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Basic Lean Tools & Techniques

1. Lean 5S

5S principles entail organisations to achieve a more stable and organised system. An organised
workplace paves the way for a safer, efficient and productive environment. 5S prioritises efficacy and
effectiveness within the workplace. The principles of 5S, 'Sort', 'Set in Order', 'Shine', 'Standardise', and
'Sustain' systematically accomplish total organisational cleanliness and standardisation.

2. Just in Time (JIT)

Just-in-time is an on-demand manufacturing system that allows manufacturers to go into production

only after the customer has requested a product. Instead of creating large quantities together, products
are manufactured based on actual demand. This will reduce unnecessary inventory cost and ensure that
companies spend only on the produced stock.
3. Jidoka

In simple terms, Jidoka is automation with a human touch. Implementing the Jidoka concept allows
anyone in the organisation to stop the workflow as soon as they notice a problem that affects the
product's quality. Once the problem is solved, root-cause analysis is done to prevent their recurrence.
Jidoka protects the company from delivering products of low quality or defects to customers.

4. Kaizen

Kaizen's ultimate goal is to eliminate waste and redundancies in lean manufacturing, by improving
standardised programmes and processes. Kaizen acts as an essential pillar of an organisation's long-term
competitive strategy. Kaizen is a systematic approach for business improvement that creates a culture of
continuous improvement.

5. Kanban

Kanban is a production system that uses cards to represent different stages of production. Kanban
provides a visual demonstration of the ongoing process and ensures there is no interruption in the flow.
The objective of Kanban is to produce according to customer demand and identify possible material
shortages within the production line.

6. Gemba

In Lean manufacturing, Gemba refers to "the place where value is created," such as the shop floor in
manufacturing. Gemba is one of the five Lean guiding principles that Lean leaders should practise daily.
Gemba walks maintain lean practices and drives improvement within the organisation. Gemba will
analyse your existing strategies and gives suggestions for overall development.

7. Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri is a seven-step process used for strategic planning, where strategic goals are
communicated throughout the organisation and then put into action. This method helps eliminate waste
that comes due to poor communication and inconsistent direction within the organisation. The goal is to
get everyone aligned and to work toward the same strategic goals.

8. TPM

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a lean tool focused on maintaining and improving manufacturing
machinery, by preventing machine downtime within the production process. TPM limits downtime as
much as possible to increase production efficiency. The main aim is to continually improve overall
equipment effectiveness (OEE), without hindering manufacturing or production processes.

9. Visual Management

Visual management is a vital tool in the world of Lean and can be seen as the link between the data and
the people. Visual management will enable organisations to identify problems, reduce waste, reduce
production costs, shorten lead times, reduce inventory, create a safe working environment and even
increase profits. It provides clarity at a glance. Visual management provides an overview of the entire
process and helps in taking and implementing corrective measures.

By implementing Lean Tools, you get the opportunity to eliminate waste, save money, and grow your
business. The ultimate aim is to develop processes that work toward continued success. Lean tools
create an environment of continuous improvement, which will align with the organisation's long-term
strategic goals. Not just the implementation, but a regular assessment is needed to ensure the
effectiveness of these tools. A faultless lean culture is a result of implementing and continuously
monitoring these lean tools and techniques.

The Big 5 (+1) Lean Tools - Lean Methods casually explained

The Big 5 (+1) Lean Tools - Lean Methods casually explained

The Big Five Lean Tools
• Lean tools are ways to control processes and increase efficiency in lean systems.
• Five key lean tools have been established in the last 30 years of lean production.
• The big five lean tools are 5S, TPM, SFM, problem-solving, and VSM.
"Lean tools are ways to control processes and increase efficiency in lean systems."

• 5S is a method that helps make shopfloor activities leaner.
• It was developed in Japan to support just-in-time manufacturing.
• 5S stands for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.
• It helps minimize waste and maximize efficiency by managing the working environment, keeping
it clean, tidy, and structured.
"5S is a method that helps make shopfloor activities leaner."

