2105074642TD Inglês 18.05

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TD de Revisão Parcial de Inglês – 2ª Etapa

Turma: 4º ano Turno: Professora: Lana Data: 18 / 05 /

Aluno (a): Nº:

1. Complete the sentences with (can or can’t.) Then match.

1 She __________________ skateboard well.

2 He __________________ roller-skate.
3 She _________________ jump rope.
4 He _________________ play tennis well.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2. Read the text and write : CAN or CAN’T

Harold: Hey, David! Do you play soccer?

David: Well, I can play basketball well, but I can play soccer
too. Why?
Harold: The soccer team needs a new player for the match on
the weekend. Jonathan is traveling with his family.
Carol: Hey! What about me? I’m a really good soccer player.
Harold: But… you’re a girl. You can’t play.
David: Uh… Yeah, I agree.
Carol: Oh, please… I can play better than both of you!
David: Haha.
Carol: OK, then. Robert, the captain of the other team, says
they need an extra player too. See you next weekend!
1- David ____________________ play soccer and basketball.

2- Carol says she ____________________ play soccer.

3- David and Harold think Carol ____________________ play soccer.

4- Robert knows that Carol ____________________ play soccer.

3. Answer in the affirmative (✓ ) or negative (x) form.

1 Can the man dance? (✓)


2 Can she sing? (x)


3 Can he roller-skate? (x)


4. Complete with the verbs.

1 2

3 4

a) ( ) He can _______________ baseball.

b) ( ) She can ______________ a bike.
c) ( ) She can ______________ rope.
d) ( ) They can ______________ the guitar.

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