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Should animals be kept in zoos?

From the first animal to live on earth to the last animal to

step on earth, animals are an important recourse of
energy and food to supply and keep humans alive, even
so, should animals be kept in zoos and captivity? Or be
left in the wilderness?
Children can learn about animals in a entreating
educational way; Which encourages them to learn more
about science bring families together, rescue animals from
poachers, rescue endangered animals against extinction in
captivity examples of rescued endangered animals giant
pandas, brown pandas, Arabian Oryx and blue whale.
However, if animals are kept in zoos and captivity’s they
aren’t free to live as they wish in the wilderness, Zoo
animals can have health issues that wouldn’t happen in
the wild, we can find out about animals in their own
natural habitat without putting them in enclosures, zoo
owners and keepers could be focused on profit instead of
the animals.
Zoos provide information for humanity to expand their
knowledge about animal science, even so, for other
humans opinions they think that zoos aren’t good or
helpful for the animals it’s just torture, zoos are important
and keeping animals in the wild is important too, humans
should quit on cancelling zoos and balance things out.

Made by: mahmod yaish

Teacher: miss summer Khalid

 Note, I wrote this alone I didn’t use any websites

information I used all the information I know about
zoos, thanks for reading.
 This essay is 249 nine words without the notes I had

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