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Lingayen Campus

College of Teacher Education

Technical-Vocational Livelihood Education

1st Semester, SY 2023-2024



The class from the 3rd year BTVTED, FSM Major was given a task by their instructor to have
a group activity on how to organize a zero-waste dining event within the academic institution to
raise awareness about sustainability and responsible consumption in the food service industry.


Outstanding Satisfactory Fair Poor Score

CRITERIA (4) (3) (2) (1) Points
Demonstrates a Shows a good Demonstrates Uses few
comprehensive understanding a basic sustainable
Sustainability understanding of of sustainability understanding practices in
Knowledge sustainability principles in the of event planning.
principles in the food service sustainability
food service industry. principles.
Event plan is well- Event plan is Event plan is Event plan is
organized and adequately somewhat disorganized
covers all organized and organized but and lacks
Event-Planning necessary details. covers most may lack some essential
necessary necessary details.
details. details.
Demonstrates Shows good Demonstrates Shows limited
outstanding collaboration acceptable collaboration
Group collaboration and and effective collaboration and teamwork
Collaboration effective teamwork and teamwork among group
teamwork among among group among group members.
group members. members. members.
Participants are Participants areParticipants are Participants are
highly engaged, engaged, and somewhat disengaged,
and the event the event has a engaged, and and the event
Execution of leaves a positive impact the event has a has little impact
the Event significant impact on raising modest impact on raising
on raising awareness. on raising awareness.
awareness. awareness.
Delivers a Delivers a good Delivers an Delivers a poor
Presentation compelling and presentation average presentation
and engaging with clear presentation with unclear
Communication presentation with communication. with and ineffective
clear, persuasive communication communication.
communication. that needs
Holistic Rubric for Organizing a Zero-Waste Dining Event

SCORE Description

The performance demonstrates an exceptional understanding of

sustainability and responsible consumption principles. Group
collaboration is outstanding, and all members contribute actively
20 and cohesively. The presentation and communication are
compelling and engaging, effectively conveying the importance of
sustainability and responsible consumption. The event leaves a
significant impact on raising awareness, and participants are
highly engaged.

15 The performance displays a strong understanding of

sustainability and responsible consumption principles. Group
collaboration is good, with most members actively contributing
and working together well. The presentation and communication
are clear and effective in conveying the importance of
sustainability and responsible consumption. The event has a
positive impact on raising awareness, and participants are

10 The performance demonstrates an adequate understanding of

sustainability and responsible consumption principles. Group
collaboration is acceptable, with members contributing to some
extent. The presentation and communication are average and
convey the importance of sustainability and responsible
consumption to some degree. The event has a modest impact on
raising awareness, and participants are somewhat engaged.

5 The performance reflects limited understanding of sustainability

and responsible consumption principles. Group collaboration is
minimal, with few contributions from group members. The
presentation and communication are poor and do not effectively
convey the importance of sustainability and responsible
consumption. The event has little impact on raising awareness,
and participants are disengaged.

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