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1. Introduction

Dear respondent, I am a graduate student in the department of General business


Rada college . Currently, I am undertaking a research entitled „DETERMINANTES OF

DEBRE BERHAN TOWN‟ and you are one of the respondents selected to participate on this
study. Please assist me in giving correct and complete information to present a representative
finding on the current status of the factors affecting the growth/performance of Micro and
Small scale enterprises in Debre Berhan Town. I confirm that the information you provide is
totally sought for academic purposes and shall be kept strictly confidential. Thank you in
advance for your kind cooperation and dedicating your time.


Zebene Mulatu

Phone Number 0911033276

Part one: personal status

1. State your gender below:


2. what is your age?

Under 20 36-50
20-35 above 50

3. Indicate your educational qualification below:

Read and write


High school complete Degree and above


4. Marital status?



5. How many years work experience do you have in running this business?

0-5 11-20

6-10 above 20

Part Two: Status of the enterprise

1. In which level is your business operating?

Micro small

2. In which sector your business is operating?


Wood and Metal Work

Urban agriculture

Agro industry sector

Textile sector

3. Indicate the number of employees working in your business?

0-5 above


4. From which source you raised funds to start up your business?

Personal saving NGOs Micro finance institutions

Family Iqub Banks

Others (specify)…………………….

5. How much is your working capital?

0 – 100000 above

100001 – 1.5 million

6. Do you think there is satisfactory growth in capital in your enterprise?

Yes No

7. If your answer for question 6 is No, why? Please explain?

8. Do you think the local market for the product/service is satisfactory?

Yes No

9. If your answer for question 5 is No, why? Please explain?

Factors that determine the performance of MSEs

The major factors that determine the performance of MSEs are listed below. Please indicate
the degree to which these factors are affecting the performance/growth of your business
enterprise. After you read each of the factors, evaluate them in relation to your business and
then put a tick mark (√) under the choices below. Where, 5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 =
undecided, 2 = disagree and 1= strongly disagree.

1. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning Management and expertise skills factors.

No. Management and expertise skill 5 4 3 2 1

1.1 There is clear division of duties and responsibilities
among employees
1.2 There is effective organization and communication
1.3 There is well trained and experienced employees
1.4 There is low cost and accessible training facilities
1.5 There is practices of strategic planning
2. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning Educational factors.
No. Education factor 5 4 3 2 1
2.1 Employees and leaders have specialized education
on the business
2.2 Leaders are well educated to lead the business
2.3 Employees are well educated to perform their duties

2.4 Employment is based on educational background

3. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning Marketing skills factors.
No. Marketing skills 5 4 3 2 1
3.1 There is adequate market for the product
3.2 Searching new market is not so difficult
3.3 There is practice of demand forecasting
3.4 Market information is available
3.5 There I s relationship between an organization that
conduct marketing research to market information

3.6 My enterprise promote products to attract potential


4. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning government support.
No. Government factors 5 4 3 2 1
4.1 There is no bureaucracy in the company
registration and licensing
4.2 There is strong government support in providing
land, loan and training
4.3 Government policies and regulations are suitable
for doing business
4.5 Absence of cooperate practices in facilitating
4.6 There is entrepreneurship training
4.7 Government provides information to exploit
business opportunities

5. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning financial resources factors.
No. Financial factors 5 4 3 2 1

5.1 There is easy access to working capital

5.2 There is cash management skills
5.3 There is easy access to capital expand investment
5.4 Interest rates charged by banks and other lending
institutions are reasonable
5.5 Loan application procedures of banks and other
lending institutions are not complicated

6. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning Entrepreneur factors.
No. Entrepreneur factors 5 4 3 2 1
6.1 Entrepreneur are motivated
6.2 The Entrepreneur works hard
6.3 The Entrepreneur is persistent and courageous to
take responsibility for ones failure
6.4 The Entrepreneur has the initiative to assess ones
strengths and weakness
7. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning infrastructural factors.
No. Infrastructural factors 5 4 3 2 1
7.1 There is no power interruptions
7.2 There is sufficient and uninterrupted water supply
7.3 There is business development services
7.4 There is sufficient and quick transportation service
7.5 There is appropriate dry waste and sewerage

8. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning technology factors.
No. Technological factors 5 4 3 2 1
8.1 There is access to appropriate machinery and
8.2 There is adequate skills to handle new technology
8.3 Access to money to acquire new technology
8.4 There is skill to select proper technology

9. Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements
concerning with performance.
No Performance 5 4 3 2 1
9.1 There is growth in annual profit
9.2 The is growth in capital
9.3 There is growth in sales volume
9.4 There is growth in employments
9.5 There is growth in production volume

THnk You!!!

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