• TPM stands for Total Productive Management.
• It is a lean manufacturing philosophy that aims to achieve near-perfect production.
• TPM focuses on eliminating breakdowns, small stops, slow running defects, and accidents.
• It is applied to technical equipment and emphasizes maintaining machines and devices regularly
to achieve long-term reliability.
"TPM is a lean manufacturing philosophy that aims to achieve near-perfect production."

• SFM stands for Shop Floor Management.
• It is a way of developing and managing shop floor operations with a special focus on employees.
• SFM aims to establish a continuous improvement culture and improve cooperation between
shop floor employees and company management.
• It helps manage employees, processes, and manufacture products efficiently.
"SFM is a way of developing and managing shop floor operations with a special focus on employees."
• Problem-solving is a crucial element of lean management and the lean mindset.
• The way problems are solved affects the efficiency of production.
• It is important to establish a problem-solving culture where employees feel responsible and
motivated to identify and solve problems.
• It is used to find quick solutions to breakdowns or defects.
"The way problems are solved affects the efficiency of production."

• VSM stands for Value Stream Mapping.
• It involves visualizing a value stream process within the company.
• The aim is to identify and eliminate activities that do not add value to design a more efficient
company process.
• It helps design an efficient production flow, including raw material data and information.
"VSM involves visualizing a value stream process within the company."

PDCA Management Method

• The PDCA management method is used to implement and establish the five big lean tools.
• It is an iterative method for the continuous improvement of processes.
• The method consists of four steps: Plan, Do, Check, and Act.
• Each lean tool is dealt with separately in the "Plan" step, followed by the visualization and
documentation of implemented measures in the "Do" step.
• The "Check" step evaluates the measures, and the "Act" step reflects, learns, and adjusts based
on the outcomes.
"The PDCA management method is used to implement and establish the five big lean tools."

Note: Glossary keywords have been used throughout the notes to improve the auto captions: Lean
management, methods, thinking principles, production systems, sustainable, video, five, common, lean.

Lean Manufacturing Video Introduction.wmv

Introduction to Lean Manufacturing
• Lean manufacturing is often called the Toyota Production system because it was created by the
founder of Toyota industries.
"Lean manufacturing is often called the Production system because it was by the founder of Toyota."

Definition of Lean
Lean manufacturing is about producing value a product or service with inventory, effort, equipment, and
total costs, in order to maximize profit while delivering a high-quality product when and in the quantity
needed by the customer.

"Lean manufacturing is about producing value in a product or service with less of everything, in order to
maximize profit while delivering a product of the highest quality when the customer needs it and in the
quantity needed."
Main Goal of Lean Manufacturing
• The main goal of lean manufacturing is continuous improvement, with everyone involved in the
"Lean manufacturing is really about getting everyone involved with the main goal of continuous

Three Pillars of Lean Manufacturing

• Lean manufacturing is based on three pillars: just-in-time production, building quality, and
respect for people.
"Lean manufacturing is based on three pillars: just-in-time production, building quality, and respect for

Terms Associated with Lean Manufacturing

• Hand is a method of signaling quality or process problem.
• Automation is the practice of stopping production when a defect is produced.
• Kaizen refers to continuous improvement.
• Kanban is a type of inventory production system.
• Poka-Yoke is error-proofing.
• SMED stands for Single Minute Exchange of Die.
• 5S is a housekeeping methodology for organizing and managing the workplace.
"Some of the terms associated with lean manufacturing are hand on a method of signaling quality or
process problem, automation which is stopping production when a defect is produced, Kaizen which has
continuous improvement, Kanban is a type of inventory production system, Poka-Yoke is error proofing,
SMED is a single-minute exchange of dye, and 5S which is a housekeeping methodology for organizing
and managing the workplace."

Website for More Information

• For a complete list of terms and definitions associated with lean manufacturing, visit the
Advanced Industrial Equipment website at
"You can find the complete list of terms and definitions associated with lean manufacturing on our
website at"

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