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Sta. Cruz, Cogon, Balingasag 9005 Misamis Oriental Tel.No.

(088)333-5011;Fax (088) 333-3054;
A.Y. 2022-2023

Subject Area: English 8 Grade: 8

Quarter: 2nd Unit Number: 1
Period of Time: 7:30-8:30 am Date: Nov. 6, 2023

Content Standard:

The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the
prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance Standard:

The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending
texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-dependent
expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in
various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

Learning Competency:

Listen for important points signalled by volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and
rate of speech. (EN7LC-I-d-5.1)

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
 Analyze various texts by proficiently applying skimming and scanning
techniques to extract main ideas, key details, and relevant information;
 Share their increased self-confidence in reading by actively participating in
class discussions; and
 Apply the learned skimming and scanning techniques with precision when
reading a selected text.


Topic : Reading Techniques
Relevance : Allow learners to apply and appreciate the reading techniques
Materials : Cartolina, chalk, and manila paper, Laptop, PPT
Reference : English of the New Generation 8, pages 40,84
Values Integration: Mindfulness
Exercises sensitivity in every word being pronounced.
 Review
 The teacher will review or ask their last lesson.
 Motivation
 The teacher will show some reading materials such as magazine or article
and ask them to read faster.
 Lesson Proper
 Reading Techniques - Reading techniques are approaches to reading that you can
employ to become a better and more accomplished reader. The techniques will help
you read faster, understand what you read better, and remember what you read
There are two types of reading techniques;
1. Skimming – is to move lightly and quickly over a text to get its
substance or main idea. Skimming is a speed reading technique used
whenever we need to get the entire text’s main idea. When you skim a text,
you are not after the details or examples given, but rather, you are looking at
what the whole text is all about. Skimming is especially helpful whenever
we need to read long texts in a short period of time.
How to Skim?
1. Read the TITLE – short summary of content
2. Read the first sentence of each paragraph
3. Read last sentence of each paragraph
4. Read subheadings
5. (main idea of most paragraphs appears in first sentence

2. Scanning - is a quick glance to examine in detail. It demands a quick

answer to specific questions. Scanning is another speed reading technique that is
useful for readers. When we can, we read a text quickly to search for specific
information or answer a particular question. When scanning, we disregard the other
details in the text and its main idea, which is not part of our goal.
How to Scan?
1. Always keep in mind what you are searching for.
2. Anticipate what form the information is likely to appear
(numbers, names, etc.).
3. Scan several lines of print at a time.
4. When you find it, read entire sentence.
5. You must skip over large section of text without actually

1. Activity
Instruct students to start with the skimming portion of the activity
 Ask them to skim the headlines, subheadings, and images to get a
general idea of the news story topics.

2. Analysis
The difference between Skimming & Scanning
Skimming means to read something at a comparatively faster rate without
going into an in-depth reading, so as to have an idea of what the work is all
about. On the contrary, scanning implies a reading technique in which one
takes a quick look of the document, so as to find the specific information
contained in the written material.

3. Application
 Instruct students to find and read the specific articles they marked
during the skimming phase using scanning technique.

 Generalization
 Why is it important for us to know how to use the skimming and scanning
 Does skimming and scanning helpful in reading?


½ crosswise

 Copy and answer. Write the correct answer on space provided.

______1. What are the two types of reading techniques?

a. Skimming and Scanning
b. Reading and Writing
______2. is to move lightly and quickly over a text to get its substance or main idea.
a. Skimming
b. Scanning
______3. is a quick glance to examine in detail. It demands a quick answer to specific
a. Skimming
b. Scanning
______4. When is skimming in reading useful?

a. Whenever we need to read long texts in a short period of time.

b. I don’t know
______5. When is scanning in reading useful?
a. When we can, we read a text quickly to search for specific information or
answer a particular question.
b. I don’t know



1. a

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. a

1 whole

 Writing an essay using “Narrative style of writing.”

1. My first day in school.

Prepared by:

Student Teacher
Checked by:



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