4513111 – 6610764 – 56957961 – 58301023
Bilingual Semi Private Specialist L.ulum

27. Jacky ____________________ (make) a cake for me next year.

28. Those students____________________ (prepare) this exam now.
29. I ____________________ (think) of you now.
30. Your mother ____________________ (be) a nurse.

Part II. Present Perfect Tense

b. 1. She ___________________ (just, buy) a new house.
11. They __________________ (already, meet) us.
12. ______________ she _______________ (arrive) yet?
13. I ____________________ (write) a letter.
14. _________________ they _________________(sign) the project yet?
15. Nancy and Ricky ____________________ (study) since two years ago.
16. He____________________ (lend) me a new book.
17. My family and I _________________ (just, spend) a few days in a hotel.
18. We ___________________ (already, prepare) the dinner.
19. Jane __________________ (make) a cake since I came.

Good Luck & God Bless You

A second home for students to learn their second language & team to learn and grow with
Telp. 64711780 – 4513111 – 6610764 – 56957961 – 58301023

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