Lesson 3 Fish Capture Lecture

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Fish Capture
Fish capture technology encompasses the process of catching any aquatic animal, using any kind of
fishing methods, often operated from a vessel.

-Capture fishery refers to all kinds of harvesting of naturally occurring living resources in both marine
and freshwater environments.

Fishing Gear
There are various fishing gears used in catching fish and other fish products and different methods of
construction and operation are involved. Some fisherman and their relatives practice the different ways
of constructing a gear to augment family income.

Types of Fishing Gear

Passive Gears
Characterized by the absence of gear movements.

Example: Gill net, long lines and traps and pot

Active Gears
A fishing device characterized by gears movement, and /or the pursuit of target species by towing, and
pushing the gears, surrounding, covering, dredging, pumping and scaring the target species to
impoundments such as not limited to, trawl, purse seine, Danish seine l, bag nets, pagaling, drift Gill net
and tuna longline.

Basic classification of Philippine Fishing Methods and Gears, and Safety Measures
1. Fishing Without gear - a method that is composed of the most simple forms of gathering
aquatic resources.

example: A.) Hand picking. B.) Diving

Stupefying methods – a method that depend on the psychological reaction of fish to certain physical or
chemical properties.
A. Mechanical stupefying
1. Hitting a fish directly with any object like stones, clubs, hammers etc.
2. Hitting a submerged stone with another where fish is hiding.
3. Using of dynamite detonated by blasting cap with short fuse.

B. Fish poisoning
1. Using toxic plants like Derris or Lagtang ( Tubli in Cebuanos) whose coffee-like berries are
toasted, crushed and pulverized and sprinkled into the water as bait.
Using chemical like Rotenone, Endrin, Cyanide, Burnt lime, Copper-vitriol etc.
Using deoxygenation of the water by stirring up the mud in shallow regions.
C. Electrical fishing
- is a technique used by fish biologist to collect fish in freshwater, streams, rivers and lakes. This
tools uses an electric field , emitted from a pulser, to temporarily stunned the fish.

2. Fishing using miscalleneous hand or grappling instrument generally used for gathering
sessile or trapped animals ( panikwat )
English Names: Local Names:
1. Shovels - Pala
2. Tongs - Sipit
3. Gafts - Gantso
4. Hoes - panghukay
5. Picks - patik, poko
6. Scrappers - pangayod
7. Spades. - Pangdukal

8. Grabs - Pandakut
9. Rakers - Kapangpangan- kalaskas, Tagalog bikol- Kalaykay
Tagalog-lawiswis,pangahig, ilongo-palunpat, iloko- Tako, sagad, bikol-saliwsiw
10. Tweezers - Pambunot
11. Dredges - pangahig
12. Scoops - tagalog- panalok, birthday, iloko-parwas, tagaban,
Kapangpangan- sagudsod, Sebu- sihud, Bisaya-sngya
13. Pokers - Pangsundot
14. Clamps - Pang-ipit
15. Snares -. Tagalog- panilo, Bukidnon-panghilot, Aklan-hikog

